15th Field Artillery Regiment
The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
as at 26 December 2022
31st Field Battery, RCA
68th Field Battery, RCA
Band of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
31st Field Battery, RCA
68th Field Battery, RCA
Band of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Key Appointments
Regimental Headquarters
Second in Command: Major Barrie VW Hamilton CD
Adjutant: Captain Arthur E Gee
Assistant Adjutant: Lieutenant(W) Kelly E M Stone
See more...
Second in Command: Major Barrie VW Hamilton CD
Adjutant: Captain Arthur E Gee
Assistant Adjutant: Lieutenant(W) Kelly E M Stone
See more...
RSSO - Captain John E Hawthorne CD posted in / Captain Red Harrison CD retired
RSS MWO - Master Warrant Officer Gene N Brown CD posted in / Master Warrant Officer Fred Rossi CD retired
RSS Sgt - Sgt Charles McGinley CD
RSS MWO - Master Warrant Officer Gene N Brown CD posted in / Master Warrant Officer Fred Rossi CD retired
RSS Sgt - Sgt Charles McGinley CD
Promotions and Appointments
Change of Command
As customary, the Outgoing Commanding Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel William (Bill) T. Wickett takes over the unit on parade one last time and provides the General Salute for the Reviewing Officer prior to turning the Regiment over to Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart McDonald. The unit is inspected by Area Commander Brigadier General Herb Hamm accompanied by the Battery Commander, Major Martin Casey, the incoming Commanding Officer and the outgoing Commanding Officer. Gunner Steve Darragh, Gunner Colin Parkinson and the Drum Major Chief Warrant Officer Jimmy Hamilton can also be seen in the photo. See more...
As customary, the Outgoing Commanding Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel William (Bill) T. Wickett takes over the unit on parade one last time and provides the General Salute for the Reviewing Officer prior to turning the Regiment over to Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart McDonald. The unit is inspected by Area Commander Brigadier General Herb Hamm accompanied by the Battery Commander, Major Martin Casey, the incoming Commanding Officer and the outgoing Commanding Officer. Gunner Steve Darragh, Gunner Colin Parkinson and the Drum Major Chief Warrant Officer Jimmy Hamilton can also be seen in the photo. See more...
UN Emergency Force Middle East II (UNEFME II)
Established in October 1973 to supervise the cease-fire between Egyptian and Israeli forces and, following the conclusion of the agreements of 18 January 1974 and 4 September 1975, to supervise the redeployment of Egyptian and Israeli forces and to control the buffer zones established under those agreements. The mandate for this Mission expired in July 1979 and the troops were withdrawn. Awarded for 90 days consecutive service between 26 October 1973 to 24 July 1979. Following members were presented United Nations Emergency Force Middle East II (UNEFME II) medal on departure from the mission area: Sergeant Joe A. Phelan and Bombardier Dale Arthur Bliss. See more... |
Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal
In order that the list of those to be honoured would be representative of all the regions of Canada, agencies of government at the federal, provincial, and local levels were invited to propose the names of candidates for the medal. All members of the Order of Canada, Order of Military Merit and winners of the Canadian Bravery Decorations received the medal. Selection for the Armed Forces was based on merit with length of service and prestige of current appointment as secondary consideration. Lieutenant-Colonel Bill WT Wicket, CD and Sergeant Gordie Wright, CD were presented the medal at the Change of Command Parade. See more... |
Gunner Douglas Corsor Jr. Memorial Trophy
This trophy was created by his close friends in the Regiment, Gunner Noel RR Dykes, Gunner Joseph C. Gauthier, Gunner Reginald Gerard, Gunner Harry Harsch and Gunner Vivian Hughes after his untimely death in a vehicle accident in 1974. It is presented to the Gunner that most exemplifies the best characteristics of being a Gunner. This year’s award is presented to Gunner L.J. Pesklevits. |
Sniping Gun Trophy
This trophy is awarded annually to the most proficient gun detachment firing in the sniping gun role or in another role determined by the regular force support staff. It was originally created and presented by the current detachment: Captain DB Harrison, Master Warrant Officer Fred H Rossi, Sergeant JYD Thiebert and Master Bombardier C McGinley. This year’s winner was AE gun detachment commanded by Bombardier Clifton John. |
Drumhead Ceremony
This ceremony was officiated by our Padre, Major Robert Foulis CD on 16 Dec 1978. Colonel William (Bill) T Wickett joined in the ceremony from his recent appointment as District Commander. Maj Foulis officiating; LCol Stuart T MacDonald, Col William (Bill) T Wickett, Hon Col Blyth, 4, Hon LCol Griffiths, CWO Eric Tyldesly-Gore, MWO Don Friedsam. See more...
