15th Field Artillery Regiment
The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
as at 30 June 2022
31st Field Battery, RCA
68th Field Battery, RCA
Band of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
31st Field Battery, RCA
68th Field Battery, RCA
Band of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Key Appointments
Back Row - 2Lt John Girardi, Sgt Ian Smith CD, Sgt Jason Street CD, MBdr Oliver Young CD, Lt Chad Evans, 2Lt Andrew Peters, 7, Sgt Rob Garrett CD, Lt Andrew Grieve, Capt Don Lamb CD, Sgt Adam Coleman, Lt Conway Hui, Capt Douglas Gayton CD, Sgt Rick Tennant CD, Sgt Conrad Skuce.
Third Row - Bdr Dan Mazurek, Bdr Dave Sylka, Pte Matt Coles, MCpl Lysholm, Pte Tian Wang, Bdr William Martinez CD, Pte Evan Huang, Ron Pryce, Bdr Wilfred Lam, Joseph Rozario, Bdr Magda McKenzie , MBdr Tony Gee CD, Bdr David Pare , MBdr Goran Kurtagic, Gnr Georgi Labadze, Bdr Kyle Hodgson, MBdr Roy McKenzie, 33, Bdr James Pesci, Clinten Watrich
Second Row - Bdr Terry Zhong, WO Joe Shortt CD, Bdr Lyall Erickson, Bdr Rob Stone CD, 40, 41, Bdr Robbie Hill, Bdr Nick Gray, Bdr Andrew Clark, MBdr Evann Gentry, Bdr Andrew Dyke, Bdr Dan Taylor, Bdr Ian Ho, Pte Gabriela Fleischer, 50, MBdr Starr Switzer, Bdr Dan Scott, Bdr Yuriy Bolgak, 54, 55, Bdr Jack Farquhar, Bdr Ken Keene, MBdr Oulette, WO CA Roberts CD
Front Row - HonMaj Grant Smith CD, Capt Pierre Lajoie CD, MWO Kevin Walker CD, WO George M Dempsey CD, CWO Rob Wishnicki CD, Maj Jim Barrett CD, HCol John Brownlee-Baker CD, HLCol Peter Veuger, Capt Richard Van Slyke CD, Maj Kent Wickens CD, Maj Brent Purcell CD
Third Row - Bdr Dan Mazurek, Bdr Dave Sylka, Pte Matt Coles, MCpl Lysholm, Pte Tian Wang, Bdr William Martinez CD, Pte Evan Huang, Ron Pryce, Bdr Wilfred Lam, Joseph Rozario, Bdr Magda McKenzie , MBdr Tony Gee CD, Bdr David Pare , MBdr Goran Kurtagic, Gnr Georgi Labadze, Bdr Kyle Hodgson, MBdr Roy McKenzie, 33, Bdr James Pesci, Clinten Watrich
Second Row - Bdr Terry Zhong, WO Joe Shortt CD, Bdr Lyall Erickson, Bdr Rob Stone CD, 40, 41, Bdr Robbie Hill, Bdr Nick Gray, Bdr Andrew Clark, MBdr Evann Gentry, Bdr Andrew Dyke, Bdr Dan Taylor, Bdr Ian Ho, Pte Gabriela Fleischer, 50, MBdr Starr Switzer, Bdr Dan Scott, Bdr Yuriy Bolgak, 54, 55, Bdr Jack Farquhar, Bdr Ken Keene, MBdr Oulette, WO CA Roberts CD
Front Row - HonMaj Grant Smith CD, Capt Pierre Lajoie CD, MWO Kevin Walker CD, WO George M Dempsey CD, CWO Rob Wishnicki CD, Maj Jim Barrett CD, HCol John Brownlee-Baker CD, HLCol Peter Veuger, Capt Richard Van Slyke CD, Maj Kent Wickens CD, Maj Brent Purcell CD
Canadian Forces' Decoration (CD)
The Canadian Forces' Decoration is awarded to officers and Non-Commissioned Members of the Canadian Forces who have completed twelve years of service. The decoration is awarded to all ranks, who have a good record of conduct. The decoration is awarded to the regular forces, reserve forces, officers of the Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC), Canadian Rangers and holders of honorary appointments in the CF. 25 Nov 2007 Captain Noel RR Dykes, CD received the second Bar to his Canadian Forces Decoration. See more... |
Members Qualifications
Gun Area Troop Sergeant Major (GATSM) course, 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.
