Wednesday Lunch - 5 April 2023
Honourary Lieutenant-Colonel Don Foster organized another exceptional lunch in the Officers' Mess. The Guest Speaker was Commander Bryan Price and the occasion was used to extend a farewll thank you to Mrs Lum for her many years of catering the Officers' Mess. Eleven Commanding Officers! Mrs Lum worked with Bob Healey
and his wife, catering the Officer’s Mess lunches after the Maskovic’s retired in 1988. Mrs. Lum took over all Mess function catering from 1990 to 2020, when COVID shut everything down. A remarkable achievement and a much appreciated contribution to the 15th Field Artillery Regimental family.
and his wife, catering the Officer’s Mess lunches after the Maskovic’s retired in 1988. Mrs. Lum took over all Mess function catering from 1990 to 2020, when COVID shut everything down. A remarkable achievement and a much appreciated contribution to the 15th Field Artillery Regimental family.