This ceremony was officiated by our Padre, Major Robert Foulis CD on 16 Dec 1978. Colonel William (Bill) T Wickett joined in the ceremony from his recent appointment as District Commander. Maj Foulis officiating; LCol Stuart T MacDonald, Col William (Bill) T Wickett, Hon Col Blyth, 4, Hon LCol Griffiths, CWO Eric Tyldesly-Gore, MWO Don Friedsam. See more...
Members deployed on Operations
UN Emergency Force Middle East (UNEFME)
July 1978 Bombardier Joseph C. Gauthier deploys to Rabah, Egypt at the rank of Gunner.
August 1978 Bombardier Terry Harmon deploys to the Sinai.
August 1978 Bombardier Mike Hennessy deploys to Ismailia, at the rank of Gunner as a Supply Technician.
November 1978 Bombardier Noel RR Dykes deploys to Ismailia at the rank of Gunner as a Supply Technician.
December 1978 Gunner Richard Fowler deploys to Ismailia as a Supply Technician.
UN Emergency Force Middle East (UNEFME)
July 1978 Bombardier Joseph C. Gauthier deploys to Rabah, Egypt at the rank of Gunner.
August 1978 Bombardier Terry Harmon deploys to the Sinai.
August 1978 Bombardier Mike Hennessy deploys to Ismailia, at the rank of Gunner as a Supply Technician.
November 1978 Bombardier Noel RR Dykes deploys to Ismailia at the rank of Gunner as a Supply Technician.
December 1978 Gunner Richard Fowler deploys to Ismailia as a Supply Technician.
Members Extra-Regimentally Employed
Attached to Militia Area Pacific
Attached to Militia Area Pacific
2472-15Fd Cadet Corps
Major R Vic Stevenson Commanding Officer.
Lieutenant Pat H Smith Training Officer.
Former Members now in the Regular Force
Lieutenant EE Johnson posted to 3rd Regiment Canadian Horse Artillery.
Master Bombardier Colin V Norris posted to "E" Battery (Para) 2nd Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery.
Lieutenant Gary S Woloski posted to 2nd Regiment Canadian Horse Artillery.
Members Qualifications
Major Stuart T McDonald completes United States Marine Corps Reserve Command and Staff Course in Quantico, Virginia
Major R Vic Stevenson Commanding Officer.
Lieutenant Pat H Smith Training Officer.
Former Members now in the Regular Force
Lieutenant EE Johnson posted to 3rd Regiment Canadian Horse Artillery.
Master Bombardier Colin V Norris posted to "E" Battery (Para) 2nd Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery.
Lieutenant Gary S Woloski posted to 2nd Regiment Canadian Horse Artillery.
Members Qualifications
Major Stuart T McDonald completes United States Marine Corps Reserve Command and Staff Course in Quantico, Virginia
Captain John Jessop at the end of MILCON 78 with a 9mm Stirling Sub-Machine-Gun (SMG). By the looks of Captain Jessop’s eyes, there probably wasn’t much sleep the night before. The night was either filled with coordinated illumination shoots or the final advance to contact with the enemy force. |
Fort Lewis Exercise
I'm unsure of the date on this exercise as none of these photos were marked in the big black album. I can narrow it down a bit by the members' rank shown. There's Lieutenant-Colonel Bill Wickett, Bombardier Stuart Mont, Warrant Officer Dag Gruban. These all point to the exercise taking place sometime between 1976 and 1979. Of course, there is also the possibility that photographs from TWO exercises are depicted as 40 year old albums may have been re-arranged at some time in their life. Any additional information you might have would be appreciated. See more...
I'm unsure of the date on this exercise as none of these photos were marked in the big black album. I can narrow it down a bit by the members' rank shown. There's Lieutenant-Colonel Bill Wickett, Bombardier Stuart Mont, Warrant Officer Dag Gruban. These all point to the exercise taking place sometime between 1976 and 1979. Of course, there is also the possibility that photographs from TWO exercises are depicted as 40 year old albums may have been re-arranged at some time in their life. Any additional information you might have would be appreciated. See more...
Local Headquarters Training
The unit conducts their annual fire extinguisher training with the support of the Base Chilliwack Fire Marshall. Private Colin Parkinson aggressively douses the fire. The advantage of not having the compound paved was that these types of drills could easily be performed on the gravel surface (The compound was also a great place to bury the pig in a traditional Fijian Pig Roast - but that's another story). |
Yakima Firing Centre
The Smoker photograph still needs some of the names filled in. Plus we have a great shot of everyone in their more standard garb for the training exercise. It was a hot exercise with gun maintenance in the sunshine and a great view of the fabulous Yakima Camp Kitchen! See more...
