15th Field Artillery Regiment
The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
as at 21 March 2024
31st Field Battery, RCA
68th Field Battery, RCA
Band of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
31st Field Battery, RCA
68th Field Battery, RCA
Band of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Key Appointments
Commanding Officer - Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Grieve CD
Regimental Sergeant Major - Chief Warrant Officer Heath Porritt CD
Honorary Colonel - Honorary Colonel Al DeGenova
Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel - Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Don Foster
Second in Command - Major Alex Haussman CD
Commanding Officer - Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Grieve CD
Regimental Sergeant Major - Chief Warrant Officer Heath Porritt CD
Honorary Colonel - Honorary Colonel Al DeGenova
Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel - Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Don Foster
Second in Command - Major Alex Haussman CD
Change of Command Parade
Lieutenant-Colonel Nick Watts, CD handed over command of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA to Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Grieve, CD on 27 May 2023. Check out the photos here.
Lieutenant-Colonel Nick Watts, CD handed over command of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA to Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Grieve, CD on 27 May 2023. Check out the photos here.

Congratulations to one of our former members. Master Bombardier Stephan Figueroa has been promoted Sergeant at 20th Independant Field Battery in Lethbridge, Alta.
Soldier's Appreciation Dinner
On 9 December, 2023 members of 15th Field Regiment, RCA gathered at Bessborough Armoury for the annual Soldier's Appreciation Dinner. After Dinner, members of the Regiment were promoted and several awards were handed out. Congratulations to the following members on their promotions: Bombardier Blacklock, Bombardier Jarvinen, Master Bombardier Langan, Sergeant Grasdal, Sergeant Han and Warrant Sumpton! Check out all the photos here!
On 9 December, 2023 members of 15th Field Regiment, RCA gathered at Bessborough Armoury for the annual Soldier's Appreciation Dinner. After Dinner, members of the Regiment were promoted and several awards were handed out. Congratulations to the following members on their promotions: Bombardier Blacklock, Bombardier Jarvinen, Master Bombardier Langan, Sergeant Grasdal, Sergeant Han and Warrant Sumpton! Check out all the photos here!
Depart with Dignity - Captain Kevin Edward Walker CD
Former Regimental Sergeant Major Walker was honoured with a Depart with Dignity event at the Bessborough Armoury on 23 September 2023. Check out the other photos here.
Former Regimental Sergeant Major Walker was honoured with a Depart with Dignity event at the Bessborough Armoury on 23 September 2023. Check out the other photos here.
Remembrance Day Salute
The guns were back at Hallelujah Point in Stanley Park for the 21 gun salute to commemorate the fallen. Some of our retired Gunners were in the Aldergrove parade. Check out more photos here.
The guns were back at Hallelujah Point in Stanley Park for the 21 gun salute to commemorate the fallen. Some of our retired Gunners were in the Aldergrove parade. Check out more photos here.
Vokes Range
The unit conducted a C7 PWT3 Range as part of the annual training for individual soldiering, at the General Vokes Range, in Chilliwack, 28 October 2023.
The unit conducted a C7 PWT3 Range as part of the annual training for individual soldiering, at the General Vokes Range, in Chilliwack, 28 October 2023.
Christmas Turkey Shoot
The annual turkey shoot has been re-started by Sergeant Donato Calogero for the first time since 2007. The plan is to allow the unit members to fire on every Wednesday night in November leading to our Annual Soldier's Christmas Dinner where the winner of both the trophy target and random shot target are awarded a frozen turkey - all in the spirit of Christmas.
The random shot target has a secret overlay for scoring and the trophy target winner gets a name plate put on the trophy for the year. Sergeant Jayson Wong displays his excellent grouping. Check out some more photos here.
The annual turkey shoot has been re-started by Sergeant Donato Calogero for the first time since 2007. The plan is to allow the unit members to fire on every Wednesday night in November leading to our Annual Soldier's Christmas Dinner where the winner of both the trophy target and random shot target are awarded a frozen turkey - all in the spirit of Christmas.
The random shot target has a secret overlay for scoring and the trophy target winner gets a name plate put on the trophy for the year. Sergeant Jayson Wong displays his excellent grouping. Check out some more photos here.
The Colonel Geoffrey Brooks Memorial Essay Competition
Congratulations to Lieutenant Leiland Lloyd for winning top prize with his submission to the Colonel Geoffrey Brooks Memorial Essay Competition. You can download his article, Towed Artillery in the Modern Battle Space from The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery website rca-arc.org
Congratulations to Lieutenant Leiland Lloyd for winning top prize with his submission to the Colonel Geoffrey Brooks Memorial Essay Competition. You can download his article, Towed Artillery in the Modern Battle Space from The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery website rca-arc.org
Walk for Veterans
Major (ret'd) Ian Newby passed along some photos of the event held at Mills Lake in Abbotsford. Check out the other photos here.
Major (ret'd) Ian Newby passed along some photos of the event held at Mills Lake in Abbotsford. Check out the other photos here.
Canada Day
The Regiment sent two guns to fire the Canada Day 21 Gun salute at Deadman's Island. Unfortunately, there were no spectators allowed again this year. The Vancouver Police Department provided an escort for the guns and returned to Bessborough Armoury where they dined with the Gunners. In addition, several former Gunners participated in the Aldergrove festivities. Check out the additional photos here.
The Regiment sent two guns to fire the Canada Day 21 Gun salute at Deadman's Island. Unfortunately, there were no spectators allowed again this year. The Vancouver Police Department provided an escort for the guns and returned to Bessborough Armoury where they dined with the Gunners. In addition, several former Gunners participated in the Aldergrove festivities. Check out the additional photos here.
Command Post Technician Course CP-Tech Mod 1 Course 0103
On 21 June, 2023, 12 Gunners from across 3rd Canadian Division Completed their CP-Tech Course Mod 1 at Bessborough Armoury. This course begins to train Gunners with the necessary skills to return to their home units and fill positions as Command Post Technicians in their Batteries. As the graduation was held on National Indigenous People's Day, the Gunners wore orange shirts under their tunics in recognition. |
Exercise Claymore Steel
Soldiers from 15th Field and 5th (BC) Field Regiments participated in Exercise Claymore Steel during March. The Gunners worked well together demonstrating their technical and tactical abilities in the field. The weather was good and the shooting was excellent. Over 900 Rounds expended. Check out the other photos here.
Soldiers from 15th Field and 5th (BC) Field Regiments participated in Exercise Claymore Steel during March. The Gunners worked well together demonstrating their technical and tactical abilities in the field. The weather was good and the shooting was excellent. Over 900 Rounds expended. Check out the other photos here.
Band Practice
Practice night at the Colonel Hoffmeister Building.
Practice night at the Colonel Hoffmeister Building.
38th Canadian Brigade Group was tasked with standing up OP PALACI for the 2022-2023 winter season. The augmentation for the op involved Gunners from across Canada. Three Members of 15th Field were on Roto 2 - Troop Commander - Lieutenant Lloyd; Detachment Commander - Master Bombardier Massicotte ; and Detachment Member - Bombardier Mishchenko. Photos were taken during visit of Brigade Commanders from the three reserve western brigades. See more photos here.
38th Canadian Brigade Group was tasked with standing up OP PALACI for the 2022-2023 winter season. The augmentation for the op involved Gunners from across Canada. Three Members of 15th Field were on Roto 2 - Troop Commander - Lieutenant Lloyd; Detachment Commander - Master Bombardier Massicotte ; and Detachment Member - Bombardier Mishchenko. Photos were taken during visit of Brigade Commanders from the three reserve western brigades. See more photos here.
Artillery Communications Course
Several members of 15th Field Artillery Regiment were students on the course run by 5th Field Artillery Regiment at Bay Street Armoury in Victoria. From 15th Field: Bdr Alikhani, Bdr LaHaye.....
Several members of 15th Field Artillery Regiment were students on the course run by 5th Field Artillery Regiment at Bay Street Armoury in Victoria. From 15th Field: Bdr Alikhani, Bdr LaHaye.....
Regimental Birthday
On 2 February 2023, 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA celebrated its 103 year anniversary! The night before, members of the Regiment gathered to celebrate with an overview of the Regiment's history and concluded with a barbecue provided by the Regiment's Honorary Colonels with music from the 15th Field Regiment Band. Other anniversary dates to remember in the future include:
31st Field Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, CEF - 1 April 1912 - 111 years old in 2023
5th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery, CEF - 16 June 1916 - 107 years old in 2023
68th Depot Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, CEF - 15 Jul 1916 - 107 years old in 2023
68th Field Battery, 16th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, NREF - August 1918 - 105 years old in 2023
On 2 February 2023, 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA celebrated its 103 year anniversary! The night before, members of the Regiment gathered to celebrate with an overview of the Regiment's history and concluded with a barbecue provided by the Regiment's Honorary Colonels with music from the 15th Field Regiment Band. Other anniversary dates to remember in the future include:
31st Field Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, CEF - 1 April 1912 - 111 years old in 2023
5th Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery, CEF - 16 June 1916 - 107 years old in 2023
68th Depot Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, CEF - 15 Jul 1916 - 107 years old in 2023
68th Field Battery, 16th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, NREF - August 1918 - 105 years old in 2023
Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Don Foster
HLCol Foster was featured in a recent 39CBG Facebook post.
Meet Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel (HLCol.) Donald Foster from the 15th Field Artillery Regiment. HLCol. Foster is a Senior Investment Advisor with BMO Nesbitt Burns.
HLCol. Foster has been actively involved in several initiatives that have preserved both Veterans’ and military heritage. He was responsible for launching the Juno Beach Centre Legacy of Honour Veteran Video program to tell the story of Canadians at war and to preserve their legacy for future generations. Some of his initiatives to date have been assisting with the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the 100th anniversary of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, Veterans Affairs Canada Veteran poster unveilings and local historian book launches.
