War Diaries - Yorke Island
War Diary - August 1939
Major Guernsey OC, Voluntary callout, departure, arrival York Island |
War Diary - September 1939
Major Guernsey OC, Guns reported ready, Examination Service, water issues, hut construction, submarine reported, under age soldiers |
War Diary - October 1939
Major Piercy OC, Accommodation, water supply, wireless station |
War Diary - November 1939
Major Piercy OC, Shell stuck, tide levers, clothing, accommodation, beer sales |
War Diary - December 1939
Major Piercy OC, Water supply, Lt Mulheron, |
War Diary - January 1940
Major Piercy OC, Venereal disease, clothing, underwear, water well, bring to round |
War Diary - February 1940
Major Piercy OC, Kelsey Bay dances, Temiscouta, water supply Hardwicke Island, health of troops |
War Diary - March 1940
Major Piercy OC, Bring to rounds, death of mascot George, fire protection, Can Scottish detachment issues, broken glass |
War Diary - April 1940
Major Piercy OC, Bring to rounds, inspection by MGen Ashton, corresponding with strangers, new buildings, 3rd Searchlight Battery dissatisfaction |
War Diary - May 1940
Major Piercy OC, 6 Fd Coy RCE, 12 Fd Ambulance, bring to rounds, train disturbances, route march, Empire Day |
War Diary - June 1940
Major Piercy OC, First aid instruction, nightly password, typewriter issues, religious denominations, bring to round, Irish Fusiliers |
War Diary - July 1940
Major Piercy OC, L/Bdr Gayton, mooring buoy, RCNR death, ration issues, bring-to rounds, Z Force, suicide, dental, water issues |
War Diary - August 1940
Major Piercy OC, new tractor driver requested, suspected Japanese activity, local defence, concrete moorings, crew shelter update, drag saw, verticality, accommodation, upcoming Inspector General visit, coal, cook, trades testing clerks, protection against gas, Cdn Scottish det, establishment suggestion, bring to round, |
War Diary - September 1940
Major Piercy OC, 178 pers, bring to rounds fired, permission granted to marry, barrack boxes, plugged shrapnel, 16th LAA Battery, hospital paint shortfall, hind quarter overboard, Court of Inquiry – desertion (x2), defective armature, small arms ammunition, forbidden to correspond with strangers, rifle inspection, gun calibration, barbed wire request, firearms registration, coal request, no thumbing for rides, fatigue request for Cdn Scots detachment, camouflage material request, Board of Officers, dependents’ allowance, Chevrolet light duty truck arrived, Major Dumoulin and 58th Bty personnel arrived. |
War Diary - October 1940
Major Piercy OC hands over to Major Dumoulin, 266 pers, small arms ammunition, bring to rounds, Clarence Island clearing, electric light plant operators, apparatus illuminating DRF, retreat drill and flag lowering, water conservation, RCAF cooperation, training equipment, bread baking, leave details, political influence, dress, pump issues, Smoking Concert, torch request, gun shelters, training syllabus, Board of Officers, Regimental Institute Tea, faulty cartridge damage, 6 pdr location, gun drill |
War Diary - November 1940
Major DuMoulin OC, Ginger Coote Airways, 6 pounder arrived, ammunition trolleys, 21 Provost Coy, equipment deficiencies, firing practice, VD inspection, bread baking, revolver ammunition, camouflage, xmas rations, defence against gas, anti-aircraft defences, training syllabus, stores, indoor firing range |
War Diary - December 1940
Major Dumoulin OC, alarm circuit installed, Port War Signal Station, bring to rounds, MGen Schmidlin visit, 1 inch A.R. shoot conducted, Cdn Scot det to be withdrawn, VD reports, USS Charleston, Ginger Coote Airways, New Years food requirements, 4.7” gun issues, support for Campbell River – Kelsey Bay road, indoor range standing orders, trigonometry, fire prevention, physical training, sock refund, dance, permission to marry, seasons greetings |
