15th Field Artillery Regiment
The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
as at 21 March 2024
31st Field Battery, RCA
68th Field Battery, RCA
Band of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
31st Field Battery, RCA
68th Field Battery, RCA
Band of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Key Appointments
Unit Training Assistant: Warrant Officer George M Dempsey
31 Battery
Battery Commander (BC): Captain Kent A Wickens CD
31 Battery
Battery Commander (BC): Captain Kent A Wickens CD
Back Row - Sgt Rick Tennant CD, Sgt Jason Street CD, MBdr Adam Coleman, Sgt Conrad Skuce, Sgt Graig Halpin CD , Sgt Ian Smith CD
Third Row - 7, Sgt Stephan Oulette, 9, 10, 11, 12, Bdr Roy Mckenzie, Cpl Aaron Sutherland, Cpl Wayne Lysholm, 16, Bdr Barry Macleod CD, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Second Row - WO Joe Shortt CD, 32, 33, 34, Capt Ryan Brekke, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, MBdr Anthony Gee CD, 49, Bdr Dan Taylor, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, Bdr Martinez CD, 59, 60, 61, 62, Capt Nick Watts CD, Capt Don Lamb CD, Sgt Ken Chiu CD, Lt George Lenis CD, Sgt Donato Calogero CD.
Front Row - Capt Doug PGayton CD, Capt Richard Van Slyke MMM CD, Capt Noel Dykes CD, MWO Kevin Walker CD, BGen(ret) W.T. (Bill) Wickett CD, HLCol Peter Vueger, HCol John Brownlee-Baker CD, LCol Dan Kuhn CD, MWO Robert G Wishnicki CD, Maj James Barrett CD, Col Leon Jensen OMM CD, Maj (ret) Victor Stevenson CD, Capt Pierre Lajoie CD, Maj Brent Purcell CD, MWO George Dempsey CD
Third Row - 7, Sgt Stephan Oulette, 9, 10, 11, 12, Bdr Roy Mckenzie, Cpl Aaron Sutherland, Cpl Wayne Lysholm, 16, Bdr Barry Macleod CD, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Second Row - WO Joe Shortt CD, 32, 33, 34, Capt Ryan Brekke, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, MBdr Anthony Gee CD, 49, Bdr Dan Taylor, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, Bdr Martinez CD, 59, 60, 61, 62, Capt Nick Watts CD, Capt Don Lamb CD, Sgt Ken Chiu CD, Lt George Lenis CD, Sgt Donato Calogero CD.
Front Row - Capt Doug PGayton CD, Capt Richard Van Slyke MMM CD, Capt Noel Dykes CD, MWO Kevin Walker CD, BGen(ret) W.T. (Bill) Wickett CD, HLCol Peter Vueger, HCol John Brownlee-Baker CD, LCol Dan Kuhn CD, MWO Robert G Wishnicki CD, Maj James Barrett CD, Col Leon Jensen OMM CD, Maj (ret) Victor Stevenson CD, Capt Pierre Lajoie CD, Maj Brent Purcell CD, MWO George Dempsey CD
Master Warrant Officer George M Dempsey appointed Battery Sergeant Major 31 Battery
Master Warrant Officer George M Dempsey appointed Battery Sergeant Major 31 Battery
NATO Operational CIMIC Course
Capt Richard Van Slyke
NATO Operational CIMIC Course
Capt Richard Van Slyke
Order of Military Merit
Founded on July 1, 1972, the Order of Military Merit recognizes distinctive merit and exceptional service displayed by the men and women of the Canadian Forces, both Regular and Reserve. Many have demonstrated dedication and devotion beyond the call of duty, and the Order honours them for their commitment to Canada. Colonel Leon Jensen OMM CD invested as an Officer of the Order of Military Merit. See more... |
Canadian Forces' Decoration (CD)
The Canadian Forces' Decoration is awarded to officers and Non-Commissioned Members of the Canadian Forces who have completed twelve years of service. The decoration is awarded to all ranks, who have a good record of conduct.The decoration is awarded to the regular forces, reserve forces, officers of the Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC), Canadian Rangers and holders of honorary appointments in the CF. In Dec 2005 Captain Noel RR Dykes, CD and Corporal Joseph C. Gauthier, CD were presented their second bar to the Canadian Forces Decoration. See more... |
Most Proficient Detachment Commander of the Year
The BC Ex Artillery Sergeants Association provided this trophy for the Regiment to recognize their most proficient detachment commander for the year. This trophy is awarded annually by the firing battery’s leadership to the detachment commander that displayed the greatest overall proficiency throughout the year. This year’s winner was Sergeant Rick Tennant. |
The Gunner Douglas Corsor Jr. Memorial Trophy
This trophy was created by his close friends in the Regiment, Gunner Noel RR Dykes, Gunner Joseph C. Gauthier, Gunner R. Gerard, Gunner H. Harsch and Gunner V. Hughes after his untimely death in a vehicle accident the previous year. It is presented to the Gunner that most exemplifies the best characteristics of being a Gunner. This year’s award is presented to Gunner AR Valiquette. |

Most Efficient Recruit 15th Field Regiment RCA
This award is presented to the most efficient recruit from the start of the training period in September of the previous year. This year’s winner of the trophy is Private (Recruit) R Bligh.