HLCol. Foster initiated and guided the historical research required to locate a "missing in action" World War 2 Canadian Scottish Regiment soldier, Private Ernest David Harrison. The research ultimately resulted in the creation of the Private Ernest David Harrison Monument in Leuth, Netherlands. The monument is dedicated to Pte. Ernest David Harrison’s memory and provides a formal marker for his final resting place.
HLCol. Foster’s notable contributions to Veterans’ well-being include coordinating information sessions regarding the Canadian Defence Community Banking Program, hosting 39 Brigade members and their families to movie nights, hockey games and mess dinners.
1. Who inspires you?
All volunteers especially our members of the Canadian Armed Forces, both past and present. Their "can do" attitude is inspiring.
2. When you were approached to be an Honorary Colonel, what were the reasons that made you want to accept the position?
I have several family members that have served and are currently serving with the Canadian Armed Forces. I welcomed the opportunity to learn more about what my family members experienced. I have been fortunate to have been surrounded by Veterans my entire life and they have set a high standard for character and leadership. Getting to wear the same 3rd Division patch as my D Day Veteran father is a proud connection for me.
3. How did you imagine military life before you joined? How did your perceptions change after?
Prior to joining, I understood that there is a significant tradition and honour in the role, but the responsibility of the role became real when I started wearing the Canadian Armed Forces uniform.
Once I joined the Regiment, I gained an appreciation for Reserve Force members time management requirements managing family, work and military responsibilities.
4. Are there any similarities between the civilian and military roles you have held?
I have experienced the same “can do” attitude among volunteers in both civilian and military roles. I believe that determined attitude represents the best of our Canadian values.
5. What would you like to accomplish as the Honorary Colonel for your unit?
I look forward to continuing to support the 15th Field Regiment military family with community liaison, maintaining traditions and being actively involved in promoting the wellbeing of past and present members.
6. Do you have advice for Canadians interested in joining the military?
I have been impressed with the training and opportunities available to members of our Canadian Armed Forces. I encourage them to contact a recruiter to explore all the options.
7. If members of your unit have career questions for you, where should they send them?
Our recruiters have specialized knowledge of military careers and I am confident their advice will be both timely and thorough. If they are looking for external career advice our Honorary Colonel network is an excellent group of individuals that are fully committed to assisting our members.
8. What have you learned from your CAF experience so far that you would like our members to know?
I would like our members to know that the Canadian public is tremendously supportive of our Canadian Armed Force members. As an example, I reached out to a local hockey team administration to discuss the opportunity to secure a few hockey tickets for CAF members working during the 2021 floods in the Lower Mainland. The response was “bring them all”. We have a volunteer force that is well trained and extremely capable. It has been a great honour to serve as an honorary lieutenant-colonel.
HLCol Foster was featured in a recent 39CBG Facebook post.
Meet Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel (HLCol.) Donald Foster from the 15th Field Artillery Regiment. HLCol. Foster is a Senior Investment Advisor with BMO Nesbitt Burns.
HLCol. Foster has been actively involved in several initiatives that have preserved both Veterans’ and military heritage. He was responsible for launching the Juno Beach Centre Legacy of Honour Veteran Video program to tell the story of Canadians at war and to preserve their legacy for future generations. Some of his initiatives to date have been assisting with the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the 100th anniversary of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, Veterans Affairs Canada Veteran poster unveilings and local historian book launches.
HLCol. Foster initiated and guided the historical research required to locate a "missing in action" World War 2 Canadian Scottish Regiment soldier, Private Ernest David Harrison. The research ultimately resulted in the creation of the Private Ernest David Harrison Monument in Leuth, Netherlands. The monument is dedicated to Pte. Ernest David Harrison’s memory and provides a formal marker for his final resting place.
HLCol. Foster’s notable contributions to Veterans’ well-being include coordinating information sessions regarding the Canadian Defence Community Banking Program, hosting 39 Brigade members and their families to movie nights, hockey games and mess dinners.
1. Who inspires you?
All volunteers especially our members of the Canadian Armed Forces, both past and present. Their "can do" attitude is inspiring.
2. When you were approached to be an Honorary Colonel, what were the reasons that made you want to accept the position?
I have several family members that have served and are currently serving with the Canadian Armed Forces. I welcomed the opportunity to learn more about what my family members experienced. I have been fortunate to have been surrounded by Veterans my entire life and they have set a high standard for character and leadership. Getting to wear the same 3rd Division patch as my D Day Veteran father is a proud connection for me.
3. How did you imagine military life before you joined? How did your perceptions change after?
Prior to joining, I understood that there is a significant tradition and honour in the role, but the responsibility of the role became real when I started wearing the Canadian Armed Forces uniform.
Once I joined the Regiment, I gained an appreciation for Reserve Force members time management requirements managing family, work and military responsibilities.
4. Are there any similarities between the civilian and military roles you have held?
I have experienced the same “can do” attitude among volunteers in both civilian and military roles. I believe that determined attitude represents the best of our Canadian values.