The Smoker photograph still needs some of the names filled in. Plus we have a great shot of everyone in their more standard garb for the training exercise. It was a hot exercise with gun maintenance in the sunshine and a great view of the fabulous Yakima Camp Kitchen! See more...
Drivers Course
The drivers course heads out on the Lillooet - Pemberton loop in order to get some experience on the roads of British Columbia. There's not always a lot of room for a 'Deuce and a Half with Gun'. There's John Carter, Mark Jackson, Clif John, Alan Edward, Keith Laing, Noel Dykes, Brian Hill, Joey Gauthier. See more...
The drivers course heads out on the Lillooet - Pemberton loop in order to get some experience on the roads of British Columbia. There's not always a lot of room for a 'Deuce and a Half with Gun'. There's John Carter, Mark Jackson, Clif John, Alan Edward, Keith Laing, Noel Dykes, Brian Hill, Joey Gauthier. See more...
Soldiers' Christmas Dinner
Major Robert Foulis scoops out the brussels sprouts and gravy for the Officers serving the dinner to the soldiers. Lieutenant Brown, Captain Ian Newby, Captain John Hawthorne, Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart McDonald, John Carter and Art Gee are all in line. Colonel Bill Wickett came down from District headquarters to dine with the Gunners. He's seated beside Sergeant Joe Phelan, wearing his UN accouterments, and Sergeant Pagala. See more...
Major Robert Foulis scoops out the brussels sprouts and gravy for the Officers serving the dinner to the soldiers. Lieutenant Brown, Captain Ian Newby, Captain John Hawthorne, Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart McDonald, John Carter and Art Gee are all in line. Colonel Bill Wickett came down from District headquarters to dine with the Gunners. He's seated beside Sergeant Joe Phelan, wearing his UN accouterments, and Sergeant Pagala. See more...
Officers' Mess
New Year's Day Levee
It's the last New Year's Day Levee for Lieutenant-Colonel Wickett as Commanding Officer of the Regiment. In attendance is Captain Peter Erwin, Honorary Col Graham Blyth, Captain Art Gee, Lieutenant Leo Kung, Captain Martin Casey, Captain Red Harrison, Major Bob Mugford, Major Stuart McDonald, Major Barrie Hamilton, Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Griffiths, Lieutenant EE (Ted) Johnson. The Commanding Officer greets the Warrant Officers and Sergeants as they visit the Officers Mess. Warrant Officer Brian Hill, Warrant Officer Leon Jensen and Warrant Officer Richard Van Slyke.
It's the last New Year's Day Levee for Lieutenant-Colonel Wickett as Commanding Officer of the Regiment. In attendance is Captain Peter Erwin, Honorary Col Graham Blyth, Captain Art Gee, Lieutenant Leo Kung, Captain Martin Casey, Captain Red Harrison, Major Bob Mugford, Major Stuart McDonald, Major Barrie Hamilton, Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Griffiths, Lieutenant EE (Ted) Johnson. The Commanding Officer greets the Warrant Officers and Sergeants as they visit the Officers Mess. Warrant Officer Brian Hill, Warrant Officer Leon Jensen and Warrant Officer Richard Van Slyke.
Dining in Night - March 1978
A great dining in with our American brethren from Fort Lewis. The Band provided the musical entertainment with suitable guest conductors and after dinner there were the usual mess games. Of course, someone always needs to leave a souvenir on the roof beam. See more...
A great dining in with our American brethren from Fort Lewis. The Band provided the musical entertainment with suitable guest conductors and after dinner there were the usual mess games. Of course, someone always needs to leave a souvenir on the roof beam. See more...
Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess
Annual Mess Dinner
The Annual Dinner is an appropriate time for the Regimental Sergeant Major to provide tokens of appreciation from the members of the Sergeants’ Mess. It was felt appropriate that the outgoing Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel William (Bill) T Wickett, CD should receive an artillery themed briefcase prior to taking on his new role at the District Headquarters in addition to an Artillery plaque for the new office. |
Retirement Dinner - Master Warrant Officer Fred Rossi CD
The Sergeants' Mess held a retirement dinner for Master Warrant Officer Fred Rossi CD.
The Sergeants' Mess held a retirement dinner for Master Warrant Officer Fred Rossi CD.
Coronation Ball 1978
The 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA WO’s and Sgt’s Mess was the hosting unit for this year’s Coronation Ball which was held at the Bayshore Inn.
