Soldiers' Christmas Dinner in 1987 (I think it's 1987!) Were you there? Who else can you find in the photograph? Chief Warrant Officer Leon Jensen, Sergeant Joe Phelan, Honorary Colonel Theodore Dumoulin, Lieutenant-Colonel John Jessop, Warrant Officer Clifton John, Sergeant Jennifer Jackson. Is that Shane Culver?
New photos from the Soldiers' Christmas Dinner. Check them out on the 2016 yearbook page. Have you got any photos to add to the collection? Either email them to me or bring them on Saturday, 4 February 2017 at the Reunion/Birthday Party.
Photographs from the unveiling of the Captain Oliver Mowat MC display have now been uploaded to the 2016 Yearbook. This is also the first tweet from our twitter feed @Vcr_Gunners. We're entering the world of hashtags!
Added new names to the nominal roll. There are no 2,500 names of members, past and present. The new names are: Dean, Byron Edward; Decoste, Raymond Glen; Dickerson, Michael R; Dixon, Richard Edward Dorval, Marcel; Dougall, Graeme Bruce; Duncan, Ricky Douglas; Dutka, Richard John; Eastham, Gregory Warren; Eckersley, Steve; Ennig, Erwin; Eden, Mark Robert Charles; Evans, Edward Morgan; Evans, Richard Alan; Evans, Vaughan Maxwell; Everett, Clinton Guy; Everett, Michael Andrew; Farquharson, J; Feldstein, Morry David; Ferris, Wesley William; Fischer, William Ernest; Fish, Robert William; Fisher, George Leonard; Fitzsimmons, Roy William; Fleming, Thomas Charles; Fletcher, Kenneth Stanley; Ford, Ian George; Ford, Russell Grant; Foster, Joseph Donald; Fairlie, John Frederick; Falletta, Antonio; Gallagher, Stephen Neil; Gaspar, Jose Manuel Dias; Gelmich, Howard George; Gerard, Robert Wayne; Geub, Robert; Gibney, Denis Alexander; Giffen, Martin Frederick McAlpine; Goertz, Steven Burton; Gray, Brian James; Gregg, Tim Bryce; Grover, Roger William ; Hanna, Vincent George; Harrison, Phillip Clair; Hebert, Daniel Edward; Hebert, Ronald Brett; Heidrich, George Ambrose; Hoffman, Dale Patrick; Holloway, Pamela Carol; Holme, Donald R; Horan, John Steven Gregory; Hunt, Randal Dean; Hutchinson, Brent James; Hyatt, Martin Delorre; Ip, Kim Lung; Ius, Timothy Ryan Leo; Jackman, Brian Jones; Jang, Angus; Jansen, Peter Lucas; Joe, Marie; Johal, Sukhvinder Singh; Jolin, John Richard; Jones, David Arthur Jones, Gareth David; Kalashnikoff, Ulia; Kazmark, Gilen Edmund Alfred; Kelly, Terrence Lee; Kempe, Norman Lester; Kenny, Ryan Lee; Kennedy, Noell Lewis; Kern, Michael Arthur Conrad; Kinar, Linda Gaye; King, Lynda Margaret; Kinney, Catherine Joyce; Klingbeil, Maryanne; Knoesel, Larry Robert; Korn, Leslie Anthony; Kozlowski, Mark Andrew; Kraemer, Sonya; Kwok, Michael Tai-Kee; Laliberte, Frank Jules; Lau, Kerry; Lehtonen, Allan Eric; Lewis, Kathryn Ann; Li, Nelson Pui; Lim, Yoohni; Lindgaard, Craig Alan Harold; Littler, Christopher Harry; Lo, Jason; Logan, William James; Louie, Charlie Youn; Luc, Alan Alfred; Ly, Lan Doc; Madl, Peter Josef; MacDonell, James George; MacEachern, John Wayne; Macfarlane, Bruce Roy; Macrae, Elizabeth Maureen; Magnuson, Kevin Joel; Maharaj, Nandeo Is your name in there? Did I get your information correct? I've also added the following photos to the nominal roll section as well as updating some of the information on other former members. Am I missing your photo? Send me one! Have I inadvertently placed personal information of yours on line that you don't approve of? Please accept my apologies and contact me at [email protected] and I’ll have it removed
The following names have been added to the Nominal Roll:
Ransom, Hunter, Boyer, McCaskill, Harding, Amskold, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Ankersen, Antolinos, Aