18 Pounder - Vancouver, BC
The 15th Field Artillery Regiment RCA based in Vancouver, British Columbia maintains an 18Pounder, Mk. II Field Gun upgraded with pneumatic tires, Reg. No. 9121. This gun is a presentation piece that was used by the Royal Artillery and presented to the Canadian Army in 1945. It was mounted in Wainwright in August 1981 by One Troop, 9 Para Squadron during Exercise Pond Jump West III.
Front, side and rear view - 18 Pounder No 9121 is in good shape. The gun appears to be intact with little rust.
Cypher, stamps and other markings - The barrel is stamped with King George V cypher (1910 - 1936). the numbers close to the breech (8-2-18) represent the weight of the barrel (hundredweight-quarters-pounds) which would be equivalent to 970 lbs. The following stampings are yet to be determined: WBC 18 II, C871, RMC Arty Dept Kingston, 1933, DAO 10 27, WB&Co 1918.
Wheels - Pneumatic 7.50 x 24 8 ply, very poor condition. split rim, solid wheel hub, inner tube
Gun Stores - None