31st Battery, 8th Brigade,
Canadian Field Artillery
Canadian Field Artillery
as at 13 June 2017
Acg 1st Bde H.Q. in rest. Battery Wagon Lines at same place. 8th Brigade Batteries in action under Group system. As reported in December War Diary
Acg 2nd Bde H.Q. in rest. Lieut Col V. Eaton and Lieut W.O. Gibson mentioned in dispatches dated 13 November 1916
Acg 3rd Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 4th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 5th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 6th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 7th Bde H.Q. in rest. Lieut. D.G. Robertson awarded Military Cross for bravery at Somme.
Acg 8th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 9th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 10th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 11th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 12th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 13th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 14th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 15th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 16th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 17th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 18th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 19th Lieut. Col V. Eaton returned from temporary command of 3 CDA
Acg 20th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 21st Bde H.Q. in rest.
Camblain 22nd Bde H.Q. and wagon lines of 30th, 31st, 35th & 40th Batteries moved to new wagon lines at Camblain l’Abbe l’Abbe as per 0034A attached
23rd Bde H.Q. in rest.
24th At 12 noon, Lieut Col Eaton and H.Q. 8th Bde CFA took over command of Right Group 3rd CDA from Lieut Col Carshallen and H.Q. 9th Bde CFA with group H.Q. at about G.9.b.3..8 (France 51BNW) The following Batteries composed the Right group: 32nd, 33rd and 45th 18-pdr Batteries and 35th and 36th 4.5 Hows.
25th Normal Day. Observation fair. Some Aeroplane activity.
26th Observation good. Considerable aerial activity.
27th On the night of 27/28th, the 32nd, 33rd & 36th Bts fired on Road junctions and Communications Trenches as per OO.47 attached.
28th The 35th and 36th How Bts bombarded Enemy Dump, as per OO.48 attached, with great effect.
29th Visibility fair. Our aeroplanes very active all day. Several enemy working parties dispersed by our fire.
30th Normal day. Enemy T.M’s fairly active. Our batteries fired on several Enemy parties with great effect.
31st Visibility good. Our aeroplanes active throughout the day. A German plane crossed our lines at 11.05 a.m, but was driven back at 11.10 a.m.
Acg 2nd Bde H.Q. in rest. Lieut Col V. Eaton and Lieut W.O. Gibson mentioned in dispatches dated 13 November 1916
Acg 3rd Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 4th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 5th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 6th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 7th Bde H.Q. in rest. Lieut. D.G. Robertson awarded Military Cross for bravery at Somme.
Acg 8th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 9th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 10th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 11th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 12th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 13th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 14th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 15th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 16th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 17th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 18th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 19th Lieut. Col V. Eaton returned from temporary command of 3 CDA
Acg 20th Bde H.Q. in rest.
Acg 21st Bde H.Q. in rest.
Camblain 22nd Bde H.Q. and wagon lines of 30th, 31st, 35th & 40th Batteries moved to new wagon lines at Camblain l’Abbe l’Abbe as per 0034A attached
23rd Bde H.Q. in rest.
24th At 12 noon, Lieut Col Eaton and H.Q. 8th Bde CFA took over command of Right Group 3rd CDA from Lieut Col Carshallen and H.Q. 9th Bde CFA with group H.Q. at about G.9.b.3..8 (France 51BNW) The following Batteries composed the Right group: 32nd, 33rd and 45th 18-pdr Batteries and 35th and 36th 4.5 Hows.
25th Normal Day. Observation fair. Some Aeroplane activity.
26th Observation good. Considerable aerial activity.
27th On the night of 27/28th, the 32nd, 33rd & 36th Bts fired on Road junctions and Communications Trenches as per OO.47 attached.
28th The 35th and 36th How Bts bombarded Enemy Dump, as per OO.48 attached, with great effect.
29th Visibility fair. Our aeroplanes very active all day. Several enemy working parties dispersed by our fire.
30th Normal day. Enemy T.M’s fairly active. Our batteries fired on several Enemy parties with great effect.
31st Visibility good. Our aeroplanes active throughout the day. A German plane crossed our lines at 11.05 a.m, but was driven back at 11.10 a.m.
Map References
VIMY, 36c S.W. 1/10,000
ROCLINCOURT 51b N.W. 1/10,000
FRANCE 51c N.E. 1/20.000
FRANCE Sh.51c. N.E.
VIMY, 36c S.W. 1/10,000
ROCLINCOURT 51b N.W. 1/10,000
FRANCE 51c N.E. 1/20.000
FRANCE Sh.51c. N.E.