The 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA WO’s and Sgt’s Mess was the hosting unit for this year’s Coronation Ball which was held at the Bayshore Inn.

Major Wellington Leland Boulter
Suddenly on June 27, 1978, Dr. W. Leland, beloved husband of Marjorie Boulter of Victoria, in his 82nd year. Survived also by one son, E.J.R. (Ron) Boulter; one daughter, Mrs. J.C. (Pegge) Gilley; four grandchildren, all in Vancouver; one sister, Mrs. K. Rankin, Picton, Ont.
Funeral Service Friday, June 30 at 11:30 a.m. in Christ Church Cathedral, Quadra and Burdett, Dean Brian Whitlow officiating. Cremation. In lieu of flowers donations to the B.C. Cancer Society would be appreciated. Arrangements through the Memorial Society of B.C. and First Memorial Services Ltd.
Major Boulter was the Medical Officer for 15th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery in the 1920s.
Suddenly on June 27, 1978, Dr. W. Leland, beloved husband of Marjorie Boulter of Victoria, in his 82nd year. Survived also by one son, E.J.R. (Ron) Boulter; one daughter, Mrs. J.C. (Pegge) Gilley; four grandchildren, all in Vancouver; one sister, Mrs. K. Rankin, Picton, Ont.
Funeral Service Friday, June 30 at 11:30 a.m. in Christ Church Cathedral, Quadra and Burdett, Dean Brian Whitlow officiating. Cremation. In lieu of flowers donations to the B.C. Cancer Society would be appreciated. Arrangements through the Memorial Society of B.C. and First Memorial Services Ltd.
Major Boulter was the Medical Officer for 15th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery in the 1920s.

Driver Arthur Percy Cheater
April 13, 1978, aged 88 years, passed away in Regina, Saskatchewan. Survived by his wife Marie, of Coquitlam, B.C., 4 grandchildren, Patrick and Robert, Mrs. Royal Plant, of North Vancouver, B.C. , Mrs. Colleen Bell, of Princeton, B.C. , 3 great-grandchildren, Andrew Plant, Kelly and Graham Bell, also 1 sister in England. Funeral service held in Regina, Saskatchewan.
Driver Cheater was a member of the 60th Battery, 15th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery in the First World War.
April 13, 1978, aged 88 years, passed away in Regina, Saskatchewan. Survived by his wife Marie, of Coquitlam, B.C., 4 grandchildren, Patrick and Robert, Mrs. Royal Plant, of North Vancouver, B.C. , Mrs. Colleen Bell, of Princeton, B.C. , 3 great-grandchildren, Andrew Plant, Kelly and Graham Bell, also 1 sister in England. Funeral service held in Regina, Saskatchewan.
Driver Cheater was a member of the 60th Battery, 15th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery in the First World War.

Gunner Clifford Walter Hales
Late of 11795 225th St., Haney, B.C. on Sunday, January 29, 1978, aged 88 years. Survived by his loving wife, Nell; 1 son, Roy, Haney and 1 daughter, Mrs. A. (Betty) Smith both of Haney; 2 grandchildren, Roy and Steve; 2 great-grandchildren, Patrick and Angela; 1 sister, Vera, England. Funeral service will be conducted on Tuesday, January 31 at 1 p.m. from Garden Hill Funeral Chapel, 11765 224th St., Haney. Rev D. Peebles officiating. Followed by cremation.
Gunner Hales enroled in the Vancouver Volunteer Reserve, Boorman's Battery on 14 July 1915.
Late of 11795 225th St., Haney, B.C. on Sunday, January 29, 1978, aged 88 years. Survived by his loving wife, Nell; 1 son, Roy, Haney and 1 daughter, Mrs. A. (Betty) Smith both of Haney; 2 grandchildren, Roy and Steve; 2 great-grandchildren, Patrick and Angela; 1 sister, Vera, England. Funeral service will be conducted on Tuesday, January 31 at 1 p.m. from Garden Hill Funeral Chapel, 11765 224th St., Haney. Rev D. Peebles officiating. Followed by cremation.
Gunner Hales enroled in the Vancouver Volunteer Reserve, Boorman's Battery on 14 July 1915.
The following pages contain additional information relating to the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Honours and Awards
Commanding Officers and Regimental Sergeants Major
Battery Commanders and Battery Sergeants Major
Band Appointments
Nominal Roll
Guns of the Regiment
Memorial Page
The following pages contain additional information relating to the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Honours and Awards
Commanding Officers and Regimental Sergeants Major
Battery Commanders and Battery Sergeants Major
Band Appointments
Nominal Roll
Guns of the Regiment
Memorial Page