Major Carl Seymour Gonnason, MC
Major Carl Seymour Gonnason MC was a Lieutenant during his time with the 15th Brigade. He was born in Victoria, BC on 19 February 1893 and was taken on strength with the 5th Regiment, Canadian Garrison Artillery on 9 February 1916. He was transferred to the 62nd Battery, 15th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery on 28 April, the Ammunition Column on 1 May 1916 and then to the 60th Battery on 3 August 1916. His diary starts in Victoria. On 22 January 1917, the Canadian Field Artillery was reorganized with more gun detachments in each of the Batteries. This resulted in 15th Brigade being disbanded and the detachments transferred to other units. Lieutenant Gonnason was absorbed by the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Reserve Artillery 22 June 1917, posted to 1st Brigade, Canadian Reserve Artillery on 11 August and proceeded overseas to France as reinforcements to 1st Division Ammunition Column on 16 September 1917. He was posted to 3rd Battery, 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery on 10 December 1917 and was invalided sick with influenza on 8 January 1919. After his discharge from the Canadian Expeditionary Force he was to later re-enlist with the 5th (B.C) Coast Brigade, Canadian Artillery rising to the rank of Major and Battery Commander of the 55th Battery in 1932. He was deceased 18 March 1961 and is interred at the Royal Oak Burial Park Cemetery in Victoria, BC.
His diary starts in Victoria in 1915.
His diary starts in Victoria in 1915.
Memorandum from 1915
On Nov. 1 I came home from Seattle where I attended Wilson Modern Business College and from which I received my certificate andam a graduate.
On Nov. 22 on the advice of Capt. (Dr.) GA Hall I joined #1 Ambulance C.A.M.C. as a Private for overseas service.
On Nov. 1 I came home from Seattle where I attended Wilson Modern Business College and from which I received my certificate andam a graduate.
On Nov. 22 on the advice of Capt. (Dr.) GA Hall I joined #1 Ambulance C.A.M.C. as a Private for overseas service.
Monday, 31 January 1916
Received my discharge from #1 Section C.A.M.C. Capt. Bigger in command to accept a commission in 5th Regiment C.G.A.
Tuesday, 1 February 1916
I receive my commission as Lieutenant in the 5th Regt. C.G.A.; Lt. Col. Angus O.C.
Wednesday, 9 February 1916
Today I started the Royal School of Artillery Major Cockbrun instructor; Those attending are
Mr. Prior; Mr. McLauchlan; Mr. Pethic; Mr. Gonnason (me); Mr. McLean; Mr. Bray (Naval Officer); Mr. Cook; Mr. Waldie
Wednesday, 29 March 1916
Sig came back from Seattle with Hannah to spend a week or so; Had an examination on Range finding. I got 80%.
Friday, 31 March 1916
Received my monthly check; Had an exam in electricity; Was home for dinner in the evening & stayed home all night. All the family home; I received 97% in electricity exam, highest
Received my discharge from #1 Section C.A.M.C. Capt. Bigger in command to accept a commission in 5th Regiment C.G.A.
Tuesday, 1 February 1916
I receive my commission as Lieutenant in the 5th Regt. C.G.A.; Lt. Col. Angus O.C.
Wednesday, 9 February 1916
Today I started the Royal School of Artillery Major Cockbrun instructor; Those attending are
Mr. Prior; Mr. McLauchlan; Mr. Pethic; Mr. Gonnason (me); Mr. McLean; Mr. Bray (Naval Officer); Mr. Cook; Mr. Waldie
Wednesday, 29 March 1916
Sig came back from Seattle with Hannah to spend a week or so; Had an examination on Range finding. I got 80%.
Friday, 31 March 1916
Received my monthly check; Had an exam in electricity; Was home for dinner in the evening & stayed home all night. All the family home; I received 97% in electricity exam, highest
Saturday, 1 April 1916
Fine; We had an exam on 6" Fort Macauley; In the afternoon McLauchlan and I went riding, we had Sgt Hutchinson along. Went around Leitier Hill and back to willows, got on well. Was home for dinner in the evening.
Sunday, 2 April 1916
Fine; Came home in the AM. Dad, Dill and myself had a game of golf on Macauley plains(?); Was up to Mrs. Kinghams and played tennis in the P.M. Has Maclauchlan up for supper & played bridge after.
Monday, 3 April 1916
Fine slightly cloudy; Windy in the evening; We started Infantry drill and military law today; Studying in the evening
Tuesday, 4 April 1916
Fair strong wind; Mother Sig and Hannah came down to Woods. McL & myself went over; Mr Bray & Mr Harper & Reba were also there. We played bridge.
Wednesday, 5 April 1916
Fair; Was down to the Empress in the evening; had a fair good time.
Thursday, 6 April 1916
Overcast; General routine; examined part of class on infantry drill. Studied in evening.
Friday, 7 April 1916
Fine, Hugo came over from Seattle; Had ammunition exam in the A.M.; Prior and I had game of golf after drill. I got 1 hole up. In P.M. Dad, Mother, Inez and I went to the Pantages; Tents go up for the 15th Brigade on Macauley; Had class photos taken by the colonist.
Saturday, 8 April 1916
Fine; Had infantry exam in the A.M. finished 10.30; Prior, McLean, McLaughlan and I had a round of golf; in P.M. Dad and I put down the tennis court tapes we each bought a new racket. Was downtown in evening; home early; slept at home; Jim(?) Woods went East. Sig, Han(?), Dad, Al, Hugo Kathleen, Petra and myself had tea at the Empress in PM at 5 o'clock.
Sunday, 9 April 1916
Rain heavy greater part of the day; Slept at home in evening; Al, Kathleen & Rita up for dinner, Sig & Hugo wnt home to Seattle. was done to see them off.
Monday, 10 April 1916
Cloudy; had examination lectures did not finish; conclude tomorrow; I went through the V.M.(?) Depots plant with the manager getting notes on the 18 pounder shrapnel shell which they are manufacturing. I speak tomorrow; Stay in the fort during the evening; Had mlitary law exam in the PM.
Tuesday, 11 April 1916
Windy; Was up to Signal Hill in the AM for lectures; Went down to Macauley at 10.30 & had a round of golf. Was down to Macauley in PM assisting in putting up cap equipment; Have been told unofficially that McLaughlin and I will be under Capt. Sargison in the Ammunition Column of the 15th Brigade; Col. Ogilvie in command.
Wednesday, 12 April 1916
Blustery; Was up to Macauley in the AM; took a chill; went to Black Rock for lunch but had to go home & go to bed.
Thursday, 13 April 1916
Overcast; Was home sick in bed all day. McLaughlin was up in the evening to see me. Men go under canvas at Macauley.
Friday, 14 April 1916
Fair cloudy in evening; Got out of bed this AM for awhile; went down to Macauley in PM & assisted in the medical examination of the Men; We (the family) had dinner at Alonso and Kathleens place; went to a candy pull at Dorothy Taylors place on Clarence St.; Had a nice time; it is called the candy club; all the candy made is shipped to the boys at the front. They meet every two weeks.
Saturday, 15 April 1916
Fine; Was down at Macauley in the PM at the camp; Worked around home in P.M.; had a game of tennis with Dr. A.B Hall (Mayor); Was out with Capt Sargison & McLaughlan in evening.
Fine; We had an exam on 6" Fort Macauley; In the afternoon McLauchlan and I went riding, we had Sgt Hutchinson along. Went around Leitier Hill and back to willows, got on well. Was home for dinner in the evening.
Sunday, 2 April 1916
Fine; Came home in the AM. Dad, Dill and myself had a game of golf on Macauley plains(?); Was up to Mrs. Kinghams and played tennis in the P.M. Has Maclauchlan up for supper & played bridge after.
Monday, 3 April 1916
Fine slightly cloudy; Windy in the evening; We started Infantry drill and military law today; Studying in the evening
Tuesday, 4 April 1916
Fair strong wind; Mother Sig and Hannah came down to Woods. McL & myself went over; Mr Bray & Mr Harper & Reba were also there. We played bridge.
Wednesday, 5 April 1916
Fair; Was down to the Empress in the evening; had a fair good time.
Thursday, 6 April 1916
Overcast; General routine; examined part of class on infantry drill. Studied in evening.
Friday, 7 April 1916
Fine, Hugo came over from Seattle; Had ammunition exam in the A.M.; Prior and I had game of golf after drill. I got 1 hole up. In P.M. Dad, Mother, Inez and I went to the Pantages; Tents go up for the 15th Brigade on Macauley; Had class photos taken by the colonist.
Saturday, 8 April 1916
Fine; Had infantry exam in the A.M. finished 10.30; Prior, McLean, McLaughlan and I had a round of golf; in P.M. Dad and I put down the tennis court tapes we each bought a new racket. Was downtown in evening; home early; slept at home; Jim(?) Woods went East. Sig, Han(?), Dad, Al, Hugo Kathleen, Petra and myself had tea at the Empress in PM at 5 o'clock.
Sunday, 9 April 1916
Rain heavy greater part of the day; Slept at home in evening; Al, Kathleen & Rita up for dinner, Sig & Hugo wnt home to Seattle. was done to see them off.