April 1st - Although visibility is very low our batteries carried on with their wire cutting tasks.
Considerable wire was blown up but destruction on the whole was below normal.
The 4.5 Hows did a great deal of damage to SWISCHEN STELLUNG - both to the trench itself and the wire defences in front of it. Our F.O.Os report enemy trenches in bad condition.
Considerable wire was blown up but destruction on the whole was below normal.
The 4.5 Hows did a great deal of damage to SWISCHEN STELLUNG - both to the trench itself and the wire defences in front of it. Our F.O.Os report enemy trenches in bad condition.
April 2nd - We continued throughout the night with wire-cutting. Enemy shelling has been extremely light. At 7.00 a.m. we put on a trial or practice barrage. Intelligence Officer 3rd C.D.A. reported it very good, bursts low, and barrage well placed and uniform.
0.0.57 issued today orders a systematic and periodical bombardment of VIMY, PETIT VIMY and LE CHAUDIERE. Only two of our 18_pdrs and one 4.5 Howitzer Battery are to take part in this operation.
0.0.57 issued today orders a systematic and periodical bombardment of VIMY, PETIT VIMY and LE CHAUDIERE. Only two of our 18_pdrs and one 4.5 Howitzer Battery are to take part in this operation.
April 3rd - The enemy is apparently adopting a policy of “Watchful Waiting” as outside of aerial activity, his visible activities have been nil of late. His shelling has dropped considerably below normal. Meanwhile we are expending every effort in the speedy destruction of his wire while the heavy artillery is constantly pounding his roads and defences. The once well constructed and well defined SWISCHEN STELLUNG TRENCH has been reduced to an irregular mass of shell craters and piled earth
April 4th - In spite of the severe handicap poor visibility affords to successful wirecutting operations our batteries succeeded in doing a great deal of this to-day. On our section of FLAPPER and SWISCHEN STELLUNG trenches the infantry report that the wire still remaining would not impede them in the event of an advance.
April 5th - The raid carried out by the 52nd Battalion on our front at 4 a.m. this morning was quite successful. The Infantry remained in the enemy trenches for 10 minutes and withdrew without casualties. The Raiding Party succeeded in capturing one prisoner. Our support was reported as excellent. A letter of thanks from Lieut. Col. W.B. Evans is Comdg 52nd Canadian Battalion, has been received, as is attached hereto.
O.O. 59 issued to-day gives the following information:
On Z Day the Canadian Corps will attack and capture VIMY RIDGE. The details of the Artillery support are to be issued later. In the meantime we are to devote ourselves to thoroughly cutting the enemy wire defences and by day and by night we are to keep under fire points engaged by the Heavy Artillery during the day in order to prevent repairs.
O.O. 60 was issued to-night. The 43rd Canadian Battalion carried out three simultaneous raids. Two of them were quite successful by the Left Flank party were badly cut up. Our support for the right flank was reported as very satisfactory.
O.O. 59 issued to-day gives the following information:
On Z Day the Canadian Corps will attack and capture VIMY RIDGE. The details of the Artillery support are to be issued later. In the meantime we are to devote ourselves to thoroughly cutting the enemy wire defences and by day and by night we are to keep under fire points engaged by the Heavy Artillery during the day in order to prevent repairs.
O.O. 60 was issued to-night. The 43rd Canadian Battalion carried out three simultaneous raids. Two of them were quite successful by the Left Flank party were badly cut up. Our support for the right flank was reported as very satisfactory.
April 6th - Another rehearsal of our barrage for the VIMY RIDGE attack was put on this afternoon. All necessary adjustment between flanks of both Groups and battery barrages have now been made and the barrage is well placed and should be very successful.
The enemy lightly retaliated while our barrage was in progress but ceased as soon as our barrage was over.
The enemy lightly retaliated while our barrage was in progress but ceased as soon as our barrage was over.
April 7th - Enemy aeroplanes very active throughout the day; one of them brought down one of our observation balloons, but occupants escaped by means of parachutes. The enemy put a large number of Lethal and Lachamatary shells in the neighbourhood of our Headquarters to-night.
April 8th - Enemy artillery unusually active to-day. NEUVILLE ST. VAAST was heavily shelled with all calibres. One of our scout machines brought down to-day behind the German Lines.
April 9th - Berthonval Farm 6.10 p.m. F.O.O. 38th Battery reports enemy infantry concentrated PETITVIMY. 3 Companies observed marching overland in this vicinity. Movement also observed on the Ridge.
