Shilo Live-Fire Exercise 1982
In our first set of photos there appears to be considerable activity involving a derelict ferret and illumination parachutes. The Regimental MO is conducting triage on the engine block? There seems to be some stories that need to be told. Well, maybe not stories about the Officers' quarters... (Mind you there seems to be a bit of overlap with Limber Gunner 1983 - or was it a two year effort?)
A second series of photos by the same photographer, Greg Osadchuk, has no date in the accession book. Definitely a flight which narrows it down to the Shilo exercise. The Regimental Sergeant Major Eric Tyldesley-Gore smiling is a story in itself. We also have the Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel John MacGregor talking with the flight crew. There's a push up match between a couple of Americans and then shots of the flight deck. The big mystery is the shaving cream performance at the airport. There's Jim Jacobson restraining the Sergeant who is being covered. Sergeant Dave Warner looks on. But, who is the Sergeant? (Noel Dykes has come forward and self-identified himself as the recipient, although he has no memory of the incident (probably because that same trip he got his thumb cut off and crushed) His rationale for this identification is based on four pieces of evidence: the glasses; the cheesy, barely there moustache; the army issue watch strap and how the end is folded back under the tab; and the ironed seam down the arm). We have still to determine why is this happening?
A third series from John Carter shows the band on board a Hercules. Loading a 1/4 Ton SMP on board and a clean up of weapons and equipment. Were these all the same exercise or did they become mixed up with a Limber Gunner exercise?