15th Field Artillery Regiment
The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
as at 25 April 2023
31st Field Battery, RCA
68th Field Battery, RCA
Band of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
31st Field Battery, RCA
68th Field Battery, RCA
Band of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Key Appointments
Promotion and Change of Appointment
Congratulations to Chief Warrant Officer Heath Porritt CD on his promotion and appointment as Regimental Sergeant Major. Chief Warrant Officer Rob Garrett CD fired his last round as RSM during the last Yakima Firing Exercise and will be given a new task in 39 CBG in the near future. |
Commander of the Canadian Army Commendation
In recognition of Bombardier Albert Law’s significant contribution to the Canadian Armed Forces Public Affairs Office he was awarded the Commander of the Canadian Army Commendation from Major-General Michel-Henri St-Louis (acting Commander of the Canadian Army). A thorough professional, his photography provides an informative and often unforgettable glimpse into the activities of the CAF. Major-General St-Louis wrote in the award inscription, “Bombardier Law’s compassion, dedication and professionalism are a credit to the entire Canadian Army and deserving of recognition.” |

Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation
Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Donald Graydon Foster is nominated for his work in commemorating the service of Canadian Veterans and for his support of Veterans’ well-being. For more than 12 years, he has been volunteering his time and his philanthropic fundraising expertise to preserve the memory of Veterans.
His efforts to preserve Veterans’ and military heritage is exemplified through the creation, the funding and the promotion of the Juno Beach Centre Legacy of Honour Veteran Video program. He has helped facilitate the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the 100th anniversary of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, poster unveilings, book launches and many local initiatives celebrating resident Veterans.
On his own initiative, he helped facilitate the creation of the Private Ernest David Harrison Monument in Leuth, Netherlands. The monument is dedicated to Pte Ernest David Harrison’s memory and provides a formal marker for his final resting place.
His notable contributions to Veterans’ well-being include coordinating information sessions regarding the Canadian Defense Community Banking Program, hosting 39 Brigade members and their families to movie nights, mess dinners and other activities. He has taken particular interest in helping the few remaining D-Day Veterans in his community. He visits them on a regular basis, ensures they attend commemorative events and ceremonies and has even agreed to help with funeral arrangements.
Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Donald Graydon Foster is nominated for his work in commemorating the service of Canadian Veterans and for his support of Veterans’ well-being. For more than 12 years, he has been volunteering his time and his philanthropic fundraising expertise to preserve the memory of Veterans.
His efforts to preserve Veterans’ and military heritage is exemplified through the creation, the funding and the promotion of the Juno Beach Centre Legacy of Honour Veteran Video program. He has helped facilitate the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the 100th anniversary of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, poster unveilings, book launches and many local initiatives celebrating resident Veterans.
On his own initiative, he helped facilitate the creation of the Private Ernest David Harrison Monument in Leuth, Netherlands. The monument is dedicated to Pte Ernest David Harrison’s memory and provides a formal marker for his final resting place.
His notable contributions to Veterans’ well-being include coordinating information sessions regarding the Canadian Defense Community Banking Program, hosting 39 Brigade members and their families to movie nights, mess dinners and other activities. He has taken particular interest in helping the few remaining D-Day Veterans in his community. He visits them on a regular basis, ensures they attend commemorative events and ceremonies and has even agreed to help with funeral arrangements.