5.40 p.m. F.O.O. 38th Battery, reports 500 of the enemy marching overland towards VIMY now in the vicinity of T.24.a.
5.55 p.m. Advanced C.D.A. report numbers of enemy coming down the long railway from AVION toward VIMY.
9.55 p.m. 31st Battery report that they are in good communication with their forward station near SPANDAU HAUS.
5.40 p.m. F.O.O. 38th Battery, reports 500 of the enemy marching overland towards VIMY now in the vicinity of T.24.a.
5.55 p.m. Advanced C.D.A. report numbers of enemy coming down the long railway from AVION toward VIMY.
9.55 p.m. 31st Battery report that they are in good communication with their forward station near SPANDAU HAUS.
April 10 - Berthonval Farm 3.54 a.m. Capt. Davidson reports P.P.C.L.I. being heavily shelled with 5.9s from VIMY or T.19 central
6.45 a.m. L.O. 8th C.I.B reports everything O.K.
12.45 p.m. L.O. 8th C.I.B reports at least one battalion of enemy infantry in open formation about T.21.b.0.4½ Our artillery now searching in this vicinity.
1.10 p.m. L.O. reports small parties of enemy moving south along Sunken Road in T.28.a and c.
2.15 p.m. L.O. 8th C.I.B. reports large numbers of enemy troops standing and lying around in the open in T.21.a., T.20.a. and b. and on railway tracks in T.19.b.
3.00 to 4.00 p.m. We bombarded FLIT and FLOWER Trenches to protect our infantry patrols which were going out.
5.35 p.m. L.O. reports Right Battalion are forward as far as FLIRT Trench in S.30.b.
NOTE. During the latter part of the afternoon F.O.O. 38th Battery ranged one of our 60 pdr Batteries on two Hostile Batteries at T.25.b.8.4. A good registration was obtained. An ammunition dump being set on fire. Bursts of fire were kept over these batteries during the night but they advocated their positions before morning.
6.00 p.m. L.O. 8th C.I.B. reports two hostile batteries in action about T.26.c..8.8½.
11.50 p.m. LO. Right Bn. Reports enemy shelling our front line about S.29.d.8.5. very heavily.
6.45 a.m. L.O. 8th C.I.B reports everything O.K.
12.45 p.m. L.O. 8th C.I.B reports at least one battalion of enemy infantry in open formation about T.21.b.0.4½ Our artillery now searching in this vicinity.
1.10 p.m. L.O. reports small parties of enemy moving south along Sunken Road in T.28.a and c.
2.15 p.m. L.O. 8th C.I.B. reports large numbers of enemy troops standing and lying around in the open in T.21.a., T.20.a. and b. and on railway tracks in T.19.b.
3.00 to 4.00 p.m. We bombarded FLIT and FLOWER Trenches to protect our infantry patrols which were going out.
5.35 p.m. L.O. reports Right Battalion are forward as far as FLIRT Trench in S.30.b.
NOTE. During the latter part of the afternoon F.O.O. 38th Battery ranged one of our 60 pdr Batteries on two Hostile Batteries at T.25.b.8.4. A good registration was obtained. An ammunition dump being set on fire. Bursts of fire were kept over these batteries during the night but they advocated their positions before morning.
6.00 p.m. L.O. 8th C.I.B. reports two hostile batteries in action about T.26.c..8.8½.
11.50 p.m. LO. Right Bn. Reports enemy shelling our front line about S.29.d.8.5. very heavily.
April 11th - Berthonval Farm 12:14 p.m. L.O. 8th C.I.B. reports 6.9s firing from direction AVIONS from s.29.d.81/2.81/2.
12:55 p.m. L.O. 8th C.I.B. reports our right flank S.30 central and left flank S.29.b.81/2.,3.
1.30 p.m. “ “ “ “ left Battalion being heavily shelled by batteries along railway in T.13.d
3.46 p.m. F.O.O. 35th Battery reports enemy shelling our support line and PRINZ ARNOLF GRABEN from direction of Haus No.1.
4.15 p.m. 30th Battery report hostile 4.1 Battery at about T.21.d.3.
12:55 p.m. L.O. 8th C.I.B. reports our right flank S.30 central and left flank S.29.b.81/2.,3.
1.30 p.m. “ “ “ “ left Battalion being heavily shelled by batteries along railway in T.13.d
3.46 p.m. F.O.O. 35th Battery reports enemy shelling our support line and PRINZ ARNOLF GRABEN from direction of Haus No.1.
