5th Canadian Siege Battery
Canadian Garrison Artillery
Canadian Garrison Artillery
as at 2 October 2016
5th Siege Battery Confidential War Diary 1917
Place - Mt St Eloy
Apl 1st - At Noon we fired 12 Rounds on crater D62 in S15d 6.2 to check error of day. Commenced a shoot on Hostile Battery B13 at B1d 05.60 by aeroplane observation, shoot was not very successful we had fired 1 rounds and the plane gave good corrections, he then gave M.Q. and no more was heard from him. The plane evidently went home on account of engine trouble and forgot to give C.I. From 2.30.p.m. to 3.p.m. we fired 20 Rounds by ground observation on crater lip at S15c 90.80. The shoot was good and we obtained very good results except for one abnormal round which fell behind our lines, but fortunately, doing no damage. The round preceding this was “range” and we repeated getting as a result this abnormal round the cause of which could not be ascertained.
Apl 2nd - At 10.a.m. we fired 5 minutes rapid on Les Tilleuls Cross roads in S11a 90.88 without observation and at Noon fired 12 Rounds on Crater D62 to check error of day.
At 12.30.p.m. fired 5 minutes rapid on VIMY STATION without observation. From 12.50.p.m. to 2.0.p.m. fired 5 Rounds on CLAUDE TRENCH at S15a 85.75 to S9c 95.05, Lt Gass observed this shoot and reported very good results , We again got one short round which fell well behind our lines. It was thought the N.C.T. used on this shoot was bad and a written report on this matter was sent into H.Q. During the evening we received an S.O.S. call and opened fire on S22a 4.8 and S16d 05.20, S5c 70.40 and S15b 90.94. At 11.10 p.m. it was reported all quiet again.
Apl 3rd - At 11.15. a.m. fired 11 Rounds on crater D62 to check error of day. And at Noon switched to Baby Trench in S15a 83.10 to S15a 83.28, fired 88 Rounds with ground observation, no direct hits were observed altho several fell on the edge of the trench. During the afternoon we fired 15 Rounds on La Chaudiere, south of line through S18d 0.5 without observation and also 25 Rds on GIVENCHY, portion north of E and W line through S10a 1/2.1 ½ and east of line through S4c 2.0. At 4.40 started shoot on Hostile Battery by aeroplane observation in S12d 45.15. 1st Rd was unobserved and after 2nd round nothing more was heard from plane.
Apl 4th - At 9.15 a.m. fired 20 Rounds on Thelus Hill which was being used by the enemy as an observation post, and then fired 41 Rounds on crater D6 to check error of day, there was a number of duds and hostile shelling made observation very difficult, after registering we fired 16 Rounds on S18d 0.5. without observation. At 8.10 p.m. and to 8.40 p.m. we fired 60 Rounds on Hostile Battery S61 at S24c 65.15. without observation and then switched to H.B.’s No B13 and T51 in Bld 1.5 and T13c 23.30 130 Rounds being fired on these batteries without observation. Hostile shelling during the day was at times very heavy but slacked off during the evening.
Apl 5th - During the morning we fired on Vimy, portion north of road in S24d 1.0 tp T19c 8 ½.9 and east of line tarouga T19c 0.0 to S24b 7.0. From 1.p.m. to 1.50 p.m. we fired 100 Rounds on enemy Headquarters at S15a 60.30 obtaining 3 direct hits and destroying the entire place. We then switched to a Machine Gun Emplacement in S15a 52.38, firing 5o Rounds with very good results, we obtained several direct hits and a great deal of material was thrown up. At 3.25 p.m. we fired 50 Rounds on a Trench Mortar and emplacement in S22a 25.30. This was done by double line observation and considered a very good shoot. The emplacement was very badly damaged and a quantity of material destroyed and thrown up. We then received instructions to switch to another Trench mortar which had been giving considerable trouble, but by this time the light was fading and observation getting more difficult, however 50 Rounds were fired with good results and the emplacement was considerably damaged. From 4.p.m. to 6.p.m. we fired 30 Rounds on THELUS portion between line through A12a 80 and A12b 2.7 and road from cemetery running S.W. through village. This was done without observation.
Apl 6th - During the morning we carried out a destructive shoot on Hostile Battery S53 at S18d 15.85 by aeroplane observation. Plane only stayed long enough to get us registered and then gave C I, so shoot was continued without observation, 200 Rounds being fired. We then checked error of day by firing 15 Rounds at Thelum Mill and then switched to a Machine gun emplacement at S15d 9.1, fired 65 Rounds observed by F.O.O. with very good results, no direct hits were observed but quantities of material were thrown up and emplacement considerably damaged.