5. What would you like to accomplish as the Honorary Colonel for your unit?
I look forward to continuing to support the 15th Field Regiment military family with community liaison, maintaining traditions and being actively involved in promoting the wellbeing of past and present members.
6. Do you have advice for Canadians interested in joining the military?
I have been impressed with the training and opportunities available to members of our Canadian Armed Forces. I encourage them to contact a recruiter to explore all the options.
7. If members of your unit have career questions for you, where should they send them?
Our recruiters have specialized knowledge of military careers and I am confident their advice will be both timely and thorough. If they are looking for external career advice our Honorary Colonel network is an excellent group of individuals that are fully committed to assisting our members.
8. What have you learned from your CAF experience so far that you would like our members to know?
I would like our members to know that the Canadian public is tremendously supportive of our Canadian Armed Force members. As an example, I reached out to a local hockey team administration to discuss the opportunity to secure a few hockey tickets for CAF members working during the 2021 floods in the Lower Mainland. The response was “bring them all”. We have a volunteer force that is well trained and extremely capable. It has been a great honour to serve as an honorary lieutenant-colonel.
The Army Tactical Basic Mounted Communicator (ATBMC) course
The course is designed to teach non-signal trades, like infantry and artillery, how to use their units’ in-house communication equipment. 39 Signal Regiment coached infanteers and gunners on battlefield communications for the first time at the Nanaimo Military Camp (NMC). Bombardier Lee Empey and Units taking advantage of the communications training along with 15th Field Artillery Regiment included Vancouver Island-based regiments 5th (British Columbia) Field Artillery Regiment and the Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary’s).
The course is designed to teach non-signal trades, like infantry and artillery, how to use their units’ in-house communication equipment. 39 Signal Regiment coached infanteers and gunners on battlefield communications for the first time at the Nanaimo Military Camp (NMC). Bombardier Lee Empey and Units taking advantage of the communications training along with 15th Field Artillery Regiment included Vancouver Island-based regiments 5th (British Columbia) Field Artillery Regiment and the Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary’s).
LUSAR Training - Arctic Eagle
Check out the video! fb.watch/ixiKvqc1Qn/
Check out the video! fb.watch/ixiKvqc1Qn/
LUSAR Training - Ex Rubble Gunner
From 29 May to 2 June, 2023, members of 15th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery participated in Ex RUBBLE GUNNER at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Check out the photos and story here.
From 29 May to 2 June, 2023, members of 15th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery participated in Ex RUBBLE GUNNER at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Check out the photos and story here.
HMCS Winnipeg
The brigade honoraries enjoyed a tour of HMCS Winnipeg at CFB Esquimalt provided by Commander Annick Fortin and her command team.
The brigade honoraries enjoyed a tour of HMCS Winnipeg at CFB Esquimalt provided by Commander Annick Fortin and her command team.
Vimy Commemoration 8 Apr 2023
For the first time since Vimy Day in 2019 (due to the pandemic restrictions on public activities), a very memorable parade was held at Mountain View Cemetery, CWG Section, to mark the 106th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Former Commanding Officer Jim Barrett was the MC with Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Don Foster, and former Honorary Colonel Bill Rodgers in attendance. 15th Field Artillery Regiment perpetuates 31 Field Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, CEF and No. 5 Canadian Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery, CEF which participated in the battle.
For the first time since Vimy Day in 2019 (due to the pandemic restrictions on public activities), a very memorable parade was held at Mountain View Cemetery, CWG Section, to mark the 106th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Former Commanding Officer Jim Barrett was the MC with Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Don Foster, and former Honorary Colonel Bill Rodgers in attendance. 15th Field Artillery Regiment perpetuates 31 Field Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, CEF and No. 5 Canadian Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery, CEF which participated in the battle.
Former Unit Members
Lieutenant-Colonel Ian C Watt, CD, a former member of 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA and 116th Independant Field Battery, RCA is promoted to his present rank and appointed Commanding Officer 5th (BC) Field Regiment, RCA Apr 2023.
Officers' Mess

Commanding Officer's Tea
Another very successful Tea was held in the Officers' Mess. Congratulations to the organizers who had to overcome an unscheduled power outage in the Armoury that lasted throughout the event. Mind you, the candles adde to the ambience of the Mess!
Another very successful Tea was held in the Officers' Mess. Congratulations to the organizers who had to overcome an unscheduled power outage in the Armoury that lasted throughout the event. Mind you, the candles adde to the ambience of the Mess!
Saint Barbara's Special Guest Night - 2 December 2023
Another successful Saint Barbara's Special Guest Night was held at the Bessborough Armoury. Special guests included the Colonel Commandant, Brigadier-General (ret'd) Dave Patterson and the 39 CBG Commander Cololnel Scott Raesler. Check out the other photos here.