4.15 p.m. 30th Battery report hostile 4.1 Battery at about T.21.d.3.
April 12th - Berthonval Farm F4 d9.1 Sheet 5.c 12:14 p.m. Lieut. Col Eaton, who died on the 11th instant, was buried today at Row G, Barlin Military Cemetery.
On the night of the 12th/13th, one gun of the 38th Battery in the command of Lieut. Whittaker went forward to a position on the LENS-ARRAS Road S.29.d.7.2. The gun was to be used as a sniping gun
On the night of the 12th/13th, one gun of the 38th Battery in the command of Lieut. Whittaker went forward to a position on the LENS-ARRAS Road S.29.d.7.2. The gun was to be used as a sniping gun
April 13th - Berthonval Farm F4 d9.1 Sheet 5.c Heavy snowstorm. Batteries did very little firing owing to our infantry patrols being out.
April 14th - Berthonval Farm F4 d9.1 Sheet 5.c Battery Commanders went forward to VIMY to recconnoitre positions. Lieut. Whitaker took two guns of the 38th Battery to a position in LA CHAUDIERE. Both of these were taken over the Ridge to this position on the day of April 14th. The LENS-ARRAS Road east of VIMY RIDGE was in a terrible condition and under direct observation by the enemy. It was shelled constantly. Lieut. Whittaker succeeded in getting the section in without casualties and took up his position and reported to the O.C. 43rd Battalion. The water tower at LA CHAUDIERE was used as an O.P. The night of the 14/15th the 40th Battery moved forward to new positions in VIMY. The road was in a very bad condition and constant blocks occurred the Battery being over 17 hours on the road.
April 15th - Berthonval Farm F4 d9.1 Sheet 5.c On the night of the 15th/16th the 31st Battery moved forward to new position in VIMY and registered the following day.
April 16th - Berthonval Farm F4 d9.1 Sheet 5.c The 40th Battery registered four guns and moved two guns further forward in VIMY. The other four guns being drawn for ward that day and night and registered at once. The LENS-ARAS Road and the town of VIMY were under intermittent hostile shelling, several 40th Battery horses were lost. The Batteries kept gun limbers and teams in VIMY for a time. Horses stabled in old houses.
Most of the wells have been poisoned by arsenic by the Germans.
Group Headquarters moved forward to a position S.30.c.6.1 in German dugouts below the LENS ARRAS Road.
On the night of the 16th/17th the 35th Battery moved forward to a position in the south west outskirts of VIMY and registered on the 17th. Lieut. Boyd 40th Battery went forward to Battalion Headquarters (43rd) at BOIS DE LA CHAUDIERE for Liaison Duty. Communication with infantry was established that night.
Most of the wells have been poisoned by arsenic by the Germans.
Group Headquarters moved forward to a position S.30.c.6.1 in German dugouts below the LENS ARRAS Road.
On the night of the 16th/17th the 35th Battery moved forward to a position in the south west outskirts of VIMY and registered on the 17th. Lieut. Boyd 40th Battery went forward to Battalion Headquarters (43rd) at BOIS DE LA CHAUDIERE for Liaison Duty. Communication with infantry was established that night.
1 May 1917 – In the Field. VIMY & LA CHAUDIERE 36.c.S.W.3 Ed. 8A. 1/10,000. At 4.20 a.m. batteries of the Group carried out a Feint Barrage, as ordered in Operation Order No.19.
During the whole of the forenoon, Headquarters was subject to a heavy bombardment. Col Ralston’s dugout received a direct hit, but owing to excellent protection provided by its recent occupants, the roof only suffered.
Vimy received considerable shelling during the day.
At 9.00 p.m. heavy firing on our right. Our batteries opened up on S.O.S. Lines but nothing happened at our front.
-F.4.d.8.1 – Major L.C. Goodeve, D.S.O. reported to Brigade Headquarters Wagon Lines, Berthoval Farm, preparatory to taking over Command of the 8th Brigade (Goodeve’s Group), in accordance with 3rd C.D.A. re-organization order, dated May 5th, 1917.
During the whole of the forenoon, Headquarters was subject to a heavy bombardment. Col Ralston’s dugout received a direct hit, but owing to excellent protection provided by its recent occupants, the roof only suffered.
Vimy received considerable shelling during the day.
At 9.00 p.m. heavy firing on our right. Our batteries opened up on S.O.S. Lines but nothing happened at our front.