Student Sergeant Ian M Smith
Chief Warrant Officer Qualification Course, Leadership School, St Jean, QC.
Apr 2007 Master Warrant Officer Rob G. Wishnicki
Gun Area Troop Sergeant Major (GATSM) course, 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.
Student Sergeant Ian M Smith
Chief Warrant Officer Qualification Course, Leadership School, St Jean, QC.
Apr 2007 Master Warrant Officer Rob G. Wishnicki
Most Proficient Detachment Commander of the Year
The BC Ex Artillery Sergeants Association provided this trophy for the Regiment to recognize their most proficient detachment commander for the year. This trophy is awarded annually by the firing battery’s leadership to the detachment commander that displayed the greatest overall proficiency throughout the year. This year’s winner was Master Bombardier G Kurtagic. |
The Gunner Douglas Corsor Jr. Memorial Trophy
This trophy is presented to the Gunner that most exemplifies the best characteristics of being a Gunner. It was created by his close friends in the Regiment, Gunner Noel RR Dykes, Gunner Joseph C. Gauthier, Gunner R. Gerard, Gunner H. Harsch and Gunner V. Hughes after his untimely death in a vehicle accident in 1974. It was refurbished by Captain N.R.R. Dykes CD in Dec 2004.. This year’s award is presented to Gunner JC Wong. |
Soldiers Christmas Dinner 15 December 2007
The Regimental Soldiers Christmas Dinner with a head table consisting of the Commanding Officer, the Regimental Sergeant Major, the Honoraries, the youngest recruit and the most senior Bombardier/Corporal.
The Regimental Soldiers Christmas Dinner with a head table consisting of the Commanding Officer, the Regimental Sergeant Major, the Honoraries, the youngest recruit and the most senior Bombardier/Corporal.
Remembrance Day
Fort Lewis 29 September 2007
The new incoming Commanding Officer decides that its time to fire his first 105mm round down range. Master Bombardier Tony Gee gets the nod as the hosting detachment. All goes well until high angle is ordered from the Command Post. See more...
The new incoming Commanding Officer decides that its time to fire his first 105mm round down range. Master Bombardier Tony Gee gets the nod as the hosting detachment. All goes well until high angle is ordered from the Command Post. See more...
Change of Command Parade
The change of command takes place from Lieutenant-Colonel Dan Kuhn to Major James Barrett on 11 Sep 2007. The parade follows the standard artillery format. The Regimental Sergeant Major turns over the parade to the Adjutant, who turns the parade to the Second in Command before the outgoing Commanding Officer takes command for his final time.See more...
The change of command takes place from Lieutenant-Colonel Dan Kuhn to Major James Barrett on 11 Sep 2007. The parade follows the standard artillery format. The Regimental Sergeant Major turns over the parade to the Adjutant, who turns the parade to the Second in Command before the outgoing Commanding Officer takes command for his final time.See more...
On 11 Sep 2007, Major James Barrett, CD appointed Commanding Officer. Major Barrett was born in Vancouver, BC, in 1956, where he completed High School in 1974, a two year college diploma in 1976, and a Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Degree at the University of British Columbia in 1979. Major Barrett enrolled in the Primary Reserves in 1982 as a Private Soldier in The British Columbia Regiment (Duke of Connaught’s Own) [BCR], where he completed his Basic and Recruit training and served as a Trooper. See more... |
Master Corporal Colin Bason Royal Westminster Regiment Funeral
17 Jul 2007 Many members of the Regiment attended the funeral of a fellow member of 39 Canadian Brigade Group. Master Corporal Colin Bason was killed in Afghanistan by a roadside bomb on July 4th that destroyed the vehicle he was riding in. Five of his fellow soldiers and an Afghanistan national were killed instantly. He is survived by his parents, spouse and daughter. He will be remembered. |
Cougar Salvo 07 – 20 March 2007
Strong Gunner participation that includes Lieutenant-Colonel Dan Kuhn, Chief Warrant Officer Rob G. Wishnicki, Captain Douglas P Gayton, Captain Richard Van Slyke, Captain Lajoie, Warrant Officer Joe Shortt, Sergeant Conrad Skuce, Master Bombardier Tony Gee. See more...
