Soldiers' Christmas Dinner
The Christmas Parade featured skills competition prior to the traditional Soldiers’ Christmas Dinner.
The yearly Turkey Shoot is a crowd pleaser. Master Bombardier Oulette and Major Kent Wickens provide coaching to those that are new to the sport and to those that require refreshers in basic rifle handling skills. Its all about the breathing!
The TOPP High competition is a sure winner. It could be worse, some of us can remember wearing TOPP high for hours during Exercise REFORGER in the days of 4 CMBG …Sgt Ian Smith explains the drill to the relay including Bdr William Martinez. Master Bombardier Godsoe looking on incredulously.OMG, what are they doing up there? Sergeant Rick Tennant and Master Bombardier Kurtagich keeping a close eye on the process.
The yearly Turkey Shoot is a crowd pleaser. Master Bombardier Oulette and Major Kent Wickens provide coaching to those that are new to the sport and to those that require refreshers in basic rifle handling skills. Its all about the breathing!
The TOPP High competition is a sure winner. It could be worse, some of us can remember wearing TOPP high for hours during Exercise REFORGER in the days of 4 CMBG …Sgt Ian Smith explains the drill to the relay including Bdr William Martinez. Master Bombardier Godsoe looking on incredulously.OMG, what are they doing up there? Sergeant Rick Tennant and Master Bombardier Kurtagich keeping a close eye on the process.
The MLVW race – Which detachment is ahead by a nose …..or should that be ahead by a cab length? The judges appear to be clearly indicating a winner, however, Master Bombardier Godsoe may be expressing some dissent with the call. We can't forget the stretcher races in the basement
With all the activity taking place during the skills competition, there was still a requirement for the Officers to prepare for the Soldiers’ Christmas Dinner. Capt Doug Gayton and Lt Don lamb ensuring that refreshments are ready for dinner. After all, there is a hungry crowd coming for lunch.
There is the traditional exchange of position between the Commanding Officer and the youngest recruit and between the Regimental Sergeant Major and the senior Bombardier. The Officers, Warrant Officers and Sergeants demonstrate their skill as waiters serving the troops. Captain Halpin demonstrates his skill at pouring wine, while it appears that Sergeant Street has developed considerable aptitude with the salad.
The assembly line in the Officers’ mess ensures that a revolt does not take place with the many hungry Gunners and Bombardiers next door. Mind you, it doesn’t look like Sergeant Coleman, Warrant Officer McHugh, Sergeant Donato Calogero and Sergeant Skuce aren’t enjoying themselves. They might be focussed on the task at hand, but it does not seem as if they are too concerned with the process.
The table is cleared, toasts are given, promotions made, winners announced and yearly awards handed out.
Of course, all that hard work and excellent food often tire a person out. What better place than a couch in the Mess to grab a short nap knowing that you are surrounded by true friends. Unfortunately, some of those friends have cameras!
The assembly line in the Officers’ mess ensures that a revolt does not take place with the many hungry Gunners and Bombardiers next door. Mind you, it doesn’t look like Sergeant Coleman, Warrant Officer McHugh, Sergeant Donato Calogero and Sergeant Skuce aren’t enjoying themselves. They might be focussed on the task at hand, but it does not seem as if they are too concerned with the process.
The table is cleared, toasts are given, promotions made, winners announced and yearly awards handed out.
Of course, all that hard work and excellent food often tire a person out. What better place than a couch in the Mess to grab a short nap knowing that you are surrounded by true friends. Unfortunately, some of those friends have cameras!