-F.4.d.8.1 – Major L.C. Goodeve, D.S.O. reported to Brigade Headquarters Wagon Lines, Berthoval Farm, preparatory to taking over Command of the 8th Brigade (Goodeve’s Group), in accordance with 3rd C.D.A. re-organization order, dated May 5th, 1917.
3 May 1917 – In the Field. VIMY & LA CHAUDIERE 36.c.S.W.3 Ed. 8A. 1/10,000. At 3.45 a.m. Batteries carried out another Feint Barrage in conjunction with attack on our Right, detailed in O.O. No. 20. No flares of any kind appeared on our front.
No other firing by us during the day, but the usual night firing of 70 rounds each, spread over from 9.00 p.m. to 3.00 a.m. |
4 May 1917 – In the Field. VIMY & LA CHAUDIERE 36.c.S.W.3 Ed. 8A. 1/10,000. A normal day. Hostile fire somewhat less. No day firing, but usual night firing. 35th Battery put over 30 gas shells during the night.
5 May 1917 – In the Field. VIMY & LA CHAUDIERE 36.c.S.W.3 Ed. 8A. 1/10,000. Comparatively quiet. A little shelling of Vimy.
3rd C.D.A. re-organized into three groups. Hqrs., 8th Brigade, CFA becomes Hqrs. Of Goodeve’s Brigade with – 30th Battery – 6 18 pdr. Guns, 32nd Battery, - 6 18 pdr. Guns, and 43rd How. Battery, 4-4.5” Hows. It is proposed that the Brigade be eventually completed to the Establishment of 3-6gun 18 pdr. Batteries, and 1-4.5” How. Battery. Required to complete, -1-6 gun 18 pdr. Battery, 1-6 gun 4.5” How. Battery less two sections.
The Hqrs. , and 30th Battery now come under tactical command of 10th Brigade, C.F.A.
The 32nd and 43rd Batteries remain under Tactical Command of 9th Brigade C.F.A.
3rd C.D.A. re-organized into three groups. Hqrs., 8th Brigade, CFA becomes Hqrs. Of Goodeve’s Brigade with – 30th Battery – 6 18 pdr. Guns, 32nd Battery, - 6 18 pdr. Guns, and 43rd How. Battery, 4-4.5” Hows. It is proposed that the Brigade be eventually completed to the Establishment of 3-6gun 18 pdr. Batteries, and 1-4.5” How. Battery. Required to complete, -1-6 gun 18 pdr. Battery, 1-6 gun 4.5” How. Battery less two sections.
The Hqrs. , and 30th Battery now come under tactical command of 10th Brigade, C.F.A.
The 32nd and 43rd Batteries remain under Tactical Command of 9th Brigade C.F.A.
The 9th Brigade war diary records the following:
Visibility Poor. Doubtless owing to low visibility, considerable movement was observed in the enemy forward lines during the day. Numerous parties were taken on by our Batteries, dispersed and in some cases inflicted casualties. O.O. No. 70 issued today orders a co-operation between Heavy Artillery, Field Artillery and Aeroplanes in order to carry out a concentrated offensive on hostile Batteries. By this means at least three of our Batteries will fire at the same time upon an enemy one. Corrections for the shoot will be given by Aeroplanes and it is planned to have a machine for every five hundred Square yards. |
6 May 1917 – In the Field. VIMY & LA CHAUDIERE 36.c.S.W.3 Ed. 8A. 1/10,000.
Headquarters and 30th Battery under tactical command of 10th Brigade, CFA.
32nd and 43rd Batteries under Tactical Command of 9th Brigade C.F.A.
The 9th Brigade war diary records the following:
Visibility good. Enemy Artillery fire has been normal today. Particular attention has been paid, by him, to VIMY and roads leading to it.
Enemy Planes were very active and numbers of them were over our lines throughout the day. One of our Scout machines was engaged by three hostile Aeroplanes at 10 A.M. Our machine was hit and although it turned over and over six or seven times, the pilot regained control and made a safe landing
Headquarters and 30th Battery under tactical command of 10th Brigade, CFA.
32nd and 43rd Batteries under Tactical Command of 9th Brigade C.F.A.
The 9th Brigade war diary records the following:
Visibility good. Enemy Artillery fire has been normal today. Particular attention has been paid, by him, to VIMY and roads leading to it.