Apl 7th - During the morning fired 30 Rounds on GIVENCHY and also took part in a concentration shoot on Thelus, portion A12a 3.3¼ to 1½.4½ to 7.9 to 3¾.3½
Apl 8th - From Noon to 4 p.m fired 150 Rounds on Hostile Battery S56 at S18d 95.80 by aeroplane observation, plane gave very good registration mostly Azs, Y’s and Z’s and after the 77th Round gave C I. We finished the shoot without observation. A machine gun emplacement at Tva between craters S15d 25.60. This shoot was carried out with indirect observation but satisfactory results. During the afternoon we undertook a shoot on Hostile Battery S56 at S18d 95.80 by aeroplane observation, Plane gave C I on account of heavy mist and shoot was discontinued. We the received a telephone message to open fire on hostile battery T59 at T19b 75.80 which was done without observation. During the night we fired 50 Rounds on area of 100 yards radius around S11c 1.6.
Apl 9th - A continuous bombardment was kept up all day on Hostile Batteries T64 at T26a 80.70, T65 at T20c 10.28, T59 at T19b 75.80, and T52 at T13b 45.00. 406 Rounds being expended on these Batteries. There were also a good many special targets which claimed our attention during the day, A large body of troops were seen massing in S24d, we immediately switched and fired 50 Rounds into them, and succeeded in dispersing them. A H.V. Gun in T20c 10.80 gave a lot of trouble during the day and we were ordered to silence it, which we succeeded in doing after 50 Rounds. Six other Hostile batteries which gave a considerable amount of trouble also claimed our attention, some being effectively silenced and others being compelled to reduce their fire, These batteries were S53 at T14a 08¼70, S54 at S18b 00.10, S55 at S18b 45.85, S62 at S24b 12.85, T50 at T13a 14.55 and S26a S12d 48.15. We then turned our attention on Banff Trench and fired 50 Rounds into the trench from S22b 20.75 to S16c 9.1, immediately switching to Hostile Battery T50 at T13a 14.55 and firing 35 Rounds into it. A Plane then registered us on Hostile Battery T65 at T20c 10.28 after giving us three observation, which were very good, plane gave C I and 16 Rounds were then fired without observation. Another plane then called up and directed our fire on H.B. T65 with better results, several O.K’s and Y ½ and Z’s being obtained. The Battery was effectively silenced. Plane then directed our fire on junction Banff and Bean Trenches at S16c 50.50. Out of 20 Rds fired on this point there were 18 O.K’s the remaining two being an A and B. From 6.15 p.m. to 9.p.m 207 Rounds were fired into Beano and Cyclist Trench after which we switched to Houses and Trenches in eastern half of Sr4d. During the night we kept up a continuous fire at slow rate on S10d 9.4., S17c 7.7 and S18a 1.2.
Apl 10th - From 5.00 a.m. to 6.30 a.m. we fired 50 Rounds on a machine gun emplacement in S16a 0.9 with fairly good results, there were no direct hits but much material damage was caused to the emplacement. At 7.a.m. plane went up to direct us on hostile battery S26 at S12d 8.15 First few rounds were mostly A’s and B’s but after 16 Rounds plane gave C I on account of a shortage of petrol. About 1.p.m. troops were seen massing for a counter-attack in T13b and d, we immediately switched and fired 40 Rounds into them, Troops were also seen massing in S17b and 18a, these were also dispersed by artillery fire, in which we fired 20 Rounds.
4.55.p.m. plane went up to direct us on (Z4, but we had only fired one round before a heavy snow snowstorm came on, forcing the plane to land. During the night we kept up continuous fire at slow rate on tracks through S17d tp T13c also tracks through S17d to T7b.
Apl 11th - At Noon we fired 40 Rounds on Vimy Station in T19d 92.80. and then switched to La Chaudiere firing 20 Rounds into this place. A very good shoot on Hostile Battery S26 at S12d 49.15 was carried out during the afternoon by aeroplane observation. 199 Rounds were fired, the airman reporting that three gun-pits were totally destroyed and two other badly damaged.
100 Rounds were fired into BLIGHTY TRENCH and 78 on roads in S18a.
During the night we fired 96 Rounds in an intense bombardment on houses and North West portion of T19a. S4d 0.9 to S4b 0.1 tp S11a 9.3 ½.
Apl 12th - No entry
Apl 13th - No entry
Apl 14th - Very little doing today 60 Rounds being fired on trenches in M36b 25.00 and M31c30.10.
Apl 15th - Nil
Apl 16th - Enemy entirely out of range.
