The Commanding Officers’ Advisory Board Meeting
21 May 2014
1930-2030 HRS
I: President’s Remarks
2: Approval of Minutes: 7 December 2013 Meeting:
3: Business arising out of Old Minutes:
Regimental Society
The Regimental Society, will be hosting a dinner event at the Tea House Restaurant in Stanley Park on Friday, September 26, 2014. You are no doubt well aware of the significance of the Tea House. The purpose of the dinner is to commemorate the start of the Second World War and the placement of our Regiments' guns in Stanley Park to protect the entrance to Vancouver Harbour. The Band will perform, and a salute will be fired at sundown. The tariff is $125 per person.
Seating is limited to 100 persons and we need to know which members of the Regimental Family will be attending before we send out general invitations. We do not require any payment at this time however we expect this to sell out so if you think you would like to attend please send your tentative RSVP directly to Honorary Lieutenant Colonel W.J. Rodgers at [email protected] Please ensure you indicate if you will be accompanied by a guest and RSVP by nlt 11 July 14 in order to secure your seats.
On behalf of the Honorary Lieutenant Colonel
21 May 2014
1930-2030 HRS
I: President’s Remarks
2: Approval of Minutes: 7 December 2013 Meeting:
3: Business arising out of Old Minutes:
- Yorke Island update by Chair: LCol Jim Barrett
- New date for departure: 12-14 Sept 14.
- Ferguson Point Commemoration update by Chair: HCol Grant Smith.
- Update on Junior Officers’ Handbook project: Capt Doug Gayton
- Project on display of historical items in unit lines.
- Discussion on 15 FD Regimental Crest project.
- Open Discussion/ Round Table
- Adjournment & Date of Next Meeting:
Regimental Society
The Regimental Society, will be hosting a dinner event at the Tea House Restaurant in Stanley Park on Friday, September 26, 2014. You are no doubt well aware of the significance of the Tea House. The purpose of the dinner is to commemorate the start of the Second World War and the placement of our Regiments' guns in Stanley Park to protect the entrance to Vancouver Harbour. The Band will perform, and a salute will be fired at sundown. The tariff is $125 per person.
Seating is limited to 100 persons and we need to know which members of the Regimental Family will be attending before we send out general invitations. We do not require any payment at this time however we expect this to sell out so if you think you would like to attend please send your tentative RSVP directly to Honorary Lieutenant Colonel W.J. Rodgers at [email protected] Please ensure you indicate if you will be accompanied by a guest and RSVP by nlt 11 July 14 in order to secure your seats.
On behalf of the Honorary Lieutenant Colonel