Monday, 10 April 1916
Cloudy; had examination lectures did not finish; conclude tomorrow; I went through the V.M.(?) Depots plant with the manager getting notes on the 18 pounder shrapnel shell which they are manufacturing. I speak tomorrow; Stay in the fort during the evening; Had mlitary law exam in the PM.
Tuesday, 11 April 1916
Windy; Was up to Signal Hill in the AM for lectures; Went down to Macauley at 10.30 & had a round of golf. Was down to Macauley in PM assisting in putting up cap equipment; Have been told unofficially that McLaughlin and I will be under Capt. Sargison in the Ammunition Column of the 15th Brigade; Col. Ogilvie in command.
Wednesday, 12 April 1916
Blustery; Was up to Macauley in the AM; took a chill; went to Black Rock for lunch but had to go home & go to bed.
Thursday, 13 April 1916
Overcast; Was home sick in bed all day. McLaughlin was up in the evening to see me. Men go under canvas at Macauley.
Friday, 14 April 1916
Fair cloudy in evening; Got out of bed this AM for awhile; went down to Macauley in PM & assisted in the medical examination of the Men; We (the family) had dinner at Alonso and Kathleens place; went to a candy pull at Dorothy Taylors place on Clarence St.; Had a nice time; it is called the candy club; all the candy made is shipped to the boys at the front. They meet every two weeks.
Saturday, 15 April 1916
Fine; Was down at Macauley in the PM at the camp; Worked around home in P.M.; had a game of tennis with Dr. A.B Hall (Mayor); Was out with Capt Sargison & McLaughlan in evening.
Sunday, 16 April 1916
Fine chilly; Was down to camp all day; All the horses were tried out; Mr. & Mrs. Wood, Esq. Mrs. Wood, Kathleen and Al up for tea; Home in evening.
Monday, 17 April 1916
Mild; In camp all day; Had a game of golf in the AM.
Tuesday, 18 April 1916
Fair; In camp all day; Went to party at Cissfords in the evening.
Wednesday, 19 April 1916
Fair; Drill during the day; Went down to the Empress for a while in the evening.
Thursday, 20 April 1916
Windy; Had riding school in PM and AM; Went to Prospect in the PM to get out; Took Hazel Wagmott along had a pleasant afternoon; Had pay parade; Came into camp in the evening; C.F.A. 15th Brigade, C.E.F Ammunition Column
Friday, 21 April 1916
Good Friday; Blustery; Slept in camp at Macauley for first time; Had riding school in the A.M. In PM took a ride; Went to pary at Mrs. Childs residence.
Saturday, 22 April 1916
Fine, Cloudy in early A.M; Left camp at 9 A.M. with Mr Prior & a number of men & teams to go to Rod Hill for two guns; Had lunch on the road; back in camp at 3.30 P.M. Was down town for a short time. back in camp 10. P.M.
Sunday, 23 April 1916
Cloudy & cold; Was up at 6.30 A.M. as I was Orderly Officer for the day. Dad, Hannah, Dell & Mrs. Wood came down for a while in the P.M. In camp all day.
Monday, 24 April 1916
General routine in camp; Was home for supper; took Dad mother & Inez to Pantages in evening.
Tuesday, 25 April 1916
Route march in AM & PM; had supper in camp and went to Liethevaughts(?) to spend the evening; had a fine time.
Wednesday, 26 April 1916
Orderly officer today; general routine.
Thursday, 27 April 1916
Went on route march in the A.M; was off in the P.M; went down town and bought spurs & crop; went down to masquerade at Elks club in evening; Dad brought me home to camp.
Friday, 28 April 1916
Fine, but chageable; was out for a ride in the AM; went on route march in the P.M; went home for supper; took Ola Balcom to show & tehn to the Empress and danced.
Saturday, 29 April 1916
Changeable. Was orderly officer so was in all day; McLaughlin, Pethick, Prior & myself draw rations from today at Macauley camp; pay day today.
Sunday 30 April 1916
Went home early & played six sets of tennis; was over to Kerrings for tea & stayed for supper; slept at home in evening.
Fine chilly; Was down to camp all day; All the horses were tried out; Mr. & Mrs. Wood, Esq. Mrs. Wood, Kathleen and Al up for tea; Home in evening.
Monday, 17 April 1916
Mild; In camp all day; Had a game of golf in the AM.
Tuesday, 18 April 1916
Fair; In camp all day; Went to party at Cissfords in the evening.
Wednesday, 19 April 1916
Fair; Drill during the day; Went down to the Empress for a while in the evening.
Thursday, 20 April 1916
Windy; Had riding school in PM and AM; Went to Prospect in the PM to get out; Took Hazel Wagmott along had a pleasant afternoon; Had pay parade; Came into camp in the evening; C.F.A. 15th Brigade, C.E.F Ammunition Column
Friday, 21 April 1916
Good Friday; Blustery; Slept in camp at Macauley for first time; Had riding school in the A.M. In PM took a ride; Went to pary at Mrs. Childs residence.
Saturday, 22 April 1916
Fine, Cloudy in early A.M; Left camp at 9 A.M. with Mr Prior & a number of men & teams to go to Rod Hill for two guns; Had lunch on the road; back in camp at 3.30 P.M. Was down town for a short time. back in camp 10. P.M.
Sunday, 23 April 1916
Cloudy & cold; Was up at 6.30 A.M. as I was Orderly Officer for the day. Dad, Hannah, Dell & Mrs. Wood came down for a while in the P.M. In camp all day.
Monday, 24 April 1916
General routine in camp; Was home for supper; took Dad mother & Inez to Pantages in evening.
Tuesday, 25 April 1916
Route march in AM & PM; had supper in camp and went to Liethevaughts(?) to spend the evening; had a fine time.
Wednesday, 26 April 1916
Orderly officer today; general routine.
Thursday, 27 April 1916
Went on route march in the A.M; was off in the P.M; went down town and bought spurs & crop; went down to masquerade at Elks club in evening; Dad brought me home to camp.
Friday, 28 April 1916
Fine, but chageable; was out for a ride in the AM; went on route march in the P.M; went home for supper; took Ola Balcom to show & tehn to the Empress and danced.
Saturday, 29 April 1916
Changeable. Was orderly officer so was in all day; McLaughlin, Pethick, Prior & myself draw rations from today at Macauley camp; pay day today.
Sunday 30 April 1916
Went home early & played six sets of tennis; was over to Kerrings for tea & stayed for supper; slept at home in evening.
Monday 1 May 1916
Drill all day; Went to dance at Taylors St. Patrick St in evening; had a nice time; back to camp 11.45.
Tuesday 2 May 1916
Drill as usual; 50 men & five officers including myself went to the Pantages; after Capt. Sargison, Prior, McLaughlin & myself went out for a little time; got home to camp late; Was orderly officer today.
Wednesday 3 May 1916
Riding in A.M. & P.M. Was home for supper in the evening.
Thursday 4 May 1916
Drill in the AM; route march PM; Home for dinner in the evening; Dad and I went to Royal Vic.
Friday 5 May 1916
Riding in the AM; Route march through town in the P.M. Down town with Prior in the evening; Home to camp with Capt S. & Prior.
Saturday 6 May 1916
Left camp at 8 A.M. & took the train for Duncan & up island points recruiting; have Bdr Green with me; Got 5 prospective men at Duncan; came to Nanaimo on the evening train staying at the Windsor; Met Ed Copas & spent the evening with him; Mother went to Seattle for a few days.
Sunday 7 May 1916
Raining & cold in Nanaimo; up this A.M. at 9 A.M.
Sunday 28 May 1916
We left for Petawawa camp on our journey overseas. The 62nd Battery & Ammunition Column. Large crowds to see us off. Boat pulled out 2.30 PM. Arrived Vancouver 7 PM & left on CPR 9.30 PM. Expect to be in Petawawa for 2 months before going to England.
Monday 29 May 1916
Enroute officers on train are: Lt. Col. Ogilvie; Capt Sargison; Capt. Gillespie; Lt. Pethwick; Lt. Clarihue; Lt. Prior; Lt. Prior; Lt. McLachan; Lt. McLean; Lt. McKenna; Lt. Gonnason. Have a Pullman all to ourselves.
Wednesday 31 May 1916
Met Mr. MacDonald & Ross at Winnipeg station.
Friday 2 June 1916
Arrived Petawawa Camp 4.30 PM; our camp on bank of the Ottawa River; nice place.
Thursday 3 August 1916
I was on this date transferred to the 60th Battery 15th Brigade; from Regina Capt Walker OC.
Wednesday 16 August 1916
I left camp with Capt S on a holiday; left 9 PM and took train from Pembroke 1 AM for Ottawa and Montreal.
Thursday 17 August 1916
Arrived Ottawa 5 AM & went to Russel Hotel; went to bed & slept till 10 AM; went for a walk around town; large numbers of young civilians on the street was out to Britannia in the P.M. Ottawa is a very pretty city.
Friday 18 August 1916
Today we met Mr. Cawdron, Canadian Secret Service; had lunch with him; He told us to use the govt. car & we had a fine spree all over the country; in the evening I met Colonel La Plante.
Saturday 19 August 1916
Left at 6.30 PM via Lake shore route for Montreal; arrived 11.45 PM; went down to the Bullion café with Buster & had a great time.
Sunday 20 August 1916
Was out to Dominion Park for a while with a couple of girls; came back to town; one of the girls had heart failure but recovered; Sargison and I got to the Windsor Hotel.