Apl 1st - At Noon we fired 12 Rounds on crater D62 in S15d 6.2 to check error of day. Commenced a shoot on Hostile Battery B13 at B1d 05.60 by aeroplane observation, shoot was not very successful we had fired 1 rounds and the plane gave good corrections, he then gave M.Q. and no more was heard from him. The plane evidently went home on account of engine trouble and forgot to give C.I. From 2.30.p.m. to 3.p.m. we fired 20 Rounds by ground observation on crater lip at S15c 90.80. The shoot was good and we obtained very good results except for one abnormal round which fell behind our lines, but fortunately, doing no damage. The round preceding this was “range” and we repeated getting as a result this abnormal round the cause of which could not be ascertained.
Apl 2nd - At 10.a.m. we fired 5 minutes rapid on Les Tilleuls Cross roads in S11a 90.88 without observation and at Noon fired 12 Rounds on Crater D62 to check error of day.
At 12.30.p.m. fired 5 minutes rapid on VIMY STATION without observation. From 12.50.p.m. to 2.0.p.m. fired 5 Rounds on CLAUDE TRENCH at S15a 85.75 to S9c 95.05, Lt Gass observed this shoot and reported very good results , We again got one short round which fell well behind our lines. It was thought the N.C.T. used on this shoot was bad and a written report on this matter was sent into H.Q. During the evening we received an S.O.S. call and opened fire on S22a 4.8 and S16d 05.20, S5c 70.40 and S15b 90.94. At 11.10 p.m. it was reported all quiet again.
Apl 3rd - At 11.15. a.m. fired 11 Rounds on crater D62 to check error of day. And at Noon switched to Baby Trench in S15a 83.10 to S15a 83.28, fired 88 Rounds with ground observation, no direct hits were observed altho several fell on the edge of the trench. During the afternoon we fired 15 Rounds on La Chaudiere, south of line through S18d 0.5 without observation and also 25 Rds on GIVENCHY, portion north of E and W line through S10a 1/2.1 ½ and east of line through S4c 2.0. At 4.40 started shoot on Hostile Battery by aeroplane observation in S12d 45.15. 1st Rd was unobserved and after 2nd round nothing more was heard from plane.
Apl 4th - At 9.15 a.m. fired 20 Rounds on Thelus Hill which was being used by the enemy as an observation post, and then fired 41 Rounds on crater D6 to check error of day, there was a number of duds and hostile shelling made observation very difficult, after registering we fired 16 Rounds on S18d 0.5. without observation. At 8.10 p.m. and to 8.40 p.m. we fired 60 Rounds on Hostile Battery S61 at S24c 65.15. without observation and then switched to H.B.’s No B13 and T51 in Bld 1.5 and T13c 23.30 130 Rounds being fired on these batteries without observation. Hostile shelling during the day was at times very heavy but slacked off during the evening.
Apl 5th - During the morning we fired on Vimy, portion north of road in S24d 1.0 tp T19c 8 ½.9 and east of line tarouga T19c 0.0 to S24b 7.0. From 1.p.m. to 1.50 p.m. we fired 100 Rounds on enemy Headquarters at S15a 60.30 obtaining 3 direct hits and destroying the entire place. We then switched to a Machine Gun Emplacement in S15a 52.38, firing 5o Rounds with very good results, we obtained several direct hits and a great deal of material was thrown up. At 3.25 p.m. we fired 50 Rounds on a Trench Mortar and emplacement in S22a 25.30. This was done by double line observation and considered a very good shoot. The emplacement was very badly damaged and a quantity of material destroyed and thrown up. We then received instructions to switch to another Trench mortar which had been giving considerable trouble, but by this time the light was fading and observation getting more difficult, however 50 Rounds were fired with good results and the emplacement was considerably damaged. From 4.p.m. to 6.p.m. we fired 30 Rounds on THELUS portion between line through A12a 80 and A12b 2.7 and road from cemetery running S.W. through village. This was done without observation.
Apl 6th - During the morning we carried out a destructive shoot on Hostile Battery S53 at S18d 15.85 by aeroplane observation. Plane only stayed long enough to get us registered and then gave C I, so shoot was continued without observation, 200 Rounds being fired. We then checked error of day by firing 15 Rounds at Thelum Mill and then switched to a Machine gun emplacement at S15d 9.1, fired 65 Rounds observed by F.O.O. with very good results, no direct hits were observed but quantities of material were thrown up and emplacement considerably damaged.
