Royal Canadian Artillery Association - Annual Meeting
The 88th annual meeting of the RCAA was held at CFB Petawawa 1-3 Nov 73. The meeting was attended by delegates from nearly all militia gunner units, the Colonel Commandant, representatives from some regular force units and various headquarters staffs, as well as several distinguished guests.
The assembled members and delegates were accorded informative talks by DArty, Colonel D.H. Gunter, Major E.R. Hurley from FMC, LCol H.R. Wheatley CO 2 RCHA, Major W. Conrod, DGRC. An evening was spent viewing new electronic gunnery equipment and having it demonstrated in practice.
Several resolutions were considered and carried, not the least of which was one calling for the establishment of a HQ RCA. This latter resolution will be presented for consideration at the forthcoming meeting of the Conference of Defence Associations in January 1974.
Several committee reports were presented, eg. Financial, history, promotion, competitions, museum and the RCAA centenary which comes up in 1976. Many projects were discussed relating to this event which the committee has been asked to study for feasibility. The main celebration is to take place in Ottawa, however, unit CO’s across the country are urged to plan similar celebrations at the local level. A forerunner to the event should be the establishment and organization of local gunner associations.
Col Cambridge informed the meeting that we still hold a large stock of the history and is asking all members to promote sales. Orders may be placed through the Secretary Treasurer, LCol N.F. Scardina. Let’s have a supreme effort!
The traditional mess dinner – one of our most successful – was held in the gunner mess and was the occasion for the presentation of RCAA trophies and awards for the battery gun and individual competitions. The Colonel Commandant presented a retirement plaque to BGen G.R.A. Coffin, and an Honorary Life Membership scroll to BGen E.R. Suttie – both distinguished gunners.
LCol Crosman, rep from CAS, extended an invitation to the RCAA to hold its 1974 meeting at Gagetown. Invitation accepted with pleasure. Tentative date is mid-October.
At the conclusion of the proceedings a new executive was elected and new committees appointed. LCol J.C. McKenna, President 1972-73, turned the chair over to the new President, LCol J.W. Alward of Halifax.
Finally, our sincere appreciation and thanks to LCol Howie Wheatley and members of his unit for their excellent hospitality.
The Canadian Gunner 1973, Volume 9, December 1973, page 85
The assembled members and delegates were accorded informative talks by DArty, Colonel D.H. Gunter, Major E.R. Hurley from FMC, LCol H.R. Wheatley CO 2 RCHA, Major W. Conrod, DGRC. An evening was spent viewing new electronic gunnery equipment and having it demonstrated in practice.
Several resolutions were considered and carried, not the least of which was one calling for the establishment of a HQ RCA. This latter resolution will be presented for consideration at the forthcoming meeting of the Conference of Defence Associations in January 1974.
Several committee reports were presented, eg. Financial, history, promotion, competitions, museum and the RCAA centenary which comes up in 1976. Many projects were discussed relating to this event which the committee has been asked to study for feasibility. The main celebration is to take place in Ottawa, however, unit CO’s across the country are urged to plan similar celebrations at the local level. A forerunner to the event should be the establishment and organization of local gunner associations.
Col Cambridge informed the meeting that we still hold a large stock of the history and is asking all members to promote sales. Orders may be placed through the Secretary Treasurer, LCol N.F. Scardina. Let’s have a supreme effort!
The traditional mess dinner – one of our most successful – was held in the gunner mess and was the occasion for the presentation of RCAA trophies and awards for the battery gun and individual competitions. The Colonel Commandant presented a retirement plaque to BGen G.R.A. Coffin, and an Honorary Life Membership scroll to BGen E.R. Suttie – both distinguished gunners.
LCol Crosman, rep from CAS, extended an invitation to the RCAA to hold its 1974 meeting at Gagetown. Invitation accepted with pleasure. Tentative date is mid-October.
At the conclusion of the proceedings a new executive was elected and new committees appointed. LCol J.C. McKenna, President 1972-73, turned the chair over to the new President, LCol J.W. Alward of Halifax.
Finally, our sincere appreciation and thanks to LCol Howie Wheatley and members of his unit for their excellent hospitality.
The Canadian Gunner 1973, Volume 9, December 1973, page 85