Enemy Planes were very active and numbers of them were over our lines throughout the day. One of our Scout machines was engaged by three hostile Aeroplanes at 10 A.M. Our machine was hit and although it turned over and over six or seven times, the pilot regained control and made a safe landing
7 May 1917 - Visibility fair. Aircraft activity on both sides but on the whole has been a very quiet day.
By an order issued today the 9th Brigade will be re-organized as follows: The 32nd Battery will be transferred intact to Goodeve’s Group (8th Brigade, C.F.A.) and we will receive in its place the 31st Battery, formerly belonging to the 8th Brigade, C.F.A. |
8 May 1917 – Visibility fair. Enemy Artillery heavily shot our Front Line between 4 and 5 P.M. today in front of LA COULETTE.
10 May 1917 – Visibility poor. Owing to this fact both our and enemy Artillery were unusually inactive.
11 May 1917 - Visibility very good. Our Batteries completed the registration of a number of important points in the enemy lines. Enemy activity has been sub-normal.
12 May 1917 – Visibility good. Both our own and enemy planes unusually active, Our Scouts engaged in considerable patrol work over enemy lines. Our F.O.O’s report new wire entanglements have been placed in front of trench from T.2.d.50.50 to T.a.60.30. A number of working parties observed today, were engaged and dispersed by our 18-Pdrs.
O.O. No. 72 provides for the ?? over, by our Batteris, ammunition from the A.H.A. Brigade, 242nd A.F.A. Brigade and 93rd A.F.A. Brigade, as these Batteries are being withdrawn from the corps. The receipt of this Ammunition will be of great value to the Batteries, as our horses have been taxed to the utmost in packing ammunition up to the guns. At 7.45 P.M. a Zeppelin was observed travelling in a Northerly direction behind MERICOURT. |
13 May 1917 – Visibility fair. Enemy Artillery activity was fairly light today. The F.O.O of the 36th Battery observed 25 men digging anew trench in N.35.c.90.80 and N.35.d.30.20. They were immediately fired upon and dispersed, much damage being done to the new work.
Lieut-Col. H.G. Carscallen, D.S.O., Commanding, Major L.C. Goodeve, D.S.O., C.O. Goodeve’s Group, assumes command.
Lieut-Col. H.G. Carscallen, D.S.O., Commanding, Major L.C. Goodeve, D.S.O., C.O. Goodeve’s Group, assumes command.
14 May 1917 - Visibility fair. Enemy Artillery was quite active today. During the morning he intermittently shelled in rear of VIMY with an 8” How. Aeroplane activity was slightly below normal today. No encounters of any importance took place.
15 May 1917 - Visibility fair. Enemy actively engaged in shell- VIMY throughout the afternoon. Two of our new Triplanes prevented four of the enemy planes from crossing our lines.
Warning Order No. 1 issued today, gives the following new Zone Boundaries for this Group: Northern Boundary S.18.b.2.0 to S.12.d.6.4.-T.7.b.2.8. – N.32.c.8.8., Southern Boundary T.4.b.5.4. to T.9.c.5.0.
The above changes in Boundaries is not to take place till a later date.
Warning Order No. 1 issued today, gives the following new Zone Boundaries for this Group: Northern Boundary S.18.b.2.0 to S.12.d.6.4.-T.7.b.2.8. – N.32.c.8.8., Southern Boundary T.4.b.5.4. to T.9.c.5.0.
The above changes in Boundaries is not to take place till a later date.
17 May 1917 – Visibility very poor. Enemy Artillery very quiet. The enemy for the first time tried out today, a 77mm shell, which upon bursting, sends out a small white parachute-flare.
O.O. No. 74 issued today orders the 31st Battery to come under tactical control of this group, 8 P.M, 18th inst. O.O. No. 75 was also issued today and gives further instructions for the taking over of ammunition, by this Group, from 93rd and 242nd A.F.A. Brigades. This ammunition is to be taken over this afternoon. |
18 May 1917 – Visibility fair. Considerable aerial activity has been exhibited by the enemy. Our new Triplanes, however, were quite successful in driving the German machines away.
O.O. No. 76 issued today gives the information that the 49th Canadian Battalion will raid German Front Line from T.2.d.1.2 to T.2.c.2.4.. No Artillery support will be required but the 33rd Battery is detailed to stand ready to give support if needed. |
19 May 1917 – Visibility Good. The raid called for in O.O. 76 did not take place this morning and is postponed indefinitely. Our F.O.O’s again report factories working in HENIN LIETARD. Artillery activity below normal.
21 May 1917 – Visibility fair. Several working parties observed today, were fired upon and dispersed. Large number of horses reported grazing in rear and front of HARNES.
22 May 1917 – Visibility poor. Activity on both sides below normal. Our F.O.O.s have been most active in locating and reporting hostile gun-flashes and some excellent Counter-battery work has been made possible by this.
