Officers' Mess Dining in
In May the Officers hosted the officers of the 1st Bn 11th Field Artillery, United States Army. Whenever we fire on the American range, the 1st/11th provide both safety officers and administrative support. To thank the Americans for their hospitality a joint mess dinner was arranged. Much to our chagrin, we found out that our guests had been very well briefed. For many of our guests a mess dinner in a Regimental Mess complete with trophies, candelabra, china and crystal was completely beyond the imagination of some of the younger officers. By the time dinner was over, appropriate mementos presented and the mess games under way, the party was off to a roaring start. The black powder from the miniature cannons was still in the air when the stretcher race was off. The winners, a combined captain team. The evening can only be called an outstanding success, hopefully to be repeated.
The Canadian Gunner, Volume 13, December 1977, page 121
Mementos are exchanged between the Commanding Officers.
The musical test begins! First comes the attempt at playing individual instruments.
The musical test continues...Have you ever conducted a Brass and Reed Band?
Being Artillery Brethren there must be a common base of training on miniature cannons?
The evening turns competitive with stretcher races across the armoury floor.
There's always the challenge of leaving a memento behind on the Officers' Mess rafter!
The Canadian Gunner, Volume 13, December 1977, page 121
Mementos are exchanged between the Commanding Officers.
The musical test begins! First comes the attempt at playing individual instruments.
The musical test continues...Have you ever conducted a Brass and Reed Band?
Being Artillery Brethren there must be a common base of training on miniature cannons?
The evening turns competitive with stretcher races across the armoury floor.
There's always the challenge of leaving a memento behind on the Officers' Mess rafter!