Monday 21 August 1916
Sunday and today were as hot as blazes; We went to the Orpheum matinee in afternoon; later met Jim Wood from Victoria & we all went to the Bird of Paradise; later to the Bullion.
Tuesday 22 August 1916
Sargison left at 10.15 AM for Ottawa; had lunch with Janet in PM; we took sightseeing car around Montreal; I left at 4.00 PM for Ottawa; arrived around 7.35 & went to Chateau Laurier a beautiful Hotel; met Coulombe & went to her place & spent the evening.
Wednesday 23 August 1916
Sargison & I got up at noon & wandered around town in afternoon & in the evening met Coulombe and Beatrice.
Thursday 24 August 1916
Met Cook & had a strenuous day hiking a steep park; had Coulombe down to the hotel for dinner & left that night for camp.
Friday 25 August 1916
Arrived in camp 5 AM & went out firing with the battery.
Drill all day; Went to dance at Taylors St. Patrick St in evening; had a nice time; back to camp 11.45.
Tuesday 2 May 1916
Drill as usual; 50 men & five officers including myself went to the Pantages; after Capt. Sargison, Prior, McLaughlin & myself went out for a little time; got home to camp late; Was orderly officer today.
Wednesday 3 May 1916
Riding in A.M. & P.M. Was home for supper in the evening.
Thursday 4 May 1916
Drill in the AM; route march PM; Home for dinner in the evening; Dad and I went to Royal Vic.
Friday 5 May 1916
Riding in the AM; Route march through town in the P.M. Down town with Prior in the evening; Home to camp with Capt S. & Prior.
Saturday 6 May 1916
Left camp at 8 A.M. & took the train for Duncan & up island points recruiting; have Bdr Green with me; Got 5 prospective men at Duncan; came to Nanaimo on the evening train staying at the Windsor; Met Ed Copas & spent the evening with him; Mother went to Seattle for a few days.
Sunday 7 May 1916
Raining & cold in Nanaimo; up this A.M. at 9 A.M.
Sunday 28 May 1916
We left for Petawawa camp on our journey overseas. The 62nd Battery & Ammunition Column. Large crowds to see us off. Boat pulled out 2.30 PM. Arrived Vancouver 7 PM & left on CPR 9.30 PM. Expect to be in Petawawa for 2 months before going to England.
Monday 29 May 1916
Enroute officers on train are: Lt. Col. Ogilvie; Capt Sargison; Capt. Gillespie; Lt. Pethwick; Lt. Clarihue; Lt. Prior; Lt. Prior; Lt. McLachan; Lt. McLean; Lt. McKenna; Lt. Gonnason. Have a Pullman all to ourselves.
Wednesday 31 May 1916
Met Mr. MacDonald & Ross at Winnipeg station.
Friday 2 June 1916
Arrived Petawawa Camp 4.30 PM; our camp on bank of the Ottawa River; nice place.
Thursday 3 August 1916
I was on this date transferred to the 60th Battery 15th Brigade; from Regina Capt Walker OC.
Wednesday 16 August 1916
I left camp with Capt S on a holiday; left 9 PM and took train from Pembroke 1 AM for Ottawa and Montreal.
Thursday 17 August 1916
Arrived Ottawa 5 AM & went to Russel Hotel; went to bed & slept till 10 AM; went for a walk around town; large numbers of young civilians on the street was out to Britannia in the P.M. Ottawa is a very pretty city.
Friday 18 August 1916
Today we met Mr. Cawdron, Canadian Secret Service; had lunch with him; He told us to use the govt. car & we had a fine spree all over the country; in the evening I met Colonel La Plante.
Saturday 19 August 1916
Left at 6.30 PM via Lake shore route for Montreal; arrived 11.45 PM; went down to the Bullion café with Buster & had a great time.
Sunday 20 August 1916
Was out to Dominion Park for a while with a couple of girls; came back to town; one of the girls had heart failure but recovered; Sargison and I got to the Windsor Hotel.
Monday 21 August 1916
Sunday and today were as hot as blazes; We went to the Orpheum matinee in afternoon; later met Jim Wood from Victoria & we all went to the Bird of Paradise; later to the Bullion.
Tuesday 22 August 1916
Sargison left at 10.15 AM for Ottawa; had lunch with Janet in PM; we took sightseeing car around Montreal; I left at 4.00 PM for Ottawa; arrived around 7.35 & went to Chateau Laurier a beautiful Hotel; met Coulombe & went to her place & spent the evening.
Wednesday 23 August 1916
Sargison & I got up at noon & wandered around town in afternoon & in the evening met Coulombe and Beatrice.
Thursday 24 August 1916
Met Cook & had a strenuous day hiking a steep park; had Coulombe down to the hotel for dinner & left that night for camp.
Friday 25 August 1916
Arrived in camp 5 AM & went out firing with the battery.
Tuesday 5 September 1916
Left Camp at 2 P.M. caught the 2.30 P.M. train from Pembroke for Ottawa. Arrived Ottawa 6.20 P.M. & went to Chateau Laurier.
Wednesday 6 September 1916
Spent the day in Ottawa & left on the 11.45 train for camp arriving in camp 4.30 A.M. Capt. Bevion, Mac & myself.
Friday 8 September 1916
Today was spent in preparing to go overseas. At 6 PM the battery paraded & at 6.30 the brigade paraded. We marched to the train & left at 8 PM the entire brigade on the one train. Arrived at Montreal at 6 AM following morning. In our car is Col. Ogilvie, Capt. Riley, Capt. Gillespie, Capt. Fowler M.O., Capt. Brown V.O. Lieuts Welsford, Raley, Petluck, Flemming, MacLaughlin, Thompson & myself.
Saturday 9 September 1916
Arrived Montreal at 6 AM and the train was divided into two sections. Our section leading. Have enjoyed the scenery most of the way being in the province of Quebec all day crossed into New Brunswick at 11.30 P.M. Played cards in the evening & made expenses.
Sunday 10 September 1916
Passed through New Brunswick & Nova Scotia arriving at Halifax 1.30 PM. Went for a Route March at 4 PM & Capt. Ringwood pointed out points of interest. In the evening I was up town & was not impressed with the city. It being dirty, ill lighted & very narrow streets. Spent most of the evening at the Halifax Club. Blinds on the train drawn from Windsor Junction to Halifax.
Monday 11 September 1916
Got up 7.30 AM after sleeping on the train all night; our boat not being in. We fell in 9 AM & went aboard the Cameronia at about noon. The Cameronia is a 10 000 ton boat & very comfortable. Dining room service is excellent. We are still in port as we are waiting for the remainder of the ships which will go together under convoy. I occupy a room with Capt. Kerr, 19 Battalion who is returning to the front. Retired 10.30 PM; 15 & 16 brigade aboard about 1500 men. Mens quarters very poor in majority of cases.
Tuesday 12 September 1916
Was up this AM 6.30 & find we are still in port. The Brigade paraded 10 A.M. on promenade deck.
Wednesday 13 September 1916
We left Halifax this AM at 6.30. A cruiser leading & 4 troop ships following. Carmonia, Metagama, Scandinavia & Northland. On coming out of Halifax harbour we were met by a destroyer but she soon left us. We had physical drill for an hour in the morning. I was battery OO. Played cards in the evening. Cruiser Drake. Man fell overboard off the Northland and was picked up by Metagama 15 minutes later.
Thursday 14 September 1916
At sea. The sea comparatively smooth. Usual routine today. Cards in the evening. Had boat drill. Capt Fowler and I in command of one boat.
Friday 15 September 1916
At sea. Sea fairly smooth. A few of the men sick. Usual routine.
Saturday 16 September 1916
At sea. Fairly heavy sea running. Half the men sick. Heavy fog on the sea. Usual routine.
Sunday 17 September 1916
At sea. Sea slightly moderated. I am brigade orderly officer from 6 P.M. tonight till 6 P.M. tomorrow night. On the bridge from 6 P.M. till 10 P.M.
Monday 18 September 1916
At sea. Very foggy. Sea moderate. Usual routine.
Tuesday 19 September 1916
At sea. Fairly clear. Sea calm.
Wednesday 20 September 1916
At sea. Sea calm. We have been steaming about 12 knots so far all the way.
Thursday 21 September 1916
At sea. Sea calm. We are wearing life belts all day as we entered the danger zone at 6 A.M. today. Nobody appears to take any stock that we are in the danger zone. At 2.30 P.M. we sighted our new escort & it was a pleasant sight. Expect to sight land sometime during the night. 5 destroyers met us today & form our new escort.
Friday 22 September 1916
Sea smooth off coast of Ireland. Passed Tores Island light at 6 AM. At about 10 AM we passed the Isla of Marn. We entered Liverpool harbour or rather Mersey River at 2.0 P.M. All the boats in the harbour when they found we were Canadian troops gave us a merry welcome by blowing all their whistles. We docked about 3 P.M. England uses the daylight saving scheme so it was 4 P.M. After disembarking we went straight to the train. We left Liverpool 4.30 & arrived Witley Camp, Surrey 4 A.M. We passed through Cerico, Birmingham, Oxford on our way. Marched from Milford Stn. To camp. About 2 miles.
