Another supporter has stepped up! Bob Mugford has covered off LCol Bill Jackson's photo. Can you guess the hidden phrase? Would you like to buy a letter? $40.00 a portrait. We take interac at [email protected]
Regimental Fan Out & Open House
The Regiment activated a fanout to start the training year after the summer stand down. Basic first aid was tested and the unit finished off with an open house display for friends and neighbours. Check out the other photos here. Check out the promotions in 2013! Gunners Jeremy Brama, Chris Sewell, Mateusz Soltys, Simeon Weststeijn and Underhill are some of the names that I know were promoted to Bombardier. Can you help me with the other names? Check them out here and email me at [email protected]
Promotion Pictures from 2015 are now on-line. Check them out here.
new photos have been added to the Soldiers' Christmas Dinner in 2013. Check them out. Make sure that I placed the photos in the correct year! Send me updated captions.
Commanding Officer's Hour
The Commanding Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Brent Purcell has a talk with the troops on 14 January as well as using the opportunity to present the Canadian Forces Decoration to Major Ian Watt. 18 Pounder Restoration
Bombardier Marty Vanderzalm came out with his team and achieved some significant milestones on the restoration. The breech is now open! There was a time that we thought that it would never open. However, with the application of some trusty penetrating oil and the judicial use of heat, the breech swung open. It still needs some extensive cleaning before it will open freely but we can now scrub down the barrel and work on the firing mechanism. Speaking of the barrel: When we shone a flashlight down we were quite dejected at first. There appeared to be a concrete plug placed in the barrel that would have caused a horrendous problem. Luckily, once the breech was opened, the plug turned out to be wooden with some old rags. Other than that, the barrel looks in excellent condition. The shield was also removed to allow us to access some of the elevation and traversing mechanism. That's the task for 16th January 2019. In the meantime, we're still trying to track down some 7.5 x 24 tires. Check out the 18 Pounder story here.
Honorary Master Bombardier Francis became the unit mascot in 2014 when his master, Lieutenant-Colonel Brent Purcell became Commanding Officer. "He was the sweetest and most loyal dog I have ever had the honour of calling my friend", says LCol Purcell. Sadly Francis passed away from cancer in February 2018.
January 2025