Change of Command Parade
Lieutenant-Colonel Barrie Hamilton, CD signs for the command of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA from Lieutenant-Colonel John MacGregor, CD. Lieutenant-Colonel MacGregor during the inspection. Lieutenant Peter Faliszewski and the Regimental Sergeant Major Chief Warrant Officer Bill Amos are included in the entourage while Gunner Darren Kostinuk and Master Corporal Jennifer Ritchie are in the ranks.
Honorary Colonel Blyth presents the outgoing CO with a gift.The incoming CO presents flowers to the wife of the outgoing CO.
Lieutenant-Colonel Barrie Hamilton marches the unit past the Reviewing Officer. Regimental Sergeant Major Chief Warrant Officer Bill Amos; Battery Sergeant Major 31 Battery Master Warrant Officer Leon Jensen; Officer Cadet Lee and Master Bombardier Paul Roberts in the background.
Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs Barrie Hamilton and their daughter at the post parade reception.
Honorary Colonel Blyth presents the outgoing CO with a gift.The incoming CO presents flowers to the wife of the outgoing CO.
Lieutenant-Colonel Barrie Hamilton marches the unit past the Reviewing Officer. Regimental Sergeant Major Chief Warrant Officer Bill Amos; Battery Sergeant Major 31 Battery Master Warrant Officer Leon Jensen; Officer Cadet Lee and Master Bombardier Paul Roberts in the background.
Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs Barrie Hamilton and their daughter at the post parade reception.