Saturday 23 September 1916
Had breakfast with 128th Bat. and spent the rest of the day getting settled. The 4th DAC & 14th Brigade came in today. In the evening Vince McKenna & I went to Guildford a town of about 30000 population about 12 miles from camp and stayed at the Lion Hotel. Met Capt. Palmer 4th DAC & went up to his home & had supper and spent the evening. We stayed in Guildford overnight. All towns are in total darkness. Found out next day there was a zep raid close at hand. Did not see or hear any of it although signals were blown. Two zeps brought down.
Sunday 24 September 1916
Arose 11. A.M. & left at 12.20 for Aldershot. Had dinner at the Victoria hotel & then went to find Capt. Sargison. Went to the Wessley hospital & saw him in the P.M. had tea there and went back to camp in a motor. Scenery beautiful. Arrived in camp 8.30.
Monday 25 September 1916
Camp routine. Foot drill, signaling & lectures. We have no horses or equipment. Climate here great deal like Victoria. Opened up our new mess this evening which is run by ourselves.
Tuesday 26 September 1916
Camp routine. Had a route march in the morning.
Wednesday 27 September 1916
Camp routine. 18 officers and 400 men to go on landing leave tomorrow.
Thursday 28 September 1916
Camp routine. Leave postponed until tomorrow.
Friday 29 September 1916
Morning camp routine. PM all drill cancelled. Men prepare to go on leave. Each battery to be marched to the train at Milford. Train left Milford 6.20 and trains to arrive London 7.30. Capt. Walker & I are together. Could not get rooms at 5 hotels so went to Marble Arch hotel next 2 Canadian Naval Officers who are now with Grand Fleet on HMS Renown. Lt. Wood from Duncan B.C. & Lt. Morrison from Sudbury, Ont. Went out and had a good time together.
Saturday 30 September 1916
I went down town at 9.00 and did some shopping. Had lunch at Scotts. Met Alex McLean & his 2 sisters & was invited to Rumplenuries for tea & enjoyed it very much. Met Capt. Walker and two girl friends of his. Went to a theatre and then to Frescortis café for supper. Checked out at Marble Arch and went to Barons Court.
Left Camp at 2 P.M. caught the 2.30 P.M. train from Pembroke for Ottawa. Arrived Ottawa 6.20 P.M. & went to Chateau Laurier.
Wednesday 6 September 1916
Spent the day in Ottawa & left on the 11.45 train for camp arriving in camp 4.30 A.M. Capt. Bevion, Mac & myself.
Friday 8 September 1916
Today was spent in preparing to go overseas. At 6 PM the battery paraded & at 6.30 the brigade paraded. We marched to the train & left at 8 PM the entire brigade on the one train. Arrived at Montreal at 6 AM following morning. In our car is Col. Ogilvie, Capt. Riley, Capt. Gillespie, Capt. Fowler M.O., Capt. Brown V.O. Lieuts Welsford, Raley, Petluck, Flemming, MacLaughlin, Thompson & myself.
Saturday 9 September 1916
Arrived Montreal at 6 AM and the train was divided into two sections. Our section leading. Have enjoyed the scenery most of the way being in the province of Quebec all day crossed into New Brunswick at 11.30 P.M. Played cards in the evening & made expenses.
Sunday 10 September 1916
Passed through New Brunswick & Nova Scotia arriving at Halifax 1.30 PM. Went for a Route March at 4 PM & Capt. Ringwood pointed out points of interest. In the evening I was up town & was not impressed with the city. It being dirty, ill lighted & very narrow streets. Spent most of the evening at the Halifax Club. Blinds on the train drawn from Windsor Junction to Halifax.
Monday 11 September 1916
Got up 7.30 AM after sleeping on the train all night; our boat not being in. We fell in 9 AM & went aboard the Cameronia at about noon. The Cameronia is a 10 000 ton boat & very comfortable. Dining room service is excellent. We are still in port as we are waiting for the remainder of the ships which will go together under convoy. I occupy a room with Capt. Kerr, 19 Battalion who is returning to the front. Retired 10.30 PM; 15 & 16 brigade aboard about 1500 men. Mens quarters very poor in majority of cases.
Tuesday 12 September 1916
Was up this AM 6.30 & find we are still in port. The Brigade paraded 10 A.M. on promenade deck.
Wednesday 13 September 1916
We left Halifax this AM at 6.30. A cruiser leading & 4 troop ships following. Carmonia, Metagama, Scandinavia & Northland. On coming out of Halifax harbour we were met by a destroyer but she soon left us. We had physical drill for an hour in the morning. I was battery OO. Played cards in the evening. Cruiser Drake. Man fell overboard off the Northland and was picked up by Metagama 15 minutes later.
Thursday 14 September 1916
At sea. The sea comparatively smooth. Usual routine today. Cards in the evening. Had boat drill. Capt Fowler and I in command of one boat.
Friday 15 September 1916
At sea. Sea fairly smooth. A few of the men sick. Usual routine.
Saturday 16 September 1916
At sea. Fairly heavy sea running. Half the men sick. Heavy fog on the sea. Usual routine.
Sunday 17 September 1916
At sea. Sea slightly moderated. I am brigade orderly officer from 6 P.M. tonight till 6 P.M. tomorrow night. On the bridge from 6 P.M. till 10 P.M.
Monday 18 September 1916
At sea. Very foggy. Sea moderate. Usual routine.
Tuesday 19 September 1916
At sea. Fairly clear. Sea calm.
Wednesday 20 September 1916
At sea. Sea calm. We have been steaming about 12 knots so far all the way.
Thursday 21 September 1916
At sea. Sea calm. We are wearing life belts all day as we entered the danger zone at 6 A.M. today. Nobody appears to take any stock that we are in the danger zone. At 2.30 P.M. we sighted our new escort & it was a pleasant sight. Expect to sight land sometime during the night. 5 destroyers met us today & form our new escort.
Friday 22 September 1916
Sea smooth off coast of Ireland. Passed Tores Island light at 6 AM. At about 10 AM we passed the Isla of Marn. We entered Liverpool harbour or rather Mersey River at 2.0 P.M. All the boats in the harbour when they found we were Canadian troops gave us a merry welcome by blowing all their whistles. We docked about 3 P.M. England uses the daylight saving scheme so it was 4 P.M. After disembarking we went straight to the train. We left Liverpool 4.30 & arrived Witley Camp, Surrey 4 A.M. We passed through Cerico, Birmingham, Oxford on our way. Marched from Milford Stn. To camp. About 2 miles.
Saturday 23 September 1916
Had breakfast with 128th Bat. and spent the rest of the day getting settled. The 4th DAC & 14th Brigade came in today. In the evening Vince McKenna & I went to Guildford a town of about 30000 population about 12 miles from camp and stayed at the Lion Hotel. Met Capt. Palmer 4th DAC & went up to his home & had supper and spent the evening. We stayed in Guildford overnight. All towns are in total darkness. Found out next day there was a zep raid close at hand. Did not see or hear any of it although signals were blown. Two zeps brought down.
Sunday 24 September 1916
Arose 11. A.M. & left at 12.20 for Aldershot. Had dinner at the Victoria hotel & then went to find Capt. Sargison. Went to the Wessley hospital & saw him in the P.M. had tea there and went back to camp in a motor. Scenery beautiful. Arrived in camp 8.30.
Monday 25 September 1916
Camp routine. Foot drill, signaling & lectures. We have no horses or equipment. Climate here great deal like Victoria. Opened up our new mess this evening which is run by ourselves.
Tuesday 26 September 1916
Camp routine. Had a route march in the morning.
Wednesday 27 September 1916
Camp routine. 18 officers and 400 men to go on landing leave tomorrow.
Thursday 28 September 1916
Camp routine. Leave postponed until tomorrow.
Friday 29 September 1916
Morning camp routine. PM all drill cancelled. Men prepare to go on leave. Each battery to be marched to the train at Milford. Train left Milford 6.20 and trains to arrive London 7.30. Capt. Walker & I are together. Could not get rooms at 5 hotels so went to Marble Arch hotel next 2 Canadian Naval Officers who are now with Grand Fleet on HMS Renown. Lt. Wood from Duncan B.C. & Lt. Morrison from Sudbury, Ont. Went out and had a good time together.
Saturday 30 September 1916
I went down town at 9.00 and did some shopping. Had lunch at Scotts. Met Alex McLean & his 2 sisters & was invited to Rumplenuries for tea & enjoyed it very much. Met Capt. Walker and two girl friends of his. Went to a theatre and then to Frescortis café for supper. Checked out at Marble Arch and went to Barons Court.
Sunday 1 October 1916
Sunday went sightseeing in London; had dinner at Frescortis; Air raid in London this evening, 1 zep brought down.
Monday 2 October 1916
I went shopping; Met Capt. Lahiner (Chaplain) & had Lunch with him; went to Army & Navy stores & made some purchases; Changed hotel again & went to the Cecil Hotel, one of the largest in London & Europe; Met Capt. Walker & Porty & went to dinner at Frescortis; Came back to hotel at 11 PM and met Bud Divire then went over to Savoir & met Charlie Vincent who has just arrived in England & has a commission in the Motor Boat Patrol; also Joe McKinnon of the R.F.C. Vincent & I have same room at Vincent.