Another successful Saint Barbara's Special Guest Night was held at the Bessborough Armoury. Special guests included the Colonel Commandant, Brigadier-General (ret'd) Dave Patterson and the 39 CBG Commander Cololnel Scott Raesler. Check out the other photos here.
Thursday Lunch - 9 November 2023
Lunch with an Operations Reassurance and Unifier Information brief from Lieutenant-Colonel Jesse van Eijk and Major Jurgen Miranda afterwards.
Lunch with an Operations Reassurance and Unifier Information brief from Lieutenant-Colonel Jesse van Eijk and Major Jurgen Miranda afterwards.
Wednesday Lunch - 18 May 2023
Royal United Services Institute, Vancouver held another fine lunch at the Officers’ Mess. Organized by Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Don Foster, the lunch was part of the RUSI Speakers Series and featured Roddy Mackenzie, author of “Bomber Command, Churchill’s Greatest Triumph”
Royal United Services Institute, Vancouver held another fine lunch at the Officers’ Mess. Organized by Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Don Foster, the lunch was part of the RUSI Speakers Series and featured Roddy Mackenzie, author of “Bomber Command, Churchill’s Greatest Triumph”
Wednesday Lunch - 5 April 2023
Honourary Lieutenant-Colonel Don Foster organized another exceptional lunch in the Officers' Mess. The Guest Speaker was Commander Bryan Price and the occasion was used to extend a farewll thank you to Mrs Lum for her many years of catering the Officers' Mess. Eleven Commanding Officers! Mrs Lum worked with Bob Healey
and his wife, catering the Officer’s Mess lunches after the Maskovic’s retired in 1988. Mrs. Lum took over all Mess function catering from 1990 to 2020, when COVID shut everything down. A remarkable achievement and a much appreciated contribution to the 15th Field Artillery Regimental family. See more photos here.
Honourary Lieutenant-Colonel Don Foster organized another exceptional lunch in the Officers' Mess. The Guest Speaker was Commander Bryan Price and the occasion was used to extend a farewll thank you to Mrs Lum for her many years of catering the Officers' Mess. Eleven Commanding Officers! Mrs Lum worked with Bob Healey
and his wife, catering the Officer’s Mess lunches after the Maskovic’s retired in 1988. Mrs. Lum took over all Mess function catering from 1990 to 2020, when COVID shut everything down. A remarkable achievement and a much appreciated contribution to the 15th Field Artillery Regimental family. See more photos here.
RUSI Vancouver Presentation – 18 January 2023
The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Vancouver held it’s first event since the start of the pandemic. A catered lunch started at noon, followed by a presentation at 1330hrs. RUSI President, Keith Maxwell, provided a presentation on the history of NORAD including plans for a major upgrade of NORAD's sensors, communications and weapons systems to maintain its capabilities for another generation. Lunch consisted of Roast Beef (Sirloin Tip), mashed potatoes (with gravy), mixed carrots and peppers with a small selection of desserts for $25.00 and the bar was open as usual. Lunch was restricted to 30 attendees and all seats were quickly sold.
The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Vancouver held it’s first event since the start of the pandemic. A catered lunch started at noon, followed by a presentation at 1330hrs. RUSI President, Keith Maxwell, provided a presentation on the history of NORAD including plans for a major upgrade of NORAD's sensors, communications and weapons systems to maintain its capabilities for another generation. Lunch consisted of Roast Beef (Sirloin Tip), mashed potatoes (with gravy), mixed carrots and peppers with a small selection of desserts for $25.00 and the bar was open as usual. Lunch was restricted to 30 attendees and all seats were quickly sold.
Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess

New Year's Levee and Breakfast
Hope your holidays have been festive and safe.
After an absence of two years, because of COVID-19, the Warrant Officers and Sergeants New Year's Breakfast was re-started last year and we're hoping to have one this New Year's morning! The breakfast has been ongoing and now in its seventh decade starting in the early 1960s - a history is attached. This year, we are happy to welcome and include two new members to this custom - Sergeant Anders Grasdal and Sergeant Jason Han.
A formal invitation for the Breakfast and Levee is attached. Along with serving members and associates, spouses and partners are most welcome to attend.
The Breakfast is at 0800 hours for 0830 hours at Frankie's Italian Kitchen and Bar located at 765 Beatty Street in Vancouver. Frankie is not a relative of mine. The dress is DEU with ribbons and shoes and although challenging to get up on this holiday, I would encourage every member to attend at least one breakfast in their career. The Levee is back in the Warrant Officers and Sergeants' Mess at 1030 hours. Please pass this on to anyone I may have missed.
Please find below the photograph from last year's Breakfast with all those who attended.
Have a safe, healthy and happy NEW YEAR
Donato Calogero (Calocero)
Hope your holidays have been festive and safe.
After an absence of two years, because of COVID-19, the Warrant Officers and Sergeants New Year's Breakfast was re-started last year and we're hoping to have one this New Year's morning! The breakfast has been ongoing and now in its seventh decade starting in the early 1960s - a history is attached. This year, we are happy to welcome and include two new members to this custom - Sergeant Anders Grasdal and Sergeant Jason Han.