End of 2022 photo: Front row (left to right): Sgt Switzer, WO Hodgson, Lt Lee, Capt Heydenrych, WO Palmer, Capt Tanguay, WO Skuce, Capt Hui, Maj Grieve, CWO Porritt, LCol Watts, HLCol Foster, Maj Haussman, WO Senff, WO Wong E, Capt Synman, MWO Brady, Lt Lloyd, Sgt Bolgak
Second row: 2Lt Behfarshad, MCpl Li, MCpl Wong PY, Bdr Drew, Bdr Tse G, MBdr Baird, Gnr Haussmann, Pte Sidhu, Pte Peet, Bdr Mishchenko, Bdr Choi, Pte Mohanathas, Bdr San Juan, Sgt Hilbich, Sgt Rozario, 2Lt Francis
Third row: 2Lt Wang, CWO Garrett, Bdr Fuchs Thorne, MBdr Gal, Bdr Magtibay, Bdr Wong C, Bdr Aleksic, MBdr Grasdal, Gnr Cornelis, Bdr Guan, Gnr De Genova, Bdr Iversen, Bdr Langan, Pte Blacklock
Fourth row: Sgt Calogero, Bdr Antrim, Bdr Wong B, Bdr Tse C, Bdr Heussner, Bdr Couturier, Cpl Lokay, MBdr Huang, MBdr Shin, Gnr Ahmelich, MBdr Han, Bdr Fu, Bdr Martinez, 2Lt Zhang
Fifth row: Gnr Sidoo, Bdr Meisner, Bdr La Haye, Bdr Empey, Bdr Cavanagh, MBdr Pugh, Bdr Law, Bdr McAllister, Bdr Leung J, MBdr Patch, Bdr Dolleris, Bdr Hoogendoorn (Photo by Gnr Sam Blake)
Second row: 2Lt Behfarshad, MCpl Li, MCpl Wong PY, Bdr Drew, Bdr Tse G, MBdr Baird, Gnr Haussmann, Pte Sidhu, Pte Peet, Bdr Mishchenko, Bdr Choi, Pte Mohanathas, Bdr San Juan, Sgt Hilbich, Sgt Rozario, 2Lt Francis
Third row: 2Lt Wang, CWO Garrett, Bdr Fuchs Thorne, MBdr Gal, Bdr Magtibay, Bdr Wong C, Bdr Aleksic, MBdr Grasdal, Gnr Cornelis, Bdr Guan, Gnr De Genova, Bdr Iversen, Bdr Langan, Pte Blacklock
Fourth row: Sgt Calogero, Bdr Antrim, Bdr Wong B, Bdr Tse C, Bdr Heussner, Bdr Couturier, Cpl Lokay, MBdr Huang, MBdr Shin, Gnr Ahmelich, MBdr Han, Bdr Fu, Bdr Martinez, 2Lt Zhang
Fifth row: Gnr Sidoo, Bdr Meisner, Bdr La Haye, Bdr Empey, Bdr Cavanagh, MBdr Pugh, Bdr Law, Bdr McAllister, Bdr Leung J, MBdr Patch, Bdr Dolleris, Bdr Hoogendoorn (Photo by Gnr Sam Blake)
Soldiers' Dinner - 10 December 2022
The Regiment gathered for some professional development and festive spirit. Lieutenant Jiyeon Lee was received the Lieutenant Bill Martyn Memorial Sword for the Subaltern of the Year. Military customs and traditions enrich Regimental life for members of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA. Such was the case when the Oldest and Youngest Gunners sat at the head table during the Soldier's Christmas Dinner this year. Gunner Victoria Haussmann, on the right, was the Youngest Gunner for 2022. On the left is Sergeant Donato Calogero, the Youngest Gunner from 1982, forty years earlier.
The Regiment gathered for some professional development and festive spirit. Lieutenant Jiyeon Lee was received the Lieutenant Bill Martyn Memorial Sword for the Subaltern of the Year. Military customs and traditions enrich Regimental life for members of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA. Such was the case when the Oldest and Youngest Gunners sat at the head table during the Soldier's Christmas Dinner this year. Gunner Victoria Haussmann, on the right, was the Youngest Gunner for 2022. On the left is Sergeant Donato Calogero, the Youngest Gunner from 1982, forty years earlier.
Remembrance Day
The Regiment fired the salute from HMCS Discovery in Stanley Park. Attendance was limited due to restrictions in place that limit the amount of people on the island at any one event due to emergency access if required. All messes were open after the event. Check out more photos here.
The Regiment fired the salute from HMCS Discovery in Stanley Park. Attendance was limited due to restrictions in place that limit the amount of people on the island at any one event due to emergency access if required. All messes were open after the event. Check out more photos here.