War Diary - January 1941
Major Dumoulin OC, measles quarantine, meningitis, cobbler equipment, Q.F. 6-Pdr Hotchkiss gun installed, major war vessel identification, United Service Institute meeting, 1934 Chevrolet light truck, light bulb issue, bring-to rounds, rifle range |
War Diary - February 1941
Major Dumoulin OC handed over to Major Piercy, 226 pers, water pump broke, vehicle pennants, challenge drill, moving pictures, arcs of fire, testing of fire circuits, datuming auto-sights, DRF datuming, bounds, AWOL incident, ammo recesses, militia service cipher, good conduct badge, boxing tournament, dress, 1st Cdn Armoured Brigade draft, break step, permission to marry, bring to rounds, searchlight installation, boat maintenance, gambling, beer consumption, electric lighting plant, baker pay, wharf addition, cable trenches, Maxim machine gun, lanyards, mess insurance, night firing practice |
War Diary - March 1941
Major Piercy OC, bread, consumption of intoxicating beverages, arrival 3rd Searchlight Battery personnel, rubella, unexpected RCCS personnel arrival, Kelsey Bay picture show, Lions’ Gate Riding and Polo Club donations, electric light oil leakage, MV General Caldwell, power plant breakdown, stretcher bearers requirement, Chevrolet truck issues, water supply, clicking gears – 4.7 guns, Ross rifles Mark II issues, target practice, additional berth accommodation, fire hazard, postage rates, employment of boys, invite to Quadra Island dance, death of Gunner Brunt’s mother, USS Ballard, USS Rooks |
War Diary - April 1941
Major Piercy OC, detention, water supply, diesel power plant, ammunition, drag saw, fire protection, coal delivery, Aldis lamp, YMCA support, searchlight operations, photo restrictions, airplane silhouettes, poor baking skills, bring to rounds, men’s recreation hut, establishment shortfall, dress and cleanliness at meals, permission to marry, clothing, 4.7” handbook request |
War Diary - May 1941
Major Piercy OC, pile driver arrived, 50 rds SAA issued to each man, 50 rds issue withdrawn, bread bake ovens, lighting plant report, gun cover error, coal request, deckhand issues, submarine cable laid, bring to round fired, appendicitis emergency, Bekins Moving & Storage free storage offer, Cavanaugh incident. |
War Diary - June 1941
Major Piercy OC, Hardwicke Island waterfall, lighting plant issues, bring to rounds, USS Cavanaugh, New Orleans Club out of bounds, RSM Watson visit, 15 cwt truck (was it a CMP?), Kelsey Bay telephone station, MV General Caldwell, Adjutant visit, buoy sinking, cook’s pay, clerk’s pay, weather reports, Mr Smith’s privy, Nanaimo Island Topper out of bounds, Yorke Island Defence Scheme, latrine care, glass replacement due to firing, |
War Diary - July 1941
Major Piercy OC, potato & turnip quality, bring to round, ammunition, diesel engine, Union Steamship return fare, stores discrepancy, Lions Gate Riding & Polo Club donation, clothing concerns, man overboard, navigation buoy, lighting plant report, water supply, port war signal station, 155mm gun suggestion, Ford truck 15cwt F15, ammunition expenditure, library books, haircuts, grenades, barbed wire, motor vehicle licenses, desertions |
War Diary - August 1941
Major Piercy OC, searchlight camouflage, paint problems, tractor repairs, telegraph cable, bring to rounds, oil requirements, request for leave, defence scheme, machine guns, rifles, camouflage paint, prohibition of photography, Gunner Brunt, lanyards, box social, out of bound premises |
War Diary - September 1941