A formal invitation for the Breakfast and Levee is attached. Along with serving members and associates, spouses and partners are most welcome to attend.
The Breakfast is at 0800 hours for 0830 hours at Frankie's Italian Kitchen and Bar located at 765 Beatty Street in Vancouver. Frankie is not a relative of mine. The dress is DEU with ribbons and shoes and although challenging to get up on this holiday, I would encourage every member to attend at least one breakfast in their career. The Levee is back in the Warrant Officers and Sergeants' Mess at 1030 hours. Please pass this on to anyone I may have missed.
Please find below the photograph from last year's Breakfast with all those who attended.
Have a safe, healthy and happy NEW YEAR
Donato Calogero (Calocero)

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Brass Cannons - BFG
The BFG has returned! Actually its twin has returned! The museum has recently been gifted the twin of the BFG which was destroyed on 1 Jul 1974. Check out the complete story here.
The BFG has returned! Actually its twin has returned! The museum has recently been gifted the twin of the BFG which was destroyed on 1 Jul 1974. Check out the complete story here.
The Mess brought back their Annual Dinner after a lengthy hiatus due to COVID. The dinner marked the dining out of CWO Rob Garrett, WO Goran Kurtagic, Sgt Dave Scott and Sgt Adam Coleman. A great meal was enjoyed by all in the Officer's Mess after the pre-dinner reception in the Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess. Great to see some past members present including Al Yelland, Richard Van Slyke, Tony Gee, Clay Harmon, Darwin Harmon and Darren Kostinuk. See more photos here.
The Royal Canadian Artillery Association Annual General Meeting
The Royal Canadian Artillery Association held their Annual General Meeting in Ottawa, our nation's capital. The following 15th Field Artillery Regiment individuals were present. Major-General (ret'd) Stu McDonald CMM CD and Lieutenant-Colonel (ret'd) Leon Jensen OMM CD attended in person while Honorary Colonel Don Foster, Captain (ret'd) Doug Gayton MMM CD and Master Warrant Officer (Master Gunner) Colin Norris CD attended online. Did you know that all serving members of 15th Field Artillery Regiment are members of the RCAA? You simply need to go online www.rca-arc.org to register. Did you know that all members of the Vancouver Artillery Association are also members of the RCAA? They simply needed to register for the AGM and they could have attended the updates from the Colonel Commandant, Director RCA and Regimental Colonel.
Durig the AGM LCol Jensen was voted in as Association President and MWO Colin Norris was voted in as a Board Director. Check out the photos here.
The Royal Canadian Artillery Association held their Annual General Meeting in Ottawa, our nation's capital. The following 15th Field Artillery Regiment individuals were present. Major-General (ret'd) Stu McDonald CMM CD and Lieutenant-Colonel (ret'd) Leon Jensen OMM CD attended in person while Honorary Colonel Don Foster, Captain (ret'd) Doug Gayton MMM CD and Master Warrant Officer (Master Gunner) Colin Norris CD attended online. Did you know that all serving members of 15th Field Artillery Regiment are members of the RCAA? You simply need to go online www.rca-arc.org to register. Did you know that all members of the Vancouver Artillery Association are also members of the RCAA? They simply needed to register for the AGM and they could have attended the updates from the Colonel Commandant, Director RCA and Regimental Colonel.
Durig the AGM LCol Jensen was voted in as Association President and MWO Colin Norris was voted in as a Board Director. Check out the photos here.
15th Field Artillery Regiment Museum and Archives
Point Grey Battery
Colin Stevens, the curator for the 39 Service Battalion museum sent along some updated photos from the Point Grey Battery. The seismic work continues at the Museum of Anthropology with some work taking place in the vicinity of the #1 gun emplacement. There does not appear to have been any harm done to the gun emplacement. See more photos here.
Colin Stevens, the curator for the 39 Service Battalion museum sent along some updated photos from the Point Grey Battery. The seismic work continues at the Museum of Anthropology with some work taking place in the vicinity of the #1 gun emplacement. There does not appear to have been any harm done to the gun emplacement. See more photos here.
Point Grey Battery Clean Up 21 September 2023
Big Shout Out to Harry Moon for coming into Vancouver to give Leon Jensen a hand with a fall cleaning of the Point Grey Battery. Thanks to Stu McDonald's work on the key for the Gun Stores Room, access was super easy and the room was quickly unclutterd. The stovepipe cover in the Crew Shelter has done a great job of keeping out the rain and the old stove was repositioned underneath. Windows were all unshuttered and the hinges oiled. Harry did a great job on the moss and the application of bleach is already doing what was expected of it. All the free ammo lockers were opened, brushed out and oiled.
It looks like we should go back at the end of November for another touch up and schedule a major clean up in the Spring. Tasks to be done:
- Several ammo lockers have broken hinges that need to be removed and rewelded;
- Lots of black paint touch up required;
- Ammo lockers need to be vacuumed;
- Several large cracks in the cement need to be caulked;
- 4 x battery operated ceiling lights would be of great value.