O.O. No. 77 issued today contains the following information:- (1) The 58th Battalion has instructions to consolidate German Post at T.8.a.75.95. (2) Our support will be as follows: (a) For one half hour before Zero we will keep up a light disturbing fire on German Front on T.2.c. (b) Slow covering fire from 9.30 P.M (Zero hour) till 10.15 P.M. |
23 May 1917 – Visibility Fair. Enemy Heavy Artillery has been most active today. Considerable movement in the Enemy’s back country has been reported by our F.O.O’s. Any parties within range were taken on and dispersed. A Trench Motor located at T.13.a.1.9. became active at 2.15 this morning. Our 36th How. Battery fired upon it and obtained two direct hits.
Our infantry was successful in capturing and consolidating Post , as ordered in O.O.No.77. This necessitates the issuing of O.O.No.78, today, which slightly changes our S.O.S. barrage, in the vicinity of this Post. |
24 May 1917 – Visibility good. Considerable serial activity took place today. Artillery activity on both sides has been normal.
25 May 1917 – Visibility fair. Factories again reported active in HENIN LIETARD and also COURRIERES. Enemy Artillery has been most active during the last twenty-four hours on roads and tracks N.W. of VIMY. O.O.No. 79 was issued at 1 A.M. this morning and gives the following information:-
27 May 1917 – Visibility fair. An F.O.O. reported explosion in N.29.a. Aerial activity on both sides slightly below normal. Enemy activity generally, today, was sub-normal.
28 May 1917 – Visibility fair. Enemy planes particularly active during morning: crossing our lines a number of times. Enemy Artillery has been active again today, shelling VIMY and back areas in the vicinity of VIMY RIDGE. Our Batteries have been engaged in registration during most of the day.
29 May 1917 - Visibility Indifferent. Considerable movement has been observed in enemy Lines to-day, and several parties have been dispersed by our 18-pdr. Batteries.
30 May 1917 – Visibility Poor. Enemy artillery activity has been slight during the past 24 hours. Our Batteries have been carrying on with Registration.
31 May 1917 – Visibility Good. Enemy artillery quite active during afternoon and evening. At Noon to-day the enemy put a barrage of 5.9’s and 4.1’s on our Trenches in T.7.b and T.8.a to which we heavily retaliated.
The following Decorations have been awarded to men in this Brigade during the past month:-
91616 Sglr. T.L. Chambers, 31st Battery,
305598 Bdr. G.S. Brown, 32nd. ”
91095 Bdr W.S. Harper, 36th. ”
301132 Dvr E.V. Pledge, 36th. ”
304586 Gr. J.W.G. Shaw, 33rd. ”
300390 Bdr. J. Marshall, 33rd. ”
348551 Gr. T.O!Connor, 45th. ”
348402 Cpl. H.A. Bessent, 45th. ”
304365 Gr. W.H. Bremner, 45th. ”
348536 Gr. W. Morgan, 45th. ”
Handwritten margin note: What did they get – GSCMs?
91616 Sglr. T.L. Chambers, 31st Battery,
305598 Bdr. G.S. Brown, 32nd. ”
91095 Bdr W.S. Harper, 36th. ”
301132 Dvr E.V. Pledge, 36th. ”
304586 Gr. J.W.G. Shaw, 33rd. ”
300390 Bdr. J. Marshall, 33rd. ”
348551 Gr. T.O!Connor, 45th. ”
348402 Cpl. H.A. Bessent, 45th. ”
304365 Gr. W.H. Bremner, 45th. ”
348536 Gr. W. Morgan, 45th. ”
Handwritten margin note: What did they get – GSCMs?
1 June 1917 – Visibility: Misty in the morning but improved and was fairly good in afternoon. Enemy planes very active throughout day – a number crossed our lines. One of our machines was brought down in vicinity of LA CHAUDIERE. Our Artillery was engaged in registration and trench demolition throughout the day. Enemy Artillery was unusually active, paying particular attention to our Front Line and Support Trenches.
O.O. No. 80 issued today. We are to take part in a Barrage, to cover an attack, to be made by the Division on our Left. Zero Hour will be 12 Midnight, night of June 2nd/3rd. |
2 June 1917 – Visibility good. At 4.05 a.m. enemy barraged our line in T.2.c and d. We immediately retaliated and silenced him. Artillery activity on both sides normal today.