Major Piercy OC, bring to rounds, channels of communication, wills, training films, shell shrapnel plugged, exchange 85th and 31st batteries, wave length request, Yorke Island survey, drunkenness, bricklayer, misfire drill amendment, precautions against trench mouth, soap conservation, trumpeter shortage, coal shed, weekend boat service to Vancouver and Victoria, army sports, wharf maintenance, stove repair |
War Diary - October 1941
Major Piercy OC, bring to rounds, battle dress collar instructions, threatening of Military Police, wearing of poppy, changeover with Stanley Park Fort, Capt Osburn OC, the wearing of WW1 wound stripes discontinued |
War Diary - November 1941
Captain Osburn OC followed by Major Ransom OCPWSS site selected and cleared, USS Charleston, Officers' Mess painting, bring-to rounds, electric plant issues, addition to OP, the deer mascot, trumpet band |
War Diary - December 1941
Major Ransom OC, 7 December, Lions Gate Riding & Polo Club donation, camera prohibition, Thompson sub machine gun request, bring to rounds, leave canceled, black out imposed. |
War Diary - January 1942
Major Rix OC, water supply issues due to freezing, rowdyism in wet canteen, free cigarettes, writing on the walls in the latrine, 31 Battery personnel depart for Stanley Park Fort, 85 Battery personnel return to Yorke. |
War Diary - February 1942
Major Rix OC, night shoot, thumbing for rides, 18th Man. Recce. Bn., Victory Loan parade, cease fly flags, sounding of retreat cancelled, court of inquiry - power house fire, purchases from US Army commissaries, bring to rounds. |
War Diary - March 1942
Major Rix OC, S.S. Bervin delivered large load of construction material, carelessness in handling of loaded rifles, photography, passwords, visit by MND J.L. Ralston (twice!), serious injury to Gnr Apostoliuk, list of out of bounds places |
War Diary - April 1942
Major Rix OC, visit MGen Griesbach, use of boat rules, movie shows in the mess hall, Courts of Inquiry convened – Gnr Apostoliuk injury and damage to C.A.S.L. S/L #55, wearing of equipment, 4.7” guns to be completely depressed when not in use, continual and unwarranted breakage of strikers on 6 Pdr, movie – The Doctor Takes a Wife, conscription plebiscite held, boat fired on by Bren gun, truck instructions, small arms ammunition, movie – The Amazing Mr. Williams, different variations of saluting, electric razors prohibited, attitude of slovenliness, night exercise. |
War Diary - May 1942
Frank Hardwick of YMCA, submarine attacked off Rivers Inlet, 15 to 17 airplanes flew over, water conservations – no showers, forbidden to kill wild game on Yorke, new signals line to Windy Point, postal regulation, cigarette butts in urinals, helmet chinstrap care, Alert Bay Empire Day celebration, 1” aiming rifle practice held, floor sweeping, court of inquiry – power plant fire |
War Diary - June 1942
Major Rix OC, recycling of old orders, Dutch Harbour bombed, complete coast blackout, all leave canceled, bring to rounds fired, soldiers’ debt, movies Convoy, Blondie meets the Boss, I was a Prisoner on Devils Island in Mess Hall, new system of watches, continued breakage of strikers on 6 Pdr, respirator Fridays, shelling of Estevan, detachment 30th AA arrives, dismantling of 4.7” guns begins, 2 bofors arrive, 6” gun arrives, fire precautions, toilet paper use |
War Diary - July 1942
Major Rix OC, 319 pers, #2 6 inch gun arrived and installed, 4.7” left for Stanley Park, practice shoot 1” and 6” rds, Mess Hall shows – You’re a Sweetheart, The Range Busters, On The Beat, mail censorship, venereal disease, thumbing for rides, saluting, communication of military information, out of bounds, sounding of trumpets, prophylactic stations, gas detector locations. |
War Diary - August 1942