- Several panes of glass need to be installed, we have the panes, just need the putty;
- QR codes need to be installed; and
- Additional moss to be scraped.
Any one interested in dressing up in Battle Dress during Remembrance Day week and manning the fort? Volunteers to email me with times that you are available [email protected]
Big Shout Out to Harry Moon for coming into Vancouver to give Leon Jensen a hand with a fall cleaning of the Point Grey Battery. Thanks to Stu McDonald's work on the key for the Gun Stores Room, access was super easy and the room was quickly unclutterd. The stovepipe cover in the Crew Shelter has done a great job of keeping out the rain and the old stove was repositioned underneath. Windows were all unshuttered and the hinges oiled. Harry did a great job on the moss and the application of bleach is already doing what was expected of it. All the free ammo lockers were opened, brushed out and oiled.
It looks like we should go back at the end of November for another touch up and schedule a major clean up in the Spring. Tasks to be done:
- Several ammo lockers have broken hinges that need to be removed and rewelded;
- Lots of black paint touch up required;
- Ammo lockers need to be vacuumed;
- Several large cracks in the cement need to be caulked;
- 4 x battery operated ceiling lights would be of great value.
- Several panes of glass need to be installed, we have the panes, just need the putty;
- QR codes need to be installed; and
- Additional moss to be scraped.
Any one interested in dressing up in Battle Dress during Remembrance Day week and manning the fort? Volunteers to email me with times that you are available [email protected]

Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers
Major (Ret'd) Peter Moogk CD was presented with the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers by the Minister of Fisheries, The Honourable Joyce Murray, at a brief ceremony in the WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess held prior to the RUSI luncheon.
Major (Ret'd) Peter Moogk CD was presented with the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers by the Minister of Fisheries, The Honourable Joyce Murray, at a brief ceremony in the WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess held prior to the RUSI luncheon.
Museum Vehicle Maintenance Day
The FAT is cleared for running. It was a little reluctant to start but adding fresh gas should solve that. The ¾ ton requires a bit more work. It did start briefly and then refused all further efforts to start again. Many thanks to Doug Loney, Andrew McRae, Sean Black, Cameron Black and Harry Moon. |
Vancouver Artillery Association
Royal Canadian Navy at Yorke Island
The Association President has received a nice letter from the RCN outlining that a Seabed Intervention System team aboard the HMCS Edmonton conducted a side scan survey in the Yorke Island area. Although the survey results were less than optimal, the team did find evidence of a suspected wreck site in the area where Gunner Brunt's skiff had sunk. They may be back in the spring of 2024. One of the 85VICS caught HMCS Edmonton while it was ocked at Campbell River.
The Association President has received a nice letter from the RCN outlining that a Seabed Intervention System team aboard the HMCS Edmonton conducted a side scan survey in the Yorke Island area. Although the survey results were less than optimal, the team did find evidence of a suspected wreck site in the area where Gunner Brunt's skiff had sunk. They may be back in the spring of 2024. One of the 85VICS caught HMCS Edmonton while it was ocked at Campbell River.

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Officers' Mess Autumn Clean up Night - Fri 8 Sep 2023
A very succesful evening that saw a small team dust and wipe down all the furniture, clean the main floor area plus the bar and kitchen floor. The team also cleaned the bar including wiping down the main bar fridge. The kitchen area was also decluttered. Only one batch of dishes were washed as the industrial dishwasher was not operable. A big shout out to Carrie, Catherine, Doug and Tony for stepping up to the task.
The Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess was pleased to find the Officers' Mess so clean as they used it on Saturday night for their Annual Dinner.
A very succesful evening that saw a small team dust and wipe down all the furniture, clean the main floor area plus the bar and kitchen floor. The team also cleaned the bar including wiping down the main bar fridge. The kitchen area was also decluttered. Only one batch of dishes were washed as the industrial dishwasher was not operable. A big shout out to Carrie, Catherine, Doug and Tony for stepping up to the task.
The Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess was pleased to find the Officers' Mess so clean as they used it on Saturday night for their Annual Dinner.
Yorke Island 21-26 Aug 2023
Great trip to Yorke Island with a 4 day excursion for 3 volunteers digging dirt out of the Master Gunner's Residence and a 1 day visit by another 8 85Vics and their guests. Check out the rest of the photos and story here.
Great trip to Yorke Island with a 4 day excursion for 3 volunteers digging dirt out of the Master Gunner's Residence and a 1 day visit by another 8 85Vics and their guests. Check out the rest of the photos and story here.
68 Bty 30'ish Year Campout Reunion
May 26 at 4 PM – May 28 at 12 PM
Harrison West - Camp Cove Campgrove
Anne Nikodem (former Bombardier Anne Edwards) and Terry Stratton (former Bombardier Terry Stratton) organized a great 30th year reunion for the 68 Valley Battery Gunners. Check out the rest of the story here.