Strong Gunner participation that includes Lieutenant-Colonel Dan Kuhn, Chief Warrant Officer Rob G. Wishnicki, Captain Douglas P Gayton, Captain Richard Van Slyke, Captain Lajoie, Warrant Officer Joe Shortt, Sergeant Conrad Skuce, Master Bombardier Tony Gee. See more...
Convoy Ops Exercise 28 January
The 15th Field Artillery Regiment participated in a convoy security exercise at the Vancouver Fire and Rescue training centre. Improvised explosive devices and insurgent attacks were prevalent throughout the day. See more...
The 15th Field Artillery Regiment participated in a convoy security exercise at the Vancouver Fire and Rescue training centre. Improvised explosive devices and insurgent attacks were prevalent throughout the day. See more...

Members Extra-Regimentally Employed
Members in other units
Colonel Leon Jensen, OMM, CD Project Director Land Force Reserve Restructure, Ottawa, ON.
May 2007 Master Warrant Officer Colin V Norris, CD Counter-IED Operator, Task Force Afghanistan.
1 Mar 2007 Sergeant Keith Laing, CD retires from 12 Service Battalion.
Former Members now in Regular Force
Major Lee Hammond promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, posted 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group, Edmonton, AB.
Major Jean Pierre FL Dorris Battery Commander 119 AD Battery, 4 Air Defence Regiment Gagetown NB. Deployed to Afghanistan May 2007 to command Airspace Coordination Centre (ASCC) at Brigade Headquarters.
Captain Rob J Bower Canadian Forces Joint Headquarters, Kingston, ON.
Captain Noel RR Dykes CD G3 Operations 39 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters.
Captain Glen R Hamilton-Brown promoted Major 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group, Edmonton, AB.
Captain Paul A Stewart Canadian Forces Base Petawawa, ON.
Sergeant PG Dolomont 1st Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery Shilo MB.
Members in other units
Colonel Leon Jensen, OMM, CD Project Director Land Force Reserve Restructure, Ottawa, ON.
May 2007 Master Warrant Officer Colin V Norris, CD Counter-IED Operator, Task Force Afghanistan.
1 Mar 2007 Sergeant Keith Laing, CD retires from 12 Service Battalion.
Former Members now in Regular Force
Major Lee Hammond promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, posted 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group, Edmonton, AB.
Major Jean Pierre FL Dorris Battery Commander 119 AD Battery, 4 Air Defence Regiment Gagetown NB. Deployed to Afghanistan May 2007 to command Airspace Coordination Centre (ASCC) at Brigade Headquarters.
Captain Rob J Bower Canadian Forces Joint Headquarters, Kingston, ON.
Captain Noel RR Dykes CD G3 Operations 39 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters.
Captain Glen R Hamilton-Brown promoted Major 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group, Edmonton, AB.
Captain Paul A Stewart Canadian Forces Base Petawawa, ON.
Sergeant PG Dolomont 1st Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery Shilo MB.
Officers’ Mess
Saint Barbara’s Day Dining In
The pictures are rather sparse this year. We have the invite and Major(ret) Bob Mugford at the table. The Commanding Officer 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA traditionally invites the Regimental Sergeant Major to dine with the Officers at the Annual Saint Barbara’s Day Dinner. This tradition has evolved into the situation where many of the other guests are also non-commissioned members. These include a Master Chief Petty Officer from the United States Navy and Sergeant Majors Stewart and Underhill from E Division, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
The pictures are rather sparse this year. We have the invite and Major(ret) Bob Mugford at the table. The Commanding Officer 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA traditionally invites the Regimental Sergeant Major to dine with the Officers at the Annual Saint Barbara’s Day Dinner. This tradition has evolved into the situation where many of the other guests are also non-commissioned members. These include a Master Chief Petty Officer from the United States Navy and Sergeant Majors Stewart and Underhill from E Division, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Military Ball
Lieutenant George Lenis escorted his mother to the Military Ball to show her his appreciation. She did suggest that he invest in some dancing lessons.
Lieutenant George Lenis escorted his mother to the Military Ball to show her his appreciation. She did suggest that he invest in some dancing lessons.
Warrant Officers' and Sergeants' Mess
The Warrant Officers and Sergeants serving the Soldiers' Christmas Dinner gather at the bar: Sgt Ken Chui; MWO George Dempsey, CD; WO Joe Shortt, CD; Sgt Isaak Skuce; Sgt Oliver Young, CD; Sgt Coleman; Sgt Jason Street, CD; RSM CWO Rob Wishnicki, CD; MWO Kevin Walker, CD; WO ; Sgt Rob Garrett, CD, Sgt Andrea Bond, CD; Sgt Rick Tennant, CD; Sgt Ian Smith CD.
