As at 16 July 2023
Master Gunner's Residence
We're moving ahead slowly on the Master Gunner's Residence (formerly known as the Officers' Quarters) project. Latest task was measuring the existing foundation and remaining wall structure with a view to providing a scale drawing. Once that's complete, we can formulate a plan to build a new structure within the old foundation in order to create a Docent Centre. This would be an off-the-grid structure to that will be available for volunteers to spend time on the island, greet visitors and tell the story of Yorke Island. We also shoveled more dirt out of the basement, estimates are that the dirt digging is about 10% complete. We are currently looking for volunteers for the following:
1. Dirt diggers! (next trip is yet to be scheduled)
2. Architect
3. Filtered water system designer
4. Solar panel designer
5. Waste material designer
6. Construction estimator
7. Financial supporter (Currently working on a zero balance budget)
1. Dirt diggers! (next trip is yet to be scheduled)
2. Architect
3. Filtered water system designer
4. Solar panel designer
5. Waste material designer
6. Construction estimator
7. Financial supporter (Currently working on a zero balance budget)
Earliest photos of the Master Gunner's Residence - believed to be 1939 or earlier - Wharf construction and building foundations.
Believed to be 1939 photos
Believed to be 1940 photos
Believed to be 1940-1945
2020 or 2021
Rough dimensions
Master Gunner's Residence model - First attempt
The Vancouver Artillery Association is an affiliated association of the Royal Canadian Artillery Association which has set up a CRA Charitable Donation account for the Master Gunner's Residence. Use the Donate Here button below.