Major Rix OC, Lt Garrett Orderly Officer, Harvest leave, water shortage, forage cap prohibition, caution regarding intoxicating liquor on trains and boats, protection against gas, paying of compliments, steel chairs for Officer use only, Captain Frank Guy Armitage MC performance. |
War Diary - September 1942
Major Rix OC, Court of Inquiry into searchlight, change of names 85th Heavy Battery to 85th Coast Battery, red & blue RCAs may be worn, Texas and First Love playing in the Mess Hall, conservation of Battle Dress, drill hall construction proceeding, stopping rounds fired, note regarding plastic armour, moved #2 Bofors to position on Hill 260, anti-aircraft practice firing. |
War Diary - October 1942
Major Rix OC, platoon Cdn Fusiliers arrived, Court of Inquiry into injury, A.A. Section instruction, camera prohibition, out of bounds – New Orleans Club and Alexandra Ballroom, care of boots, dismantling of armament drill, commenced transfer of S/L and F/C equipment in D.S., #2 AA Gun moved to Hill 260, thunder flash usage, theft of paintbrushes and taps, regimental swagger sticks, shows in Mess Hall – In the Navy, Paris Calling, cargo ship aground 5 miles south, General Pearkes visit |
War Diary - November 1942
Major Rix OC, Armistice Day not celebrated, drill hall used for first time, Captain Whitehead appointed Acting OC, Ride ‘em Cowboy, Flying Cadets, Wolf Man, Queen of Hearts shown in the Mess Hall, camp barber, bingo in the Mess Hall, saluting is becoming very bad, temporary quarantine due to measles, gale wind – 2 trees fell, 14 day quarantine imposed, request for Parachute Battalion volunteers, listening post at Courtney Bay and Sunderland Point built by Veterans Guard, red and blue R.C.A.s will be worn on walking out uniform, coal miner request, presentation of Wallets, photography regulations |
War Diary - December 1942
Captain Whitehead Acting OC for Major Harvey, stopping rounds fired, Windy Point visited, Change of Command to Major Thomas, Cable laid #3 Searchlight to Vancouver Island, movies this month Keep Em Flying, Too Many Blondes, Arise My Love, Buck Benny Rides Again, Great Guns, toothpaste tube return, concert in the dry canteen, fire in the Sgt's Mess, gymnasium completed, boxing tournament. |
War Diary - January 1943
Major Thomas OC, Sentry accidental discharge, chicken pox, mumps, new Officers' Mess almost complete, two .5 machine guns arrived, water scow pump house caught fire, movie My Favourite Blond, The Monroe Doctrine, A Girl Must Live, reclamation of waste, unit funds purchase of sweaters, ration cards, Court of inquiry - Garbage Cans. |
War Diary - February 1943
Major Thomas OC, Battery rotation with 58th Battery Point Grey Fort, A.A. practice shoot with .50 cal, Court of Inquiry – Water scow fire, Mess Hall shows – Men of Texas, Mexican Spitfire at sea, Flight Lieutenant, Joan of Paris, Lucky Legs, The Gay Falcon, Between Us Girls, no cutting of standing trees, burnt boots, use of enemy wireless, urinating in toilets instead of urinals, |
War Diary - March 1943
Major Thomas OC followed by Captain Whitehead Acting OC, 40mm Bofors shoot, 1” aiming rifle shoot, death of Private Lee, 6” practice shoot, 3 pounder shoot with auto-sites, bingo in the mess hall, service chevrons awarded, shows – Submarine Raider, My Favourite Spy, Manpower, Eagle Squadron, Virginia City, International Squadron, trip to Rock Bay logging operation, penpal restrictions, blasting precautions, weekly paper-The New Yorker-to start, helmets to be painted and resanded, trip to Kelsey Bay logging operation, sing-song in the dry canteen, all cameras to be turned in for safekeeping, Red Cross drive |
War Diary - April 1943
Captain Whitehead OC, Strandear aircraft forced down due to bad weather, US Survey ship E. Lester Jones, United Services show Seaforth Follies, 40mm Bofors practice, shows in the Mess Hall – Broadway, The Invisible Agent, A Lady in a Jam, They Died with their Boots on, Counter Espionage, 30 cal firing practice, trophies on display, |
