Regimental Sword - Major Richard (Dick) Rollitt Cottingham CD
Major Richard (Dick) Rollit Cottingham CD was born in Calgary, Alberta in about 1921. He enlisted in The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery in Vancouver, B.C. in 1942 at the age of 19. He volunteered to go overseas during World War II, served with the 81st Field Regiment, RCA as it was being renamed to 3rd Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery and served in Korea with the Regiment in 1953; Major Cottingham took part in one of the early United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) peacekeeping tours in Lebanon and served as the Aide de Camp to the Lieutenant-Governor of Saskatchewan. He retired as a Major in 1966 and passed away on 4 Aug 2004 at the age of 81.
Donated by the family of Major Cottingham. "Based on the 1822 Light Cavalry pattern, this sword features a slightly curved and spear-pointed carbon steel blade. The hilt is a half-basket in nickel-plated steel with three fluted bars and a grip in black fish-skin bound with silver-plated copper wire. The pommel is a stepped design." Pooley Swords
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