Ex Caustic Shock- Yakima
15th Field Artillery Regiment and 5th (BC) Field Regiment returned to Yakima Firing Centre for Exercise Caustic Shock on the Thanksgiving weekend after a three year hiatus. Lots of smoke and dust! And some great artillery training.
Check out the photos here.
15th Field Artillery Regiment and 5th (BC) Field Regiment returned to Yakima Firing Centre for Exercise Caustic Shock on the Thanksgiving weekend after a three year hiatus. Lots of smoke and dust! And some great artillery training.
Check out the photos here.
Brigade Conference - Kamloops
39 CBG Command Teams and Honoraries gathered in Kamloops for updates from the Commander and the Brigade staff.
Check out the photos here
39 CBG Command Teams and Honoraries gathered in Kamloops for updates from the Commander and the Brigade staff.
Check out the photos here
Queen Elizabeth Salute
Check out the photos here.
Check out the photos here.
Operation Reassurance Training
Bombardier Jennifer Wong and Bombardier Chan from 15th Field Artillery Regiment participate in lead-up training, Ex Patricia Wolverine with 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery in Canadian Forces Base Wainwright.
Bombardier Jennifer Wong and Bombardier Chan from 15th Field Artillery Regiment participate in lead-up training, Ex Patricia Wolverine with 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery in Canadian Forces Base Wainwright.
Canada Day
I thought I would see what kind of reaction the crowd shows when the guns fire. Not as large as I thought it would be. A lot of phone cameras being used. The question is – How many people in the crowd know what’s happening? Should the VAA support the activity by designing and manning some posters to be installed one hour before the guns arrive? |

Former Member - Captain Mark Staples
Congratulations to Captain Mark Staples as the top candidate on the Instructor in Gunnery. Captain Staples joined 15th Field Regiment, RCA in December 2014 and component transferred in 2017. Mark also came in third in the 2021/22 Colonel Geoffrey Brooks Essay Contest which provides an excellent and independent source of innovative thinking to inform RCA Leadership decision making. His essay focussed on the “The Value of Experience” and looked at the concepts of retaining, attracting, and training soldiers with respect to providing solutions to personnel shortages. Sounds like it's been an exciting career so far! Well done Mark!
Congratulations to Captain Mark Staples as the top candidate on the Instructor in Gunnery. Captain Staples joined 15th Field Regiment, RCA in December 2014 and component transferred in 2017. Mark also came in third in the 2021/22 Colonel Geoffrey Brooks Essay Contest which provides an excellent and independent source of innovative thinking to inform RCA Leadership decision making. His essay focussed on the “The Value of Experience” and looked at the concepts of retaining, attracting, and training soldiers with respect to providing solutions to personnel shortages. Sounds like it's been an exciting career so far! Well done Mark!
Centennial Dinner - Stanley Park Teahouse
On May 23 2022, members of 15th Field Regiment, RCA, and 39 Canadian Brigade Group along with members of the 15th Field regimental family gathered at Ferguson Point and the Stanley Park Tea House, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the formation of 15th Field Regiment, The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery.
During the Second World War, a battery of coastal guns was manned at Ferguson Point by members of the Regiment. Additionally, the Stanley Park Tea House was formerly the Officers mess, making both locations very significant in the Regiment's history. The Regiment operated as 15th (Vancouver) Coast Brigade, RCA. during the Second World War, providing coastal defence to Vancouver at six different locations around the Vancouver area. This included operations at Stanley Park and Point Grey.
Before the dinner, Speeches were given by the Commanding Officer of 15th Field Artillery Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Watts, 39 Canadian Brigade Group Commander, Colonel Raesler, and Vancouver City Councilor Melissa De Genova. Following this there was an unveiling of a refurbished plaque at Ferguson Point commemorating the coastal battery stationed there from 1939 - 1945. This was followed by a ceremonial gun salute.
Although the actual centennial was in 2020, the dinner and ceremony were only able to be held now due to Covid-19 restrictions.
See more photos here.
On May 23 2022, members of 15th Field Regiment, RCA, and 39 Canadian Brigade Group along with members of the 15th Field regimental family gathered at Ferguson Point and the Stanley Park Tea House, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the formation of 15th Field Regiment, The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery.