May 26 at 4 PM – May 28 at 12 PM
Harrison West - Camp Cove Campgrove
Anne Nikodem (former Bombardier Anne Edwards) and Terry Stratton (former Bombardier Terry Stratton) organized a great 30th year reunion for the 68 Valley Battery Gunners. Check out the rest of the story here.
Yorke Island
A bit of a poor weather start to the weekend that included ferry cancellations, strong waves coming across the strait and snow past Campbell River. However, the sun did come out on Sunday and Monday morning. Check out the photos here.
A bit of a poor weather start to the weekend that included ferry cancellations, strong waves coming across the strait and snow past Campbell River. However, the sun did come out on Sunday and Monday morning. Check out the photos here.
RCA Shilo Reunion
Great event at CFB Shilo with many Gunner participants from across Canada. 15th Field connections include Colin Norris, Rick Reimer, Jim Ingram, your webmaster Leon Jensen and the RCAA Public Affairs Director Catherine Gagnon. Made some great connections. See more photos here.
Great event at CFB Shilo with many Gunner participants from across Canada. 15th Field connections include Colin Norris, Rick Reimer, Jim Ingram, your webmaster Leon Jensen and the RCAA Public Affairs Director Catherine Gagnon. Made some great connections. See more photos here.
Abbotsford Air Show
Some of our former members participated in the Air Show highlighted some of the older Canadian Army equipment including the 15th Field Artillery Regiment Museum and Archives C1 155 mmHowitzer.
Some of our former members participated in the Air Show highlighted some of the older Canadian Army equipment including the 15th Field Artillery Regiment Museum and Archives C1 155 mmHowitzer.
Western Museum of the Armed Forces
Former member, Ian Newby is featured in the local newspaper. ![]()

Captain (Ret'd) Master Gunner Gene Brown
Gene Brown was a former Regular Force support staff with 15th Field Artillery Regiment from 1979 until 1981. His wishes were that there would be no obituary printed in the paper, no services, no place to send flowers or anything like that. We do know that Gene's service included Battery Sergeant Major, A Bty 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery 1981/82 and Sergeant Major Instructor Gunnery (SMIG) at the Artillery School 1984/85. He also served with the 4th Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, and 30th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA. He took his commission to work with cadets until he retired; passed away 11 Dec 2023.
He will be sorely missed by those who knew and served with him.
Gene Brown was a former Regular Force support staff with 15th Field Artillery Regiment from 1979 until 1981. His wishes were that there would be no obituary printed in the paper, no services, no place to send flowers or anything like that. We do know that Gene's service included Battery Sergeant Major, A Bty 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery 1981/82 and Sergeant Major Instructor Gunnery (SMIG) at the Artillery School 1984/85. He also served with the 4th Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, and 30th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA. He took his commission to work with cadets until he retired; passed away 11 Dec 2023.
He will be sorely missed by those who knew and served with him.

Second Lieutenant David Russell Harvey 1931-2023
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of David Harvey on November 20, 2023. David passed away peacefully at Amica White Rock at the age of 92. David is survived by his daughter, Cathy Pope (Reg), Son, Michael (Sonja). Grandchildren, Megan Shearrow (Eddie), Ian Harvey and Great Grandson, Henry. David was predeceased by his wife of 62 years, Cairine.
David grew up in the Kerrisdale area of Vancouver attending Point Grey/Magee High Schools and then studying at UBC. David served as a 2nd Lieutenant in The 43rd Heavy Anti Aircraft Regiment of the Royal Canadian Artillery from 1943 to 1955. David went on to work for the Workers Compensation Board where he retired as an Office Administrator for the Accident Prevention Department. In his retirement, he swam religiously at the Kerrisdale Community Centre and satisfied his passion ... playing bridge.
David will be dearly missed by all who knew him. An informal celebration of his life will be held at a time to be determined.
In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Royal Canadian Legion, Billy Bishop/Kerrisdale Branch, billybishoplegion.org
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of David Harvey on November 20, 2023. David passed away peacefully at Amica White Rock at the age of 92. David is survived by his daughter, Cathy Pope (Reg), Son, Michael (Sonja). Grandchildren, Megan Shearrow (Eddie), Ian Harvey and Great Grandson, Henry. David was predeceased by his wife of 62 years, Cairine.
David grew up in the Kerrisdale area of Vancouver attending Point Grey/Magee High Schools and then studying at UBC. David served as a 2nd Lieutenant in The 43rd Heavy Anti Aircraft Regiment of the Royal Canadian Artillery from 1943 to 1955. David went on to work for the Workers Compensation Board where he retired as an Office Administrator for the Accident Prevention Department. In his retirement, he swam religiously at the Kerrisdale Community Centre and satisfied his passion ... playing bridge.
David will be dearly missed by all who knew him. An informal celebration of his life will be held at a time to be determined.
In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Royal Canadian Legion, Billy Bishop/Kerrisdale Branch, billybishoplegion.org