Tuesday 3 October 1916
Vincent & I went up to the B.C. building to register & met Gus Lyons. He has a commission and is recovering from bomb wounds in the knee. He leaves for Victoria for 3 months leave in a few days. We had a chat with Sir Richard McBride; Gus, Charlie & I had lunch at the Piccadille & then went to the ship to see 7 flying colours & it was fine. Had dinner at the Queens; Met a number of Victoria boys at the hotel & I had a great chat; Tommy McKinnon among them; We three then went to “The Bing Boys” at the Alhambra & there to ?; Then finished up at the Savoy.
Wednesday 4 October 1916
Vincent & I went to Madame Tussauds Wax Works. I met Cook at noon & had lunch with him. Cook and I had a motor ride in the Phat?; had tea at the Elysie. Went Razzle Dazzle at the Empire in the evening. Went to bed at 12 oclock.
Thursday 5 October 1916
Joe McKinnon, McKenna & myself went t see the Tower of London in the AM; had lunch at Lyons; met Tommy Mckinnion and went to tea at the Picadilli. McKenna & I had dinner at the Strand Palace. McKenna left for Ireland & I went to the Royal Automobile Club. Left on the 10.30 train for Camp arrived in camp 11.45.
Friday 6 October 1916
Today I took a route march. Remainder of camp go on leave.
Saturday 7 October 1916
Camp Routine. I was Divisional orderly Officer; stayed in camp all day.
Sunday 8 October 1916
Lt Thompson & myself went over to the West Surrey Golf Club & had a game. I won 3 holes up. It is a beautiful 18 hole course 4 ½ miles long about 40 minutes walk from camp.
Monday 9 October 1916
Camp Routine
Tuesday 10 October 1916
Camp Routine
Wednesday 11 October 1916
Camp Routine
Thursday 12 October 1916
McKenna, Thompson & I went to Aldershot to see about uniforms; returned to camp 8.30 pm; I bought a trench coat.
Friday 13 October 1916
Camp routine.
I was brigade orderly officer.
Saturday 14 October 1916
Camp routine.
Sunday 15 October 1916
Capt Walker, Longworthy, Myself & Capt Latimer took a long walk in the morning. In the afternoon McKenna & I had a round of golf.
Sunday went sightseeing in London; had dinner at Frescortis; Air raid in London this evening, 1 zep brought down.
Monday 2 October 1916
I went shopping; Met Capt. Lahiner (Chaplain) & had Lunch with him; went to Army & Navy stores & made some purchases; Changed hotel again & went to the Cecil Hotel, one of the largest in London & Europe; Met Capt. Walker & Porty & went to dinner at Frescortis; Came back to hotel at 11 PM and met Bud Divire then went over to Savoir & met Charlie Vincent who has just arrived in England & has a commission in the Motor Boat Patrol; also Joe McKinnon of the R.F.C. Vincent & I have same room at Vincent.
Tuesday 3 October 1916
Vincent & I went up to the B.C. building to register & met Gus Lyons. He has a commission and is recovering from bomb wounds in the knee. He leaves for Victoria for 3 months leave in a few days. We had a chat with Sir Richard McBride; Gus, Charlie & I had lunch at the Piccadille & then went to the ship to see 7 flying colours & it was fine. Had dinner at the Queens; Met a number of Victoria boys at the hotel & I had a great chat; Tommy McKinnon among them; We three then went to “The Bing Boys” at the Alhambra & there to ?; Then finished up at the Savoy.
Wednesday 4 October 1916
Vincent & I went to Madame Tussauds Wax Works. I met Cook at noon & had lunch with him. Cook and I had a motor ride in the Phat?; had tea at the Elysie. Went Razzle Dazzle at the Empire in the evening. Went to bed at 12 oclock.
Thursday 5 October 1916
Joe McKinnon, McKenna & myself went t see the Tower of London in the AM; had lunch at Lyons; met Tommy Mckinnion and went to tea at the Picadilli. McKenna & I had dinner at the Strand Palace. McKenna left for Ireland & I went to the Royal Automobile Club. Left on the 10.30 train for Camp arrived in camp 11.45.
Friday 6 October 1916
Today I took a route march. Remainder of camp go on leave.
Saturday 7 October 1916
Camp Routine. I was Divisional orderly Officer; stayed in camp all day.
Sunday 8 October 1916
Lt Thompson & myself went over to the West Surrey Golf Club & had a game. I won 3 holes up. It is a beautiful 18 hole course 4 ½ miles long about 40 minutes walk from camp.
Monday 9 October 1916
Camp Routine
Tuesday 10 October 1916
Camp Routine
Wednesday 11 October 1916
Camp Routine
Thursday 12 October 1916
McKenna, Thompson & I went to Aldershot to see about uniforms; returned to camp 8.30 pm; I bought a trench coat.
Friday 13 October 1916
Camp routine.
I was brigade orderly officer.
Saturday 14 October 1916
Camp routine.
Sunday 15 October 1916
Capt Walker, Longworthy, Myself & Capt Latimer took a long walk in the morning. In the afternoon McKenna & I had a round of golf.
Monday 16 October 1916
Camp routine
Tuesday 17 October 1916
Camp routine
Wednesday 18 October 1916
Camp routine
Thursday 19 October 1916
At 5 P.M. MacL & I went to Gilford & had dinner; went to the show & met one of the artists; spent a pleasant evening; back in camp 12:30’ met Miss Dorothy Cecil.
Friday 20 October 1916
Camp routine
Saturday 21 October 1916
We drew 28 horses today; the first we have had over here.
Sunday 22 October 1916
In the afternoon I had a game of golf with A. McCain & Thompson; came back to camp 7P.M.; spent the evening in the mess
Monday 23 October 1916
Camp routine in morning; in P.M. took Capt Walker to hired bicycles & we went for a ride to Gilford & shipped cycles home & had a hard time keeping tab on Capt. got him home 11 p.m.
Tuesday 24 October 1916
Camp routine
Wednesday 25 October 1916
Camp routine; in the evening I took Captain Walker to Godalming & stayed with him at the Kings Arms overnight; got back to Camp 7 P.M. following morning; Sat up all night as Capt. had mild dose of DTS; expect he will lose his battery.
Thursday 26 October 1916
Mr. Oliver & I went to Godalming in the A.M. to buy equipment for the mess. I met Capt. Walker to St. Martha's Giildford; Capt. Ringwood has been given command of 60th Battery from October 25. We received 3 guns 18 pounder, 27 sites, dial sights, etc. Harness and stable equipment we received on Tuesday
Friday 27 October 1916
Captain Ringwood holds office for the first time as O.C. 60th Battery.
Saturday 28 October 1916
Captain Ringwood appointed as Staff Major temporarily; Camp routine. In Camp all day; wrote letters in the PM & evening.
Sunday October 29 1916
In the camp all day with very bad wind & rain; lost 16 Bob at cards; wrote letters & read; Went on duty at 6 P.M. as Brigade 0.0.; slept in orderly room
Monday October 13 1916
Camp routine; Brigade O.O. Started in telephone course this evening; 6 officers per Brigade.
Tuesday October 31 1916
On the way to Post Office I met George Proctor on a motorcycle; he is at Bramshot & was not allowed to go to France as he is deaf in one ear; He said 102 were badly cut up last Friday Howard Scharchimdt is safe.
Camp routine
Tuesday 17 October 1916
Camp routine
Wednesday 18 October 1916
Camp routine
Thursday 19 October 1916
At 5 P.M. MacL & I went to Gilford & had dinner; went to the show & met one of the artists; spent a pleasant evening; back in camp 12:30’ met Miss Dorothy Cecil.
Friday 20 October 1916
Camp routine
Saturday 21 October 1916
We drew 28 horses today; the first we have had over here.
Sunday 22 October 1916
In the afternoon I had a game of golf with A. McCain & Thompson; came back to camp 7P.M.; spent the evening in the mess
Monday 23 October 1916
Camp routine in morning; in P.M. took Capt Walker to hired bicycles & we went for a ride to Gilford & shipped cycles home & had a hard time keeping tab on Capt. got him home 11 p.m.
Tuesday 24 October 1916
Camp routine
Wednesday 25 October 1916
Camp routine; in the evening I took Captain Walker to Godalming & stayed with him at the Kings Arms overnight; got back to Camp 7 P.M. following morning; Sat up all night as Capt. had mild dose of DTS; expect he will lose his battery.
Thursday 26 October 1916
Mr. Oliver & I went to Godalming in the A.M. to buy equipment for the mess. I met Capt. Walker to St. Martha's Giildford; Capt. Ringwood has been given command of 60th Battery from October 25. We received 3 guns 18 pounder, 27 sites, dial sights, etc. Harness and stable equipment we received on Tuesday
Friday 27 October 1916
Captain Ringwood holds office for the first time as O.C. 60th Battery.
Saturday 28 October 1916
Captain Ringwood appointed as Staff Major temporarily; Camp routine. In Camp all day; wrote letters in the PM & evening.
Sunday October 29 1916
In the camp all day with very bad wind & rain; lost 16 Bob at cards; wrote letters & read; Went on duty at 6 P.M. as Brigade 0.0.; slept in orderly room
Monday October 13 1916
Camp routine; Brigade O.O. Started in telephone course this evening; 6 officers per Brigade.