During the Second World War, a battery of coastal guns was manned at Ferguson Point by members of the Regiment. Additionally, the Stanley Park Tea House was formerly the Officers mess, making both locations very significant in the Regiment's history. The Regiment operated as 15th (Vancouver) Coast Brigade, RCA. during the Second World War, providing coastal defence to Vancouver at six different locations around the Vancouver area. This included operations at Stanley Park and Point Grey.
Before the dinner, Speeches were given by the Commanding Officer of 15th Field Artillery Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Watts, 39 Canadian Brigade Group Commander, Colonel Raesler, and Vancouver City Councilor Melissa De Genova. Following this there was an unveiling of a refurbished plaque at Ferguson Point commemorating the coastal battery stationed there from 1939 - 1945. This was followed by a ceremonial gun salute.
Although the actual centennial was in 2020, the dinner and ceremony were only able to be held now due to Covid-19 restrictions.
See more photos here.
Rifle Ex - Chiliwack
What happened to the adage "If it ain't raining, it ain't training"? Check out more photos here.
What happened to the adage "If it ain't raining, it ain't training"? Check out more photos here.
Depart with Dignity (DWD) - Captain George Dempsey CD
Captain George Dempsey's DWD was a colourful event with many attendees wearing a relaxed South Pacific / Tropical shirt. See more photos here.
Captain George Dempsey's DWD was a colourful event with many attendees wearing a relaxed South Pacific / Tropical shirt. See more photos here.
Depart with Dignity (DWD) - Captain Rob Wishnicki CD
Captain Rob Wishnicki's DWD was a success with a large crowd of friends celebrating his many years of service. It was also a great opportunity to meet up with some faces from the past! See more photos here.
Captain Rob Wishnicki's DWD was a success with a large crowd of friends celebrating his many years of service. It was also a great opportunity to meet up with some faces from the past! See more photos here.
Depart with Dignity - Lieutenant-Colonel James Barrett CD
Lieutenant Colonel James Barrett (Commanding Officer, 15th Field Artillery Regiment 2007-2011) has retired. It was a grand evening of recognition of the service, dedication and commitment celebrating thirty-nine years of uniformed service. Well done, Jim! See more photos here.
Lieutenant Colonel James Barrett (Commanding Officer, 15th Field Artillery Regiment 2007-2011) has retired. It was a grand evening of recognition of the service, dedication and commitment celebrating thirty-nine years of uniformed service. Well done, Jim! See more photos here.
Ex ARCTIC EAGLE 22 - Alaska
In late February soldiers 15th Field Artillery Regiment participated in Exercise ARCTIC EAGLE-PATRIOT 22 in Anchorage Alaska. They took part in Light Urban Search and Rescue and CBRN response drills. Some soldiers were also trialing a new Chemical Protective Uniform and new C5 gas mask. It's difficult to spot the Gunners in the photos but I'm hoping additional photos will be made avaailable. Check out more photos here.
In late February soldiers 15th Field Artillery Regiment participated in Exercise ARCTIC EAGLE-PATRIOT 22 in Anchorage Alaska. They took part in Light Urban Search and Rescue and CBRN response drills. Some soldiers were also trialing a new Chemical Protective Uniform and new C5 gas mask. It's difficult to spot the Gunners in the photos but I'm hoping additional photos will be made avaailable. Check out more photos here.
Yorke Island
Simon Ritchie posted some Yorke Island photos on the Forgotten BC Facebook page This was from a visit in May 2022. Check out more photos here.
Simon Ritchie posted some Yorke Island photos on the Forgotten BC Facebook page This was from a visit in May 2022. Check out more photos here.
