Regimental Sword - Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Douglas Elsdon GM CD
Lieutenant-Colonel Elsdon was born in Nelson, BC on 14 February 1920. He was taken on strength with the Canadian Active Service Force during the Second World War and served as a Lieutenant with the 2nd Canadian Field Regiment, RCA, CASF. in Italy and North-West Europe. He was awarded the George Medal for gallantry on 6 October 1945 when he saved military and civilian personnel from a significant fire that had started with captured enemy munitions. He served with the 43rd Medium Anti-Aircraft Regiment RCA and then Commanding Officer 15th Field Regiment RCA from 1962 to 1965. Lieutenant-Colonel Elsdon was President of the Royal Canadian Artillery Association in 1968.
Donated by Captain Richard J. Van Slyke, MMM, CD. Serial #89223. It is an Artillery Officers' Sword, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second. Designated as the Commanding officer's Sword. Etched Lt Col W.D. Elsdon, GM, CD. "Based on the 1822 Light Cavalry pattern, this sword features a slightly curved and spear-pointed carbon steel blade. The hilt is a half-basket in nickel-plated steel with three fluted bars and a grip in black fish-skin bound with silver-plated copper wire. The pommel is a stepped design." Pooley Swords
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