War Diary - May 1943
Captain Whitehead and Major Wilson OC, RCE Barge arrived, 40mm Bofors practice shoot, Mess Hall shows – The Housekeeper’s Daughter, Who Done It, The Amazing Mrs. Holliday, Kitty Foyle, Pastor Hall, Mexican Spitfire’s Baby, Nightmare, Look Who’s Laughing, Irene and Vernon Castle, lost-Red Bird lantern, ration cards, New Yorker, Bingo cigarettes, trip to Alert Bay, Kelsey Bay dance, Canteen sweatshirts |
War Diary - June 1943
Captain Whitehead OC until arrival of Major Thomas, concert parties, sand and gravel delivery, 1 inch aiming rifle practice shoots, 3 pdr shoots, shows in mess hall – The Road to Morocco, The Glass Key, The Maltese Falcon, True to the Army, Gentleman Jim, Skylark, insurance for loss of personal effects, bingo prize – cigarettes, suggestion box installed, heating of buildings to cease, coal mining leave, Board of Officers – condition of the cheese |
War Diary - July 1943
War Diary - August 1943
Major Thomas OC, Smoker, movies in the Mess Hall – Hit the Ice, Submarine Patrol, Forty Thousand Horsemen, I Wake Up Screaming, Sabotage Squad, Swamp Water, Two Tickets to London, Sing Your Blues Away, Caught in the Draft, Court of Inquiry – loss of water hose, truck speed limit, Board of Officers – garbage cans, poisonous clams and mussels, pool table use, Y.M.C.A. travelling art exhibition, Jewish Holy Days, Spotlight Review concert, barber shop |
War Diary - September 1943
Major Thomas, OC, cement poured #2 gun emplacement, air spotters, 40mm AA shoot, .50 cal AA Shoot, shows – Vivacious Lady, The Major and the Minor, Call Out the Marines, A Chump at Oxford, correspondence with POWs, Star Spangled Rhythm, A Date with the Falcon, Pacific Blackout, 7 Days Leave, Magic in Music, Valley of the Sun, compassionate farm leave, communition of military information, missing 40mm ammunition, Canadian Legion correspondence courses, service chevrons, fraudulent enlistment, ID Card MFM 182 |
War Diary - October 1943
Major Thomas OC turned over command to Maj Hunter, 6” practice shoot, 40mm practice shoot, Mrs Y. Firkins and her troop of entertainers, Thanksgiving dinner, concrete poured for new water tank, court of inquiry – Gnr Gibbons, lodging complaints, RCAF transfer, electric shavers, shows – Something to Shout About, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Commandos Strike at Dawn, Larceny Inc, It Ain’t Hay, They Died With Their Boots On, Juke Girl, Victory Bond campaign, battle dress conservation, training expedient safety precautions, Board of Survey |
War Diary - November 1943
Major Hunter OC, 6 Inch day and night shoot, Stewart Island concert, United Services Concert Party, Inspector General – Maj-Gen JP MacKenzie visit, 1” aiming shoot, Radio Broadcast – Of Things to Come, request for Cdn Railway Troops, projector out of order, Ladies Auxiliary Christmas Hamper requests; Mess Hall shows – Palm Beach Story, We Go Fast, One Dangerous Night, All Through the Night, Laugh Your Blues Away, Juke Girl, available course list, wearing of formation patch, CProC powers of arrest, volunteers required for paratroopers, transfer of cooks to RCASC |
War Diary - December 1943
Major Hunter OC, Mills grenade caution, indoor track meet, latest issue of the NEW YORKER, movies played Roxie Hart, Take a Letter Darling, Secret Agent of Japan, Henry Aldrich Gets Glamour, Son of Fury, Footlight Serenade, The Flight’s In, Rise and Shine, security poster contest, boxing tournament, troops warned for draft departure, cribbage tournament, Capt Oswell assumes temporary command, Christmas dinner, US travel restrictions, out of bounds premises in Seattle, Game Act, use of rowboat. |