Albert Head VI '71'
The following photos are logged into the Museum Accession Book as 40 Slides - 43 MAA Regt at Albert Head VI '71'. I'm not sure what the VI indicates nor what the '71' entails. They've been placed in the 1956 yearbook due to Graham Blyth having Lieutenant-Colonel rank and a second set of photos marked 1956 that appear to match the weather and uniforms. The slide order has been based on the activity that appears to be taking place. First we have the anti-aircraft gun being brought into action (someone can correct me if they can see that they are actually bringing the gun out of action) Lunch on top of the ammunition boxes? The firing of the gun followed by the cleaning. It then appears that the coveralls have all been put aside and the unit forms up for a parade. The band is in attendance as well as a guard with rifles. I'm somewhat confused by the dress as it may actually indicate that the pictures are from two different parades. Dress in some photos is complete bush dress while others show members wearing bush pants with battle dress jackets.....curious....
The newspaper article describe anti-aircraft exercises in the area in 1956 but tere is not neccesarily any correlation with the photos.
The newspaper article describe anti-aircraft exercises in the area in 1956 but tere is not neccesarily any correlation with the photos.
We also have several series of black and white photos that appear to be from the same exercise. The 990 series indicates 1956. The 982.858 series also seems to be from the same exercise. Bush uniforms worn by the officers and coveralls by the soldiers.
We now have a series where the reviewing officer, Brigadier Dumoulin appears to be inspecting other units on a much larger parade. But he appears to be dressed the same as does the accompanying officer in bush. Is it a large anti-aircraft exercise? Is that the same provost guarding the pay parade? Are the pictures an assortment from different years?