Apl 7th - During the morning fired 30 Rounds on GIVENCHY and also took part in a concentration shoot on Thelus, portion A12a 3.3¼ to 1½.4½ to 7.9 to 3¾.3½
Apl 8th - From Noon to 4 p.m fired 150 Rounds on Hostile Battery S56 at S18d 95.80 by aeroplane observation, plane gave very good registration mostly Azs, Y’s and Z’s and after the 77th Round gave C I. We finished the shoot without observation. A machine gun emplacement at Tva between craters S15d 25.60. This shoot was carried out with indirect observation but satisfactory results. During the afternoon we undertook a shoot on Hostile Battery S56 at S18d 95.80 by aeroplane observation, Plane gave C I on account of heavy mist and shoot was discontinued. We the received a telephone message to open fire on hostile battery T59 at T19b 75.80 which was done without observation. During the night we fired 50 Rounds on area of 100 yards radius around S11c 1.6.
Apl 9th - A continuous bombardment was kept up all day on Hostile Batteries T64 at T26a 80.70, T65 at T20c 10.28, T59 at T19b 75.80, and T52 at T13b 45.00. 406 Rounds being expended on these Batteries. There were also a good many special targets which claimed our attention during the day, A large body of troops were seen massing in S24d, we immediately switched and fired 50 Rounds into them, and succeeded in dispersing them. A H.V. Gun in T20c 10.80 gave a lot of trouble during the day and we were ordered to silence it, which we succeeded in doing after 50 Rounds. Six other Hostile batteries which gave a considerable amount of trouble also claimed our attention, some being effectively silenced and others being compelled to reduce their fire, These batteries were S53 at T14a 08¼70, S54 at S18b 00.10, S55 at S18b 45.85, S62 at S24b 12.85, T50 at T13a 14.55 and S26a S12d 48.15. We then turned our attention on Banff Trench and fired 50 Rounds into the trench from S22b 20.75 to S16c 9.1, immediately switching to Hostile Battery T50 at T13a 14.55 and firing 35 Rounds into it. A Plane then registered us on Hostile Battery T65 at T20c 10.28 after giving us three observation, which were very good, plane gave C I and 16 Rounds were then fired without observation. Another plane then called up and directed our fire on H.B. T65 with better results, several O.K’s and Y ½ and Z’s being obtained. The Battery was effectively silenced. Plane then directed our fire on junction Banff and Bean Trenches at S16c 50.50. Out of 20 Rds fired on this point there were 18 O.K’s the remaining two being an A and B. From 6.15 p.m. to 9.p.m 207 Rounds were fired into Beano and Cyclist Trench after which we switched to Houses and Trenches in eastern half of Sr4d. During the night we kept up a continuous fire at slow rate on S10d 9.4., S17c 7.7 and S18a 1.2.
Apl 10th - From 5.00 a.m. to 6.30 a.m. we fired 50 Rounds on a machine gun emplacement in S16a 0.9 with fairly good results, there were no direct hits but much material damage was caused to the emplacement. At 7.a.m. plane went up to direct us on hostile battery S26 at S12d 8.15 First few rounds were mostly A’s and B’s but after 16 Rounds plane gave C I on account of a shortage of petrol. About 1.p.m. troops were seen massing for a counter-attack in T13b and d, we immediately switched and fired 40 Rounds into them, Troops were also seen massing in S17b and 18a, these were also dispersed by artillery fire, in which we fired 20 Rounds.
4.55.p.m. plane went up to direct us on (Z4, but we had only fired one round before a heavy snow snowstorm came on, forcing the plane to land. During the night we kept up continuous fire at slow rate on tracks through S17d tp T13c also tracks through S17d to T7b.
Apl 11th - At Noon we fired 40 Rounds on Vimy Station in T19d 92.80. and then switched to La Chaudiere firing 20 Rounds into this place. A very good shoot on Hostile Battery S26 at S12d 49.15 was carried out during the afternoon by aeroplane observation. 199 Rounds were fired, the airman reporting that three gun-pits were totally destroyed and two other badly damaged.
100 Rounds were fired into BLIGHTY TRENCH and 78 on roads in S18a.
During the night we fired 96 Rounds in an intense bombardment on houses and North West portion of T19a. S4d 0.9 to S4b 0.1 tp S11a 9.3 ½.
Apl 12th - No entry
Apl 13th - No entry
Apl 14th - Very little doing today 60 Rounds being fired on trenches in M36b 25.00 and M31c30.10.
Apl 15th - Nil
Apl 16th - Enemy entirely out of range.
The following pages contain additional information relating to the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Honours and Awards
Commanding Officers and Regimental Sergeants Major
Battery Commanders and Battery Sergeants Major
Band Appointments
Nominal Roll
Guns of the Regiment
Memorial Page
The following pages contain additional information relating to the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Honours and Awards
Commanding Officers and Regimental Sergeants Major
Battery Commanders and Battery Sergeants Major
Band Appointments
Nominal Roll
Guns of the Regiment
Memorial Page
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