This award is presented to the most efficient recruit from the start of the training period in September of the previous year. This year’s winner of the trophy is Private (Recruit) R Bligh.
New Members
Warrant Officer George M Dempsey component transfers to Primary Reserve.
Major James D Barrett, CD transfers from 39 Canadian Brigade Headquarters as Second-in-Command 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.
Warrant Officer George M Dempsey component transfers to Primary Reserve.
Major James D Barrett, CD transfers from 39 Canadian Brigade Headquarters as Second-in-Command 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.
Warrant Officers' & Sergeants' Aide Memoire 2005
The Regimental Sergeant Major, Master Warrant Officer Rob Wishnicki issues a Warrant Officers' & Sergeants' Aide Memoire. |
Remembrance Day – 11 November 2005
The wettest Remembrance Day for quite some time.
Salute Troop Commander -
Salute Troop TSM -
See more...
The wettest Remembrance Day for quite some time.
Salute Troop Commander -
Salute Troop TSM -
See more...
Ex Cougar Salvo 2005
The 15th Field Artillery Regiment RCA formed a composite unit with 5th (BC) Field Artillery Regiment RCA and deployed to Kamloops, BC to take part in 39 Canadian Brigade Group Ex Cougar Salvo 2005. The weather proved a bit of a challenge with snow falling during part of the exercise. See more...
The 15th Field Artillery Regiment RCA formed a composite unit with 5th (BC) Field Artillery Regiment RCA and deployed to Kamloops, BC to take part in 39 Canadian Brigade Group Ex Cougar Salvo 2005. The weather proved a bit of a challenge with snow falling during part of the exercise. See more...
Funeral of Ernest Alvia "Smokey" Smith VC, CM, OBC, CD (3 May 1914 – 3 August 2005)
"Smokey" Smith was given a full military funeral in Vancouver on 12 August 2005. Smokey was the last living Canadian Victoria Cross recipient which brought considerable attention to the funeral. The photo shows two of the Honorary Pallbearers, the Chief of Defence Staff General Rick Hillier, CMM, MSC, CD and the Commander Land Staff Lieutenant-General Marc Caron, CMM, MSM, CD. 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA provided the Field Artillery Tractor (FAT), 25 Pounder funeral gun and limber. Bombardier Barry MacLeod drove the FAT with Warrant Officer Joe Shortt, CD in the Detachment Commander seat and Captain Douglas P. Gayton, CD in the backseat constantly liaising with the CDS and CLS. See more...
"Smokey" Smith was given a full military funeral in Vancouver on 12 August 2005. Smokey was the last living Canadian Victoria Cross recipient which brought considerable attention to the funeral. The photo shows two of the Honorary Pallbearers, the Chief of Defence Staff General Rick Hillier, CMM, MSC, CD and the Commander Land Staff Lieutenant-General Marc Caron, CMM, MSM, CD. 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA provided the Field Artillery Tractor (FAT), 25 Pounder funeral gun and limber. Bombardier Barry MacLeod drove the FAT with Warrant Officer Joe Shortt, CD in the Detachment Commander seat and Captain Douglas P. Gayton, CD in the backseat constantly liaising with the CDS and CLS. See more...
Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay For The Kids
Where else but at the Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay For The Kids can you stay up all night, run around in circles with your friends and still feel good the next day? Volunteers from the Regiment joined with the other participating teams to raise a total of raising $1.37 million, helped send over 900 children with disabilities to one of the three specialized camps; Shawnigan, Winfield and Squamish, for a six-day summer camping adventure. Well done!!
Back row; Chief Warrant Officer Rob Wishnicki, 2, Kathy Holt, Alex Wishnicki, Taylor Worrall, Bombardier Andrew Dyke, Lieutenant Evans, Master Bombardier Goran Kurtagic, Master Bombardier Adam Coleman, Bombardier Tym Spruston, Bdr Dave Sylka, 12, Bombardier Lyle Erickson, 14,, Shelley Beyak, Terry Cox.
Front Row – Stephanie Holt, Sergeant Brian Holt, Sergeant Natalie Pritchard, 21, 22, Mrs Spruston, Bombardier Roy Mckenzie. See more...
Where else but at the Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay For The Kids can you stay up all night, run around in circles with your friends and still feel good the next day? Volunteers from the Regiment joined with the other participating teams to raise a total of raising $1.37 million, helped send over 900 children with disabilities to one of the three specialized camps; Shawnigan, Winfield and Squamish, for a six-day summer camping adventure. Well done!!
Back row; Chief Warrant Officer Rob Wishnicki, 2, Kathy Holt, Alex Wishnicki, Taylor Worrall, Bombardier Andrew Dyke, Lieutenant Evans, Master Bombardier Goran Kurtagic, Master Bombardier Adam Coleman, Bombardier Tym Spruston, Bdr Dave Sylka, 12, Bombardier Lyle Erickson, 14,, Shelley Beyak, Terry Cox.
Front Row – Stephanie Holt, Sergeant Brian Holt, Sergeant Natalie Pritchard, 21, 22, Mrs Spruston, Bombardier Roy Mckenzie. See more...
Members Extra-Regimentally Employed
Members in other units
Colonel Leon Jensen OMM CD Project Director Land Force Reserve Restructure, Ottawa, ON.
Master Warrant Officer Colin V Norris CD, Headquarters Sergeant Major at Land Force Western Area Headquarters Edmonton, AB.
Former Members now in Regular Force
Major Lee Hammond posted DGSP National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa, ON.
Major Dennis Rintjema Land Force Doctrine and Training System Kingston, ON.
Captain Rob J Bower Canadian Forces Joint Headquarters, Kingston, ON.
Captain Noel RR Dykes CD posted to 39 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters as G3 Operations.
Captain Glen R Hamilton-Brown Laurentian University, Sault Ste Marie, ON.
Captain Randy L Sedgwick PPCLI Battle School, Wainwright, AB.
Master Warrant Officer Paul A Stewart 2nd Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, Petawawa, ON.
Master Bombardier PG Dolomont promoted Sergeant 1st Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, Shilo MB.
Members in other units
Colonel Leon Jensen OMM CD Project Director Land Force Reserve Restructure, Ottawa, ON.
Master Warrant Officer Colin V Norris CD, Headquarters Sergeant Major at Land Force Western Area Headquarters Edmonton, AB.
Former Members now in Regular Force
Major Lee Hammond posted DGSP National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa, ON.
Major Dennis Rintjema Land Force Doctrine and Training System Kingston, ON.
Captain Rob J Bower Canadian Forces Joint Headquarters, Kingston, ON.
Captain Noel RR Dykes CD posted to 39 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters as G3 Operations.
Captain Glen R Hamilton-Brown Laurentian University, Sault Ste Marie, ON.
Captain Randy L Sedgwick PPCLI Battle School, Wainwright, AB.
Master Warrant Officer Paul A Stewart 2nd Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, Petawawa, ON.
Master Bombardier PG Dolomont promoted Sergeant 1st Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, Shilo MB.
Officers’ Mess
Saint Barbara’s Day Special Dining In
Who was there? Rear Rank- OCdt John Girardi, Lt Andrew Grieve, Ryan Brekke, Lt George Lenis CD, Lt Chad Evans, Capt Don Lamb CD, Capt Pierre Lajoie CD, Capt Dave Vernon, 2Lt Robert Helina, Lt Conway Hui, Capt Richard Van Slyke MMM CD, Capt Doug Gayton CD Front Rank – Maj Brent Purcell CD, Maj James Barrett CD, HLCol Peter Veuger, LCol Daniel Kuhn CD, HCol John Brownlee-Baker CD, Maj Kent Wickens CD See more...