Tuesday October 31 1916
On the way to Post Office I met George Proctor on a motorcycle; he is at Bramshot & was not allowed to go to France as he is deaf in one ear; He said 102 were badly cut up last Friday Howard Scharchimdt is safe.
Wednesday November 1 1916
Camp routine; more horses have come in so we have now 39 head; The battery is complete in equipment.
Thursday November 2 1916
Received notice to be ready to proceed to Shorncliffe tomorrow for further courses; McLean, McKenna McLacklin & myself went over to the 185 Battalion mess & met a few of the fellows & senior officers; Colonel Day in command; got back to camp 12 o’clock.
Friday November 3 1916
Left Whitley camp at 10:30 AM Ross Barracks Shorncliffe; McKenna, McLean, McLacklin & myself for further instruction in Field Artillery; arrived in London 11:30 & had lunch at the Cryterion & knocked around London till 3 o’clock. Went on board train 3:05 & arrived in Shorncliffe 5 PM; Went in Taxi to Ross Barracks & had supper; Went to Folkstone in evening to stay overnight as our quarters were not fixed up; stayed at the Grand Hotel; Dancing in the evening; Met Harry Robinson from Victoria & Muriel Hall now Mrs. Wornell; Had a nice time.
Saturday November 4 1916
Reported for breakfast & 8:30 parade; allotted quarters; Mac & I are together gain in P.M.; went down town for a walk & strolled around the Lees at Folkstone; went to Grand Hotel for The Dansant. Met some nice people & had a few dances; In evening dancing again programme dance; Stayed at hotel all night.
Sunday November 5 1916
Came up to barracks & fixed up my room & then went back to hotel again; came back & slept at the barracks; Met Blaney Scott who is here taking a course.
Monday November 6 1916
Started work in the PM. The AM was spent in getting fixed up; Mac, Vince & I went out for a walk on the Lees & then called at Mrs. Holway's & had coffee.
Tuesday November 7 1916
Gun drill & etc.; Went to a tea at 5 PM at Anglo Canadian Ladies Club & met some nice people Vince & I took three nice girls home & received invitations to spend the evening.
Wednesday November 8 1916
Gun drill & sequence of orders; Home in evening; saw by paper that Herb Ross is wounded.
Thursday November 9 1916
Gun drill & general routine; Home in the evening.
Friday November 10 1916
General routine; wrote letters in the evening.
Saturday November 11 1916
Mac Blayney & myself went down to the swimming baths & had a swim; Then went to the Grange & had tea; Had dinner in town; got home early.
Sunday November 12 1916
Blaney & I walk over the White Cliffs of Dover on our way to Dover but could not enter as we had not a pass or passport; Came back to Folkstone & had dinner at the Royal Pocollian? Hotel. Went to big concert at the Pleasure Gardens in the evening; Was in the Metropole for an hour before the show & met Joe Mason; He told us Bofor Stronig & Carew Martin have both been killed.
Monday November 13 1916
General routine; Went downtown with Mac & Blaney.
Tuesday November 14 1916
General routine; Many aeroplanes in the air & 3 air ships.
Wednesday November 15 1916
General training routine; Wrote letters in the evening
Thursday November 16 1916
Finished gun drill; Vinson & I go downtown in the evening; Met Duncan, a waiter from Levi's in Victoria; Home; Mac, Vince & I were moved from Resboro Barracks to Ross; Have a nice big room in Ross house.
Friday November 17 1916
Blaney received orders to hold himself in readiness to go to France; started riding this AM; stayed in in the evening.
Saturday November 18 1916
Ride in the morning; It snowed a little in the morning; In PM Blaney, Mac, McKenna, Parker & I myself went to the Grand for tea & had dinner there in the evening. Danced from 9 to 12 & had a good time.
Sunday November 19 1916
Took CofE church parade to Garrison church Shorncliffe. Captain Sargison came to Shorncliffe for lunch & we had tea together; Blaney, Scott & I went to Christ Church in the evening at Folkstone & from there to the Metropole.
Monday November 20 1916
Up at 6.15 for Stables; Had riding all day; Home in evening.
Tuesday November 21 1916
Stable 6:15; Gott off stables early & Blainey, Scott, Vince & I went to Anglo Canadian Club for tea. Later Matt Cummings, Mac & McLean all went to show, Tigres Club at Pleasure Gardens theatre.
Wednesday November 22 1916
Blaney Scott left on draft for France 8 AM this morning; Had riding all day; Home in evening.
Thursday November 23 1916
Riding all day; Went downtown in evening with Vince & bought some music & suit to Ivez; Called at Mrs. Holloway where we were expected for Cards & met Mrs. Bob Black, Mrs. Hurst & Mrs. James; daughter-in-law to General?; Had a nice evening & took Mrs. James home.
Friday November 24 1916
Passed out in riding in the morning & has afternoon off; Home in evening.
Saturday November 25 1916
Vince & I go to s? on the 6:30 AM train, arrived there 10:10; got back and then to ?; Down to Royal Automobile club mid afternoon; had bath & swim; Met Tomson of 15th & went to Trokadero for tea; went to Charing cross stn and met Samuel Simpson, ?, Turuk & Mrs. McBride. Went to Cecil hotel and met Cook; from there to Savoy with Cook & met the two miss Potonis VAD girls & very nice; had dinner there and then went to Pell Mell at Ambassadors; Had a drink at Friscate’s after the show & then I went to Russell Hotel.
Sunday November 26 1916
Up at 9 AM & went to church at St Paul's Cathedral. A very beautiful place; was not enthused with the service; Had lunch with Cook and the VAD girls. Then we all took a trip to Richmond & had tea in the afternoon; back to town at 7 PM & had dinner at Regent Palace; I caught 9.15 train for Folkstone; Met Joe ? of Victoria at the Strand.
Monday November 27 1916
Start equipment this AM; signaling in PM; Air raid in evening & all lights ordered out; ? brought down but not near here.
Tuesday November 28 1916
First German aeroplane air raid by day light over London today. It was brought down in France 2 hours later on its return; Went to Mrs. Phillips for tea & games & to meet her son a naval officer at AP Nitil? 6:30 then went to Mrs. Holloway's & took her & Mrs. James over to Mrs. Hurst’s place for bridge in evening; Vince & I were together all afternoon & evening.
Wednesday November 29 1916
Equipment & signaling all day; I went to dentist in the morning; Nrd Taist invited me to his house; home in evening.
Thursday November 30 1916
Equipment & signaling; Went to tea at Mrs. Phillips Folkstone & had a nice time; Met some nice people & received invitation to tea at Miss. Tidwell's next Thursday; Went to Mrs. Holloways in the evening for bridge & had a nice time; got home at 1:30 AM.
Camp routine; more horses have come in so we have now 39 head; The battery is complete in equipment.
Thursday November 2 1916
Received notice to be ready to proceed to Shorncliffe tomorrow for further courses; McLean, McKenna McLacklin & myself went over to the 185 Battalion mess & met a few of the fellows & senior officers; Colonel Day in command; got back to camp 12 o’clock.
Friday November 3 1916
Left Whitley camp at 10:30 AM Ross Barracks Shorncliffe; McKenna, McLean, McLacklin & myself for further instruction in Field Artillery; arrived in London 11:30 & had lunch at the Cryterion & knocked around London till 3 o’clock. Went on board train 3:05 & arrived in Shorncliffe 5 PM; Went in Taxi to Ross Barracks & had supper; Went to Folkstone in evening to stay overnight as our quarters were not fixed up; stayed at the Grand Hotel; Dancing in the evening; Met Harry Robinson from Victoria & Muriel Hall now Mrs. Wornell; Had a nice time.
Saturday November 4 1916
Reported for breakfast & 8:30 parade; allotted quarters; Mac & I are together gain in P.M.; went down town for a walk & strolled around the Lees at Folkstone; went to Grand Hotel for The Dansant. Met some nice people & had a few dances; In evening dancing again programme dance; Stayed at hotel all night.
Sunday November 5 1916
Came up to barracks & fixed up my room & then went back to hotel again; came back & slept at the barracks; Met Blaney Scott who is here taking a course.
Monday November 6 1916
Started work in the PM. The AM was spent in getting fixed up; Mac, Vince & I went out for a walk on the Lees & then called at Mrs. Holway's & had coffee.
Tuesday November 7 1916
Gun drill & etc.; Went to a tea at 5 PM at Anglo Canadian Ladies Club & met some nice people Vince & I took three nice girls home & received invitations to spend the evening.
Wednesday November 8 1916
Gun drill & sequence of orders; Home in evening; saw by paper that Herb Ross is wounded.
Thursday November 9 1916
Gun drill & general routine; Home in the evening.
Friday November 10 1916
General routine; wrote letters in the evening.
Saturday November 11 1916
Mac Blayney & myself went down to the swimming baths & had a swim; Then went to the Grange & had tea; Had dinner in town; got home early.
Sunday November 12 1916
Blaney & I walk over the White Cliffs of Dover on our way to Dover but could not enter as we had not a pass or passport; Came back to Folkstone & had dinner at the Royal Pocollian? Hotel. Went to big concert at the Pleasure Gardens in the evening; Was in the Metropole for an hour before the show & met Joe Mason; He told us Bofor Stronig & Carew Martin have both been killed.
Monday November 13 1916
General routine; Went downtown with Mac & Blaney.
Tuesday November 14 1916
General routine; Many aeroplanes in the air & 3 air ships.
