Yorke Island Visit
Home of the 85th Battery, 15th (Vancouver) Coast Brigade RCA during World War II. We're planning a weekend visit to the Yorke Island Conservancy. Weekend to be confirmed. Contact [email protected] for further information |
Special Guest Night - Centennial Celebration Dinner
A formal regimental dinner will be held at the Stanley Park Teahouse to celebrate our 100th Birthday in the location of the 15th (Vancouver) Coast Regiment RCA during the Second World War. 1800 Hrs, 11 September 2020, RSVP to HLCol Don Foster, [email protected] |
Battlefield Tour
Postponed until further notice due to COVID-19 flight restrictions! 15th Field Artillery Regiment RCA will conduct a battlefield tour of France and Belgium as part of the Regiment's 100 year anniversary. Twenty members (10 current serving and 10 retired/associates) will be setting off on the tour from 18 April until 2 May. Total budget for the trip is set at $60,000.00 and we've been doing some fundraising to defray the costs for those that have signed up. We've just hit the $1,000.00 mark. Care to sponsor a gunner to Normandy? Contact [email protected] |