3 June 1917 – Visibility fair. The Division on our Left attacked at 12 Midnight, last night, and our barrage was reported as good. Heavy resistance was met with and final objective was not gained. As soon as our barrage opened, enemy laid down a counter-barrage on our Group Front and it was some minutes before he realized his error and switched over to our Left.
During today enemy artillery has been sub-normally quiet.
During today enemy artillery has been sub-normally quiet.
4 June 1917 – Visibility: misty in morning, good in afternoon. Considerable movement was reported in the back country by our F.O.O’s and Heavy Artillery took on a number of these targets with good effect.
Artillery activity on both sides below normal today. Very little aerial activity was engaged in by either the enemy or ourselves.
Artillery activity on both sides below normal today. Very little aerial activity was engaged in by either the enemy or ourselves.
5 June 1917 – Visibility fair. At 2.35 a.m. enemy opened a heavy barrage on our Group Front. Upon an S.O.S. Signal being put up by our Infantry, we immediately opened fire and kept up a fairly intense rate until 3.05 when enemy barrage ceased.
O.O. No. 81 issued today, lays down Zones for Batteries to cut wire in. This is in preparation for a large raid which will take place shortly. |
6 June 1917 – Visibility fair. Despite poor visibility and the time taken to get wires to forward O.P’s., our Batteries succeeded in cutting a good deal of wire today. Our 36th Battery, especially, did good as considerable of the wire is so placed as to make it difficult for a Field Gun with its flat trajectory to cut wire.
Enemy Artillery was below normal today – there was practically no shelling. |
7 June 1917 – Visibility good. Wire cutting was carried on vigorously by all Batteries today and good progress was made. Considerable movement in back country reported by our F.O.O’s. Enemy Artillery has been unusually inactive.
O.O. No. 83 issued tonight. The 4th Canadian Division on our Left, in conjunction with our Division will raid enemy’s trenches at 11.45 p.m., June 8th. Our objectives are: (a) Enemy’s Front and Support Lines from Railway Embankment at T.2.c.90.20. and thence to T.2.c.40.40. to T.1.d.80.90 to T.1.d.05.95. (b) FINAL OBJECTIVE: Enemy’s Strong Point in ruined house at T.2.b.30.10., Westerly along ADEPT TRENCH from T.2.d.20.90 – T.2.a.15.40 thence North-East along AGENT TRENCH to BALSAM TRENCH at T.1.b.90.70. (BALSAM TRENCH inclusive to 3rd Canadian Division) Our troops will remain a total of two hours in enemy’s lines. Our support will take the form of Rolling and Standing Barrages. |
9 June 1917 – Visibility fair. Enemy Artillery active, special attention being paid to VIMY, probably in an effort to damage our Batteries. Aerial activity was engaged in by both sides.
10 June 1917 – Visibility good. Enemy Artillery active in vicinity of VIMY and LA CHAUDIERE. Our Batteries took on several small parties of the enemy and in one instance inflicted casualties.
O.O. No. 85 issued today. The personnel of the 33rd Battery of our Group are to be relieved for ten days by the personnel of the 463rd Battery, R.F.A. The 33rd Battery men will take over the Defensive Position of the 463rd Battery and vice versa. |
11 June 1917 – Visibility poor in morning, fair in afternoon. Enemy Artillery has been unusually inactive. A very quiet day on both sides.
12 June 1917 – Visibility good. Enemy Artillery shelled VIMY and LENS-ARRAS road, in retaliation for our Heavy Artillery bombardment of AVION today. Enemy planes very active, as many as twelve being our line at one time today.
Our A.A. Guns, however, drove them back quickly. A great deal of enemy movement reported today; any opportunity targets, within range, were taken on by our Batteries. O.O.No. 86 issued today gives orders for preparation to be made for a series of “Concentrated Shoots” at irregular intervals. Orders will be given for one minute shootes, on a specially selected target. All Batteries will be engaged in these shoots. O.O.No.87 also issued today, order the 45th Battery and 24th How. Battery to locate positions for a forward gun to be used as a Sniping Gun. |
13 June 1917 – Visibility poor. Today has been very quiet and there has been practically no enemy shelling.
The following pages contain additional information relating to the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Honours and Awards
Commanding Officers and Regimental Sergeants Major
Battery Commanders and Battery Sergeants Major
Band Appointments
Nominal Roll
Guns of the Regiment
Memorial Page
The following pages contain additional information relating to the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Honours and Awards
Commanding Officers and Regimental Sergeants Major
Battery Commanders and Battery Sergeants Major
Band Appointments
Nominal Roll
Guns of the Regiment
Memorial Page