Wednesday November 15 1916
General training routine; Wrote letters in the evening
Thursday November 16 1916
Finished gun drill; Vinson & I go downtown in the evening; Met Duncan, a waiter from Levi's in Victoria; Home; Mac, Vince & I were moved from Resboro Barracks to Ross; Have a nice big room in Ross house.
Friday November 17 1916
Blaney received orders to hold himself in readiness to go to France; started riding this AM; stayed in in the evening.
Saturday November 18 1916
Ride in the morning; It snowed a little in the morning; In PM Blaney, Mac, McKenna, Parker & I myself went to the Grand for tea & had dinner there in the evening. Danced from 9 to 12 & had a good time.
Sunday November 19 1916
Took CofE church parade to Garrison church Shorncliffe. Captain Sargison came to Shorncliffe for lunch & we had tea together; Blaney, Scott & I went to Christ Church in the evening at Folkstone & from there to the Metropole.
Monday November 20 1916
Up at 6.15 for Stables; Had riding all day; Home in evening.
Tuesday November 21 1916
Stable 6:15; Gott off stables early & Blainey, Scott, Vince & I went to Anglo Canadian Club for tea. Later Matt Cummings, Mac & McLean all went to show, Tigres Club at Pleasure Gardens theatre.
Wednesday November 22 1916
Blaney Scott left on draft for France 8 AM this morning; Had riding all day; Home in evening.
Thursday November 23 1916
Riding all day; Went downtown in evening with Vince & bought some music & suit to Ivez; Called at Mrs. Holloway where we were expected for Cards & met Mrs. Bob Black, Mrs. Hurst & Mrs. James; daughter-in-law to General?; Had a nice evening & took Mrs. James home.
Friday November 24 1916
Passed out in riding in the morning & has afternoon off; Home in evening.
Saturday November 25 1916
Vince & I go to s? on the 6:30 AM train, arrived there 10:10; got back and then to ?; Down to Royal Automobile club mid afternoon; had bath & swim; Met Tomson of 15th & went to Trokadero for tea; went to Charing cross stn and met Samuel Simpson, ?, Turuk & Mrs. McBride. Went to Cecil hotel and met Cook; from there to Savoy with Cook & met the two miss Potonis VAD girls & very nice; had dinner there and then went to Pell Mell at Ambassadors; Had a drink at Friscate’s after the show & then I went to Russell Hotel.
Sunday November 26 1916
Up at 9 AM & went to church at St Paul's Cathedral. A very beautiful place; was not enthused with the service; Had lunch with Cook and the VAD girls. Then we all took a trip to Richmond & had tea in the afternoon; back to town at 7 PM & had dinner at Regent Palace; I caught 9.15 train for Folkstone; Met Joe ? of Victoria at the Strand.
Monday November 27 1916
Start equipment this AM; signaling in PM; Air raid in evening & all lights ordered out; ? brought down but not near here.
Tuesday November 28 1916
First German aeroplane air raid by day light over London today. It was brought down in France 2 hours later on its return; Went to Mrs. Phillips for tea & games & to meet her son a naval officer at AP Nitil? 6:30 then went to Mrs. Holloway's & took her & Mrs. James over to Mrs. Hurst’s place for bridge in evening; Vince & I were together all afternoon & evening.
Wednesday November 29 1916
Equipment & signaling all day; I went to dentist in the morning; Nrd Taist invited me to his house; home in evening.
Thursday November 30 1916
Equipment & signaling; Went to tea at Mrs. Phillips Folkstone & had a nice time; Met some nice people & received invitation to tea at Miss. Tidwell's next Thursday; Went to Mrs. Holloways in the evening for bridge & had a nice time; got home at 1:30 AM.
Friday December 1 1916
Equipment all day. Stayed home all the evening & wrote letters.
Saturday December 2 1916
Exam on equipment in A.M. In P.M. went down to Grand for tea & dancing. had dinner there with a bunch of fellows from barracks. danced in the evening.
Sunday December 3 1916
Got up at noon & went down to the Grand in the P.M. with Farquhar & had tea. Then took a walk on the Leas. Got home early in the evening.
Monday December 4 1916
Cold & windy. Went out on maneuvers all morning. lecture on veterinary work in P.M. also directors. At home all evening.
Tuesday December 5 1916
Directors & signalling. Windy & cold. At 4 P.M. Vince & I went down to tea at Dew Drop in Folkston a very ? place run by Canadian women & the whole proceeds go to patriotic purposes. Met Miss Ball Thakery at the tea shop from Ottawa. Went to the Grand Hotel for a while later.
Wednesday December 6 1916
On maneuvers all morning. I am coverer. Home in the evening.
Thursday December 7 1916
Got off early & Vince & I went down to Miss Tidwells for tea. Had dinner in town & spent the evening with Mrs. Holloway had cards.
Friday December 8 1916
Mac & I go downtown & went to Grand later.
Saturday December 9 1916
Exam on directors. I got to 11.20 train for London & arrived 2.10 P.M. Met Farquhar.
Sunday December 10 1916
Farquhar & I had a lunch at his sister's place Mrs. Martin's about 10 mi from Lushie Square London. We drove from there to Shorneclif. Left London Bridge 2.PM. 2 miles from Hythe ran short of gas. Got gas & was pinched for burning headlights, no tail light & I was driving without a license. Got to Barracks about 8.30. Had a good time. Got 6 letters today.
Monday December 11 1916
Gunnery and veterinary lectures. Farquhar & I went to Hythe in his car to have a chat with chief of police. All charges canceled.
Tuesday December 12 1916
Gunnery & telephony all day. Was sick all day but stuck it out. Stayed home all evening & wrote letters German peace proposition is in the paper tonight.
Wednesday December 13 1916
Gunnery all A.M. & lectures on veterinary in P.M. Wrote letters in the evening.
Thursday December 14 1916
Went to dance at Grand in aid of Belgian children. Had a fair time.
Friday December 15 1916
Went to Dew Drop late in the afternoon for tea. Did some shopping & came back to the mess for dinner.
Saturday December 16 1916
All leave to London stopped indefinitely. Exam in Gunnery. Had tea at Dew Drop in the afternoon. Went over to Grand & then up to Miso for dinner. Went to show with Vince “Hot & Cold”. Went over to Grand after & went home with Farquhar in his car.
Sunday 17th December 1916
9 A.M. Captain Metcalf asks me to go with him to Lark Hill as range officer. Borland coming also. Left barracks on motor lorry & have station 10.20. 3 officers & 30 men arrive London 1 P.M. & leave again 7:30. Had luncheon at Strand Palace & Tea at Piccadilli. Arrive Amesbury? 10 P.M. & walk 6 miles to camp. Got blankets at 1 A.M. no beds. slept on floor with all clothes on. Cold as hell.
Monday December 18 1916
Got up at 6 A.M. snow during night. Drew rations & forage for the batteries coming in. 200 German prisoners at work at Lark Hill. Lazy as hell. They get 10d. per day.
Tuesday December 19 1916
Left with 14 men as ? at 7 A.M. to post them on the range. Range is 16 miles around. 4”of snow at the far end. Got back 6 P.M. Saw many wild hare and partridge.
Wednesday December 20 1916
Same detail as yesterday & left at the same time. Had lunch at Bustard Hotel. Got back to Camp 4:30 P.M. Met Cooke from 4th DAC.
Thursday December 21 1916
Rain like hell. Left 7 A.M. & by 9 was drenched through. Called at Bustard? Hotel? 10:30 A.M. to see the Col. Nulls? & Gen Fox as regards firing. No firing so called in?
Friday December 22 1916
Left Camp 7 A.M. with Videthis & had luncheon at Buster hotel 82nd, 83rd & N.Z.F.A. batteries fired. was up & saw Brigade of 6” Hows. in action. Weather fine?. In evening Metcalf, Borland & myself go to New Zealand officers room & spend very sociable evening. N.Z. officers fine chaps. New Zealand officers give us horses to ride to train. Sent a cable home New Year's greetings. N.Z.F.A = New Zealand Field Artillery.
Saturday December 23 1916
Borland, myself & 29 men leave Lark Hill at 8:30. New Zealand officers give Borland & I horses to ride down to station on. Arrive in London 11:30 & went to Bank of Montreal. Met Charlie Venaut & had a chat. Met Herb Ross who was on ? Also met Miss. Winonah Troop & Miss McBride. Herb, Borland & myself have luncheon together at Strand Palace & then all went to Vanity Fair at the Palace. Had tea at ?. Left Waterloo at 7.05 for Folkston arrived 9.45. Found Vince had gone to London. Recd handful of mail. Got a check from Dad for four pounds.
Sunday December 24 1916
Went down to Queens hotel with Boyd & Donnely. Went to Moore Barracks Hospital & had tea with the nurses in the afternoon. Went to the Metropole & had dinner with a ? ? Ross & from there went to the Grand & danced in the evening.
Monday December 25 1916
Xmas Day. Stayed at the Grand last night & in the morning wrote letters in the hotel. Went up to the mess at 2 P.M. & got a letter from Sig. Came back to the hotel & had tea & dancing at 4:30. ? of us fellows. Met the Gaskin sisters from London & danced with them during the afternoon. Went up to the mess for Xmas dinner & it was very fine. Lots of champagne. Came back to the hotel in the evening for concert & dance.