True Patriot Love Tribute Dinner
The True Patriot Love organization held three national tribute dinners on 10 November 2022. The Casa Loma and Fermenting Cellar in Toronto, the Canada Aviation and Space Museum in Ottawa and Bessborough Armoury in Vancouver. True Patriot Love is a Canadian national, Toronto-based charity dedicated to supporting Canadian military members, veterans and their families. The foundation raises awareness around the challenges related to military service on a national level and funds programs in local communities to support health and well-being, enable rehabilitation & recovery from injury, assist the children and spouses of those who serve, and promote re-integration into communities following service. The Regiment supported the Tribute Dinner through the provision of the Armoury as a venue with military artefacts on display. The Band provided an excellent dinner show and the Museum was open for guests to tour. Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Foster coordinated assistance from BMO volunteers.
The True Patriot Love organization held three national tribute dinners on 10 November 2022. The Casa Loma and Fermenting Cellar in Toronto, the Canada Aviation and Space Museum in Ottawa and Bessborough Armoury in Vancouver. True Patriot Love is a Canadian national, Toronto-based charity dedicated to supporting Canadian military members, veterans and their families. The foundation raises awareness around the challenges related to military service on a national level and funds programs in local communities to support health and well-being, enable rehabilitation & recovery from injury, assist the children and spouses of those who serve, and promote re-integration into communities following service. The Regiment supported the Tribute Dinner through the provision of the Armoury as a venue with military artefacts on display. The Band provided an excellent dinner show and the Museum was open for guests to tour. Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Foster coordinated assistance from BMO volunteers.
Other Artillery News - 1 RCHA
Change of Command 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery to Lieutenant-Colonel Joe O'Donnell and RSM change of appointment to Chief Warrant Officer Sean McGowan. Looks like a great team!
Change of Command 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery to Lieutenant-Colonel Joe O'Donnell and RSM change of appointment to Chief Warrant Officer Sean McGowan. Looks like a great team!

Other Artillery News - 38 Canadian Brigade Group Change of Command
Colonel Shawn Fortin, former Commanding Officer 38 CBG Artillery Tactical Group takes command of the Prairie Brigade. He received the brigade command sword from Brigadier-General David Awalt (Former Commander 39 CBG) at the Regina Armory on July 16, 2022.
Colonel Shawn Fortin, former Commanding Officer 38 CBG Artillery Tactical Group takes command of the Prairie Brigade. He received the brigade command sword from Brigadier-General David Awalt (Former Commander 39 CBG) at the Regina Armory on July 16, 2022.
Vancouver Artillery Association
Yorke Island - November 2022
Ross from the 85 VICS is spending some quality time on Yorke Island. Seems to be a bit of snow in the weather forecast.
Ross from the 85 VICS is spending some quality time on Yorke Island. Seems to be a bit of snow in the weather forecast.
Yorke Island 16-18 September 2022
Another great weekend on Yorke! Beautiful weather and the start of the CXO building. Check out all the great photos here. Did you know that you can make a charitable donation to one of the Yorke Island projects (The Master Gunner Residence) here?
Another great weekend on Yorke! Beautiful weather and the start of the CXO building. Check out all the great photos here. Did you know that you can make a charitable donation to one of the Yorke Island projects (The Master Gunner Residence) here?
Yorke Island April 2022
Awesome photos from the 85 VICS post winter cleanup weekend on Yorke. It's great when the weather cooperates. The photographer, Max is a newcomer to the group and he offers blowup prints through his Salted Fish Studio. Looking forward to more great photos in the future. See more photos here.
Awesome photos from the 85 VICS post winter cleanup weekend on Yorke. It's great when the weather cooperates. The photographer, Max is a newcomer to the group and he offers blowup prints through his Salted Fish Studio. Looking forward to more great photos in the future. See more photos here.
1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
Your president is in Shilo for the change of command of 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Today was spent with the RCA HQ, the RCA Museum and the Home Station Officers' Mess. Happen to notice what appears to be one of the Wickett guns outside the William Cook building. |
Lethbridge Military Museum
Well worth a visit if you're in Lethbridge! Co-located with the 20th Independent Field Battery, RCA at the Lethbridge Airport. Had a great opportunity to view their 18 pounder (with wooden wheels plus a pneumatic tire conversion kit!), 25 pounder, Bofors, plus a tour through their museum. We can learn a lot from their displays.