Who was there? Rear Rank- OCdt John Girardi, Lt Andrew Grieve, Ryan Brekke, Lt George Lenis CD, Lt Chad Evans, Capt Don Lamb CD, Capt Pierre Lajoie CD, Capt Dave Vernon, 2Lt Robert Helina, Lt Conway Hui, Capt Richard Van Slyke MMM CD, Capt Doug Gayton CD Front Rank – Maj Brent Purcell CD, Maj James Barrett CD, HLCol Peter Veuger, LCol Daniel Kuhn CD, HCol John Brownlee-Baker CD, Maj Kent Wickens CD See more...
Warrant Officers' and Sergeants' Mess
The Brigadier DuMoulin Trophy
This trophy is awarded to the most efficient member of the Sergeants’ Mess as determined by the displayed rating system. It is awarded at the Warrant Officers' and Sergeants’ Mess Annual Mess Dinner for their activities in the previous year. The winner for her service in 2004 is Sergeant Andrea M Bond. |
Junior Ranks Mess
Members of the 15th Field Artillery regiment Junior Ranks Mess participated in the 39 CBG Ball held at the Royal Westminster Regiment Armoury.
15th Field Artillery Regiment Museum & Archives
The Regimental Museum is the keeper of the history of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA and its many predecessors. The guns and equipment that the museum maintains is essential for keeping that history alive and it is done with countless hours of volunteer labour. These photographs show Lieutenant-Colonel (ret) Vic Stevenson, CD, (past Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel), Captain (ret) Keith Brown (late of 13 Field Regiment, RCA, a D-Day FOO), and Major (ret) John Thomas Redmond (late of 1st Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery).
![]() Lieutenant Colonel Barrie Hamilton CD
Church and community worker Barrie Hamilton, 73, of St. David's, Tsawwassen, active in diocesan, church and community affairs, died February 26 in Delta. He was the husband of Diocesan Council member Phoebe Hamilton. Born in Vancouver, he engaged in a military career from which he retired as a Lt. Colonel. In British Columbia he worked for the CP and PGE railways and with West Fraser Timber as a transportation specialist. See more... |
![]() Major Robert John Patterson Foulis CD
Passed away September 23, 2005 travelling in France with his beloved wife, Barbara. Bob was born in Quesnel, BC on May 18th, 1938 and was predeceased by his parents, Bob and Louise Foulis. Bob and Barbara were married for 30 wonderful years. Bob is survived by his wife Barbara, sister-in-law Roslyn Hoad, brothers-in-law Larry Hoad and Mike Lane, sister Cheryl (George) Leukefeld, niece Lisa (David) Pick, niece Monika Leukefeld, nephew Darren (Helen) Leukefeld, brother Fergie Foulis, niece Laura (Greg) Reaney, niece Katharine (Kevin) Creery, nephew Matthew (Laurie) Foulis, sister Allyson Foulis, sister Bernice Foulis and nephew Justin Foulis, 2 great-nephews Carter and Kashden and great-niece Rozina. See more... |
![]() Major Thomas Desmond Eckford
With heavy hearts we would like to announce that Thomas Desmond Eckford slipped from this world peacefully on the morning of April 18, 2005. Born October 20th, 1915 in Eckville, Alberta. During World War II he served in the 43rd and 75th Regiments and following the war in the 15th Field Artillery (Militia) retiring with the rank of Major. He was a veteran who was decorated for his actions in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. In 1995 he returned to Holland for the 50th Anniversary of the liberation of Holland. See more... |
Lists - The following pages contain information relating to the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Honours and Awards
Commanding Officers and Regimental Sergeants Major
Battery Commanders and Battery Sergeants Major
Band Appointments
Nominal Roll
Guns of the Regiment
Memorial Page
Honours and Awards
Commanding Officers and Regimental Sergeants Major
Battery Commanders and Battery Sergeants Major
Band Appointments
Nominal Roll
Guns of the Regiment
Memorial Page