Tuesday December 26 1916
Routine during the day. Went to dance at the Grand in the evening & met our friends the Gaskin sisters again. Had 12 dances out of 18 with them. Had a perfectly fine time. Received a cable from home which arrived yesterday. Received a cable from home. Greeting from home. Dad. Receiving a pound note from ?.
Wednesday December 27 1916
Routine during the day. Went to Moore Barracks Hospital with Vince in the evening to nurses dance & had to fine time. Delicious supper served. Got back 12.30. All nurses are Canadian girls. Maneuvers in the A.M.
Thursday December 28 1916
General routine. Went downtown for tea with Vince at the Dew Drop & did some shopping. Got more identification disc. Bought some music for Inez. Resent home. Got home 9 P.M.
Friday December 29 1916
Studied in the evening. In barracks all day. Received summonses from Hythe. 1st Driving a motor vehicle without a license, Driving without a tail light, Driving with bright headlights. Have to appear Jan 9th/ 11.
Saturday December 30 1916
Ammunition exam in the A.M. Farquhar, Vince & I went for a drive in Farquhars car in P.M. called at the Dew Drop & had tea & dancing at the Grand. Danced at the Grand in the evening again. Received box of candy from The Sugar Plums today.
Sunday December 31 1916
Got up 9.30. Wrote letters the balance of the morning. After luncheon Vince & I went to Mrs. Holloway & had tea with others. Was with a bunch of fellows at the Metropole & had a lively time. Went over to the Grand & met a party Mr. Forte from Victoria, the Misses Hemmay, Australian girls & Miss O’Grady. We went out for supper at 11. The girls supplied the champagne & we had a merry party. There was a large crowd & by midnight everybody was merry & raised cain. We danced from 12:30 to 2 A.M. & arrived home 3 A.M. had a Dandy time.
Equipment all day. Stayed home all the evening & wrote letters.
Saturday December 2 1916
Exam on equipment in A.M. In P.M. went down to Grand for tea & dancing. had dinner there with a bunch of fellows from barracks. danced in the evening.
Sunday December 3 1916
Got up at noon & went down to the Grand in the P.M. with Farquhar & had tea. Then took a walk on the Leas. Got home early in the evening.
Monday December 4 1916
Cold & windy. Went out on maneuvers all morning. lecture on veterinary work in P.M. also directors. At home all evening.
Tuesday December 5 1916
Directors & signalling. Windy & cold. At 4 P.M. Vince & I went down to tea at Dew Drop in Folkston a very ? place run by Canadian women & the whole proceeds go to patriotic purposes. Met Miss Ball Thakery at the tea shop from Ottawa. Went to the Grand Hotel for a while later.
Wednesday December 6 1916
On maneuvers all morning. I am coverer. Home in the evening.
Thursday December 7 1916
Got off early & Vince & I went down to Miss Tidwells for tea. Had dinner in town & spent the evening with Mrs. Holloway had cards.
Friday December 8 1916
Mac & I go downtown & went to Grand later.
Saturday December 9 1916
Exam on directors. I got to 11.20 train for London & arrived 2.10 P.M. Met Farquhar.
Sunday December 10 1916
Farquhar & I had a lunch at his sister's place Mrs. Martin's about 10 mi from Lushie Square London. We drove from there to Shorneclif. Left London Bridge 2.PM. 2 miles from Hythe ran short of gas. Got gas & was pinched for burning headlights, no tail light & I was driving without a license. Got to Barracks about 8.30. Had a good time. Got 6 letters today.
Monday December 11 1916
Gunnery and veterinary lectures. Farquhar & I went to Hythe in his car to have a chat with chief of police. All charges canceled.
Tuesday December 12 1916
Gunnery & telephony all day. Was sick all day but stuck it out. Stayed home all evening & wrote letters German peace proposition is in the paper tonight.
Wednesday December 13 1916
Gunnery all A.M. & lectures on veterinary in P.M. Wrote letters in the evening.
Thursday December 14 1916
Went to dance at Grand in aid of Belgian children. Had a fair time.
Friday December 15 1916
Went to Dew Drop late in the afternoon for tea. Did some shopping & came back to the mess for dinner.
Saturday December 16 1916
All leave to London stopped indefinitely. Exam in Gunnery. Had tea at Dew Drop in the afternoon. Went over to Grand & then up to Miso for dinner. Went to show with Vince “Hot & Cold”. Went over to Grand after & went home with Farquhar in his car.
Sunday 17th December 1916
9 A.M. Captain Metcalf asks me to go with him to Lark Hill as range officer. Borland coming also. Left barracks on motor lorry & have station 10.20. 3 officers & 30 men arrive London 1 P.M. & leave again 7:30. Had luncheon at Strand Palace & Tea at Piccadilli. Arrive Amesbury? 10 P.M. & walk 6 miles to camp. Got blankets at 1 A.M. no beds. slept on floor with all clothes on. Cold as hell.
Monday December 18 1916
Got up at 6 A.M. snow during night. Drew rations & forage for the batteries coming in. 200 German prisoners at work at Lark Hill. Lazy as hell. They get 10d. per day.
Tuesday December 19 1916
Left with 14 men as ? at 7 A.M. to post them on the range. Range is 16 miles around. 4”of snow at the far end. Got back 6 P.M. Saw many wild hare and partridge.
Wednesday December 20 1916
Same detail as yesterday & left at the same time. Had lunch at Bustard Hotel. Got back to Camp 4:30 P.M. Met Cooke from 4th DAC.
Thursday December 21 1916
Rain like hell. Left 7 A.M. & by 9 was drenched through. Called at Bustard? Hotel? 10:30 A.M. to see the Col. Nulls? & Gen Fox as regards firing. No firing so called in?
Friday December 22 1916
Left Camp 7 A.M. with Videthis & had luncheon at Buster hotel 82nd, 83rd & N.Z.F.A. batteries fired. was up & saw Brigade of 6” Hows. in action. Weather fine?. In evening Metcalf, Borland & myself go to New Zealand officers room & spend very sociable evening. N.Z. officers fine chaps. New Zealand officers give us horses to ride to train. Sent a cable home New Year's greetings. N.Z.F.A = New Zealand Field Artillery.
Saturday December 23 1916
Borland, myself & 29 men leave Lark Hill at 8:30. New Zealand officers give Borland & I horses to ride down to station on. Arrive in London 11:30 & went to Bank of Montreal. Met Charlie Venaut & had a chat. Met Herb Ross who was on ? Also met Miss. Winonah Troop & Miss McBride. Herb, Borland & myself have luncheon together at Strand Palace & then all went to Vanity Fair at the Palace. Had tea at ?. Left Waterloo at 7.05 for Folkston arrived 9.45. Found Vince had gone to London. Recd handful of mail. Got a check from Dad for four pounds.
Sunday December 24 1916
Went down to Queens hotel with Boyd & Donnely. Went to Moore Barracks Hospital & had tea with the nurses in the afternoon. Went to the Metropole & had dinner with a ? ? Ross & from there went to the Grand & danced in the evening.
Monday December 25 1916
Xmas Day. Stayed at the Grand last night & in the morning wrote letters in the hotel. Went up to the mess at 2 P.M. & got a letter from Sig. Came back to the hotel & had tea & dancing at 4:30. ? of us fellows. Met the Gaskin sisters from London & danced with them during the afternoon. Went up to the mess for Xmas dinner & it was very fine. Lots of champagne. Came back to the hotel in the evening for concert & dance.
Tuesday December 26 1916
Routine during the day. Went to dance at the Grand in the evening & met our friends the Gaskin sisters again. Had 12 dances out of 18 with them. Had a perfectly fine time. Received a cable from home which arrived yesterday. Received a cable from home. Greeting from home. Dad. Receiving a pound note from ?.
Wednesday December 27 1916
Routine during the day. Went to Moore Barracks Hospital with Vince in the evening to nurses dance & had to fine time. Delicious supper served. Got back 12.30. All nurses are Canadian girls. Maneuvers in the A.M.
Thursday December 28 1916
General routine. Went downtown for tea with Vince at the Dew Drop & did some shopping. Got more identification disc. Bought some music for Inez. Resent home. Got home 9 P.M.
Friday December 29 1916
Studied in the evening. In barracks all day. Received summonses from Hythe. 1st Driving a motor vehicle without a license, Driving without a tail light, Driving with bright headlights. Have to appear Jan 9th/ 11.
Saturday December 30 1916
Ammunition exam in the A.M. Farquhar, Vince & I went for a drive in Farquhars car in P.M. called at the Dew Drop & had tea & dancing at the Grand. Danced at the Grand in the evening again. Received box of candy from The Sugar Plums today.
Sunday December 31 1916
Got up 9.30. Wrote letters the balance of the morning. After luncheon Vince & I went to Mrs. Holloway & had tea with others. Was with a bunch of fellows at the Metropole & had a lively time. Went over to the Grand & met a party Mr. Forte from Victoria, the Misses Hemmay, Australian girls & Miss O’Grady. We went out for supper at 11. The girls supplied the champagne & we had a merry party. There was a large crowd & by midnight everybody was merry & raised cain. We danced from 12:30 to 2 A.M. & arrived home 3 A.M. had a Dandy time.
The original material 31 January to 31 December 1916