Well worth a visit if you're in Lethbridge! Co-located with the 20th Independent Field Battery, RCA at the Lethbridge Airport. Had a great opportunity to view their 18 pounder (with wooden wheels plus a pneumatic tire conversion kit!), 25 pounder, Bofors, plus a tour through their museum. We can learn a lot from their displays.
Rogers Pass
SOP for crossing the pass is to check on the three monument guns. Starting to look rather rusted. Would they be willing to part with one of them for our museum? Seemed rather fitting that we had stopped in at the Mount Begbie Brewery to pick up an Avalanche growler beforehand. Great job on the artwork from one of our former members, Russ Heyman!
SOP for crossing the pass is to check on the three monument guns. Starting to look rather rusted. Would they be willing to part with one of them for our museum? Seemed rather fitting that we had stopped in at the Mount Begbie Brewery to pick up an Avalanche growler beforehand. Great job on the artwork from one of our former members, Russ Heyman!
Point Grey Battery
A half dozen of the Vancouver Artillery Association members took advantage of a not so rainy Wednesday afternoon and toured the Fort at Point Grey. The seismic stabilization project at the Museum of Anthropology continues and has exposes some of the #3 Gun emplacement as the excavations are dug out in order to add additional strength to the structure. Cooperation from the Museum provided us the opportunity of exploring the ammunition tunnels and traverse the length from #1 Gun to #3 Gun. Quite the adventure as we examined each of the ammunition hoists in the three ammunition storage areas. More pictures hopefully to follow.
A half dozen of the Vancouver Artillery Association members took advantage of a not so rainy Wednesday afternoon and toured the Fort at Point Grey. The seismic stabilization project at the Museum of Anthropology continues and has exposes some of the #3 Gun emplacement as the excavations are dug out in order to add additional strength to the structure. Cooperation from the Museum provided us the opportunity of exploring the ammunition tunnels and traverse the length from #1 Gun to #3 Gun. Quite the adventure as we examined each of the ammunition hoists in the three ammunition storage areas. More pictures hopefully to follow.
North Vancouver navy cadets hold change of command parade
The youth group was also treated to special tours of active navy vessels during Fleet Weekend.
Nick Laba
Sub-Lt. (NL) Colin Parkinson takes over as commanding officer from Lt. (NL) Ryan Moore, witnessed by Lt-Cmdr. (NL) Cliff Mah.
One of the longest-running leaders of local corps of navy cadets passed the torch this week.
Tuesday evening (May 3), former commanding officer Lt. (NL) Ryan Moore stepped down, as Sub-Lt. (NL) Colin Parkinson took command of the Navy League Cadet Corps 46 H.C. Wallace in North Vancouver. Navy League Cadets is a volunteer-run organization for children aged nine to 12 that provides activities under a military-like structure.
Parkinson’s first task as new CO was to present graduating cadet Alister MacDonald, 13, with the highest leadership award for the group.
In a card, MacDonald thanked Moore for his mentorship. “It changed my life,” he wrote.
“When he came to us, he was incredibly shy and quiet,” Moore said. “And he has grown into an incredibly strong leader, and a very outgoing young man who is quite avid in the skateboarding community.”
Through the program’s emphasis on leadership and responsibility, Moore explained that they were able to break MacDonald out of his shell.
Now, “He's a leader everywhere he goes – and that, to us is a massive success.”
Moore – a member of the Haida First Nation who’s now a police officer with the Surrey RCMP – used to be a cadet with the same corps. As a youth, he was raised in North Vancouver, attending Ridgeway Elementary and Carson Graham Secondary.
He’s volunteered at the Corps 46 cadets for 22 years.
With several navy ships in The Shipyards last weekend, Moore said his cadets were treated to a special tour of HMCS Vancouver by one of the ship's commanding officers. “When you're nine years old, that is like the most exciting thing in the world,” Moore added.
They also got a boat ride on a tactical response craft, which was a “massive highlight.”
The youth group was also treated to special tours of active navy vessels during Fleet Weekend.
Nick Laba
Sub-Lt. (NL) Colin Parkinson takes over as commanding officer from Lt. (NL) Ryan Moore, witnessed by Lt-Cmdr. (NL) Cliff Mah.
