Yorke Island 21-24 April 2023. A bit of a poor weather start to the weekend that included ferry cancellations, strong waves coming across the strait and snow past Campbell River. However, the sun did come out on Sunday and Monday morning. Check out the photos here.
We're moving ahead slowly on the Yorke Island Officers' Quarters project. Latest task was measuring the existing foundation and remaining wall structure with a view to providing a scale drawing. Once that's complete, we can formulate a plan to build a new structure within the old foundation in order to create a Docent Centre. This would be an off-the-grid structure to that will be avaialable for volunteers to spend time on the island, greet visitors and tell the story of Yorke Island. We also shoveled more dirt out of the basement, estimates are that the dirt digging is about 10% complete. We are currently looking for volunteers for the following: 1. Dirt diggers! (next trip is yet to be scheduled) 2. Architect 3. Filtered water system designer 4. Solar panel designer 5. Waste material designer 6. Construction estimator 7. Financial supporter (Currently working on a zero balance budget) Check out the Officers' Quarters photos here. Yorke Island is reserved for use by the Department of National Defence. Check out the Minister's view of BC Coastal Defence here.
Wonderful photos by Max from Salted Fish Studio, including some great night pictures. Check out the other photos here.
The Band, under the leadership of Director of Music, Lieutenant Peter Erwin produced an excellent vinyl recording. Key personnel included: Recording Engineer - Major RE Mugford CD Sound Engineer - John Renforth Executive Producer - 2nd Lieutenant CI Young Photography - Captain GL Croucher CD (conversion to mp3 format - Captain Conway Hui, CD) Check out the recording here You can also check out the other photos from 1976 here. Yorke Island April 2022
Awesome photos from the 85 VICS post winter cleanup weekend on Yorke. It's great when the weather cooperates. The photographer, Max is a newcomer to the group and he offers blowup prints through his Salted Fish Studio. Looking forward to more great photos in the future. See more photos here. Officers' Mess Bar Renovations
A few photographs of the Mess bar as it undergoes long overdue renovations. Check out the other photos in the 2017 Yearbook. Congratulations to Lieutenant-Colonel Ian C Watt, CD, a former member of 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA and 116th Independant Field Battery, RCA on his promotion to his present rank and appointment as Commanding Officer 5th (BC) Field Regiment, RCA April 2023. More ohotos in the 2023 Yearbook.
Peter Moogk has sent in some more photos from his personal collection. These are from the St. Barbara's Day dinner on 04 December 2004 (19 years ago!). The first shows Lieutenant-Colonel Daniel Kuhn CD presenting Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Victor Stevenson CD with a certificate of appreciation for his service as Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel. The second photo shows Major (retired) Peter Faliszewski in conversation with Vic Stevenson and a member of the Vancouver Police Department. Check out the other photos from the dinner here.
Honour House - Tour of Honour
Honorary Colonel Al Degenova's Honour House sets off on a Tour of Honour through the province. Check out our page here that provides additional information and links. Have you made a donation? |
January 2025