New Year’s Day Levée
The annual New Year’s Day Levée, hosted by the Governor General, the Lieutenant Governor, military establishments, municipalities and other institutions, has an unusual and interesting origin. The word Levée is derived from the French verb lever – to rise (specifically from one’s bed) – and has its origins in the Levée du Soleil or Rising of the Sun instituted by King Louis XIV (1643 – 1715) whose custom it was to receive his male subjects in the Royal bedchamber just after arising, a practice which subsequently spread throughout Europe. See more...
The annual New Year’s Day Levée, hosted by the Governor General, the Lieutenant Governor, military establishments, municipalities and other institutions, has an unusual and interesting origin. The word Levée is derived from the French verb lever – to rise (specifically from one’s bed) – and has its origins in the Levée du Soleil or Rising of the Sun instituted by King Louis XIV (1643 – 1715) whose custom it was to receive his male subjects in the Royal bedchamber just after arising, a practice which subsequently spread throughout Europe. See more...
Annual Mess Dinner
The Warrant Officers and Sergeants held a great dinner on the parade square of Bessborough Armoury. Six present and past Regimental Sergeants Major were in attendance as well as a large contingent of Regimental Sergeants Major from other 39 Canadian Brigade Group units. See more...
The Warrant Officers and Sergeants held a great dinner on the parade square of Bessborough Armoury. Six present and past Regimental Sergeants Major were in attendance as well as a large contingent of Regimental Sergeants Major from other 39 Canadian Brigade Group units. See more...
The Brigadier DuMoulin Trophy
This trophy is awarded to the most efficient member of the Sergeants’ Mess as determined by the displayed rating system. It is awarded at the Warrant Officers' and Sergeants’ Mess Annual Mess Dinner for their activities in the previous year. The winner for his service in 2006 is Sergeant Ian M Smith. |
Junior Ranks Club
39 CBG Junior Ranks Ball
Former Members
![]() Major William Waterbury Blackhall
It is with our deepest sorrows we announce the passing of our loving husband and father. Born March 25 1917 in Revelstoke and passed away peacefully September 17, 2007. Bill served in the army for 5 years during WWII. Major Blackall served with the RCA overseas in World War II and the 43rd Medium Anti-Aircraft regiment, RCA afterwards. See more... |
![]() Captain Edward John Hughes CM OBC
Captain Hughes was taken on strength with the Canadian Active Service Force as a Gunner on 1 September 1939 and after training he was subsequently posted to 31st Heavy Battery 15th (Vancouver) Coast Brigade RCA. His artistic skills led to a transfer with the Canadian Historical Division as a war artist where he served for the remainder of the war. He married Fern Rosabell Irvine on 10 February 1940 and was survived by one child, McLean. See more... |
![]() Sergeant Arne Knudsen
Delta Pioneer Dies March 7, 2007 - Delta pioneer Arne Knudsen, 1909-2007 Arne Knudsen spent a lifetime cheating death until it finally caught up with him on March 7, two months shy of his 98th birthday. The North Delta pioneer, who last May received Delta's Freedom of the Municipality Award, the highest award the municipality can bestow, died peacefully after living a life Errol Flynn couldn't match. See more... |
![]() David Henry Kachel
In Loving Memory of David Henry Kachel. Feb. 20, 1954 - Feb. 6, 2007 It is with great sadness that David's family announces his passing. David Henry Kachel of Kamloops passed away on February 6, 2007 at 52 years of age. He is survived by his loving wife of 29 years, Karen Louise Kachel, as well as his children Aleasha (Tyler Mann), and Matthew (Tania Chirkoff) of Kamloops. Gunner Kachel was a member of 15th Field Artillery Regiment in 1971. See more... |
Lists - The following pages contain information relating to the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Honours and Awards
Commanding Officers and Regimental Sergeants Major
Battery Commanders and Battery Sergeants Major
Band Appointments
Nominal Roll
Guns of the Regiment
Memorial Page
Honours and Awards
Commanding Officers and Regimental Sergeants Major
Battery Commanders and Battery Sergeants Major
Band Appointments
Nominal Roll
Guns of the Regiment
Memorial Page