One of the longest-running leaders of local corps of navy cadets passed the torch this week.
Tuesday evening (May 3), former commanding officer Lt. (NL) Ryan Moore stepped down, as Sub-Lt. (NL) Colin Parkinson took command of the Navy League Cadet Corps 46 H.C. Wallace in North Vancouver. Navy League Cadets is a volunteer-run organization for children aged nine to 12 that provides activities under a military-like structure.
Parkinson’s first task as new CO was to present graduating cadet Alister MacDonald, 13, with the highest leadership award for the group.
In a card, MacDonald thanked Moore for his mentorship. “It changed my life,” he wrote.
“When he came to us, he was incredibly shy and quiet,” Moore said. “And he has grown into an incredibly strong leader, and a very outgoing young man who is quite avid in the skateboarding community.”
Through the program’s emphasis on leadership and responsibility, Moore explained that they were able to break MacDonald out of his shell.
Now, “He's a leader everywhere he goes – and that, to us is a massive success.”
Moore – a member of the Haida First Nation who’s now a police officer with the Surrey RCMP – used to be a cadet with the same corps. As a youth, he was raised in North Vancouver, attending Ridgeway Elementary and Carson Graham Secondary.
He’s volunteered at the Corps 46 cadets for 22 years.
With several navy ships in The Shipyards last weekend, Moore said his cadets were treated to a special tour of HMCS Vancouver by one of the ship's commanding officers. “When you're nine years old, that is like the most exciting thing in the world,” Moore added.
They also got a boat ride on a tactical response craft, which was a “massive highlight.”
Master Warrant Officer (Ret'd) John McClelland
John McClelland was in time and we thought it was a great idea to go out for dinner. What better mode of transport than my (new to me) Iltis. It attracts quite a bit of attention as the local RCMP constable stopped for a look as well. Turns out he owns one as well! Great photos by Captain Rob Wishnicki.
John McClelland was in time and we thought it was a great idea to go out for dinner. What better mode of transport than my (new to me) Iltis. It attracts quite a bit of attention as the local RCMP constable stopped for a look as well. Turns out he owns one as well! Great photos by Captain Rob Wishnicki.
15th Field Artillery Regiment Museum and Archives
Geoffrey Frank Mott Letters
The Museum has received an excellent collection of letters written by Geoffrey Frank Mott as he served with the Canadian Field Artillery during the First World War. Geoff also included some photographs and postcards from his time overseas. We'll be sharing the items on this page as we digitize them. A big shout out to Jon Johnson for the excellent job of packing and sending them over. |
Suzanne Veuger
It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of our Mum on April 10, 2022 at Lions Gate Hospital. Mum was born on September 15, 1942 in Emsworth, England to Dennis and Anne Hibbert. She grew up in England but also spent time in Nigeria where her father worked after WW 2. She became a teacher and immigrated to Vancouver in 1968 where she taught the remainder of her career in West Vancouver. She loved teaching and made lasting impacts on her students. Mum married Peter in 1969 and they created a happy life and home for their sons. She loved boating and spent many happy times cruising on the M.V. Tenakee along with friends from the RVYC. Her relationships with family and friends near and far were very important to her. In later years, Mum committed herself to volunteering at the RVYC, 15 Field Regiment RCA, Lions Gate Hospital and St. Francis in The Wood where her thoughtfulness and kindness shined through. Mum was predeceased by her adored grandson Matthew and her loving husband Peter. She is survived by her sons, Andrew and David, her daughters-in-law Yvette and Cynthia, her granddaughters Ashley and Caitlin, who loved their Grannie and brother-in-law and sister-in-law Fred and Sheila. We would like to thank West Vancouver Fire and Rescue and the Doctors and Nurses at Lions Gate Hospital for their wonderful care of Mum. A service will take place at St. Francis in The Wood on June 8, 2022 at 1:30 pm. We love you Mum and we will miss you. Please, no flowers but for those that wish, a donation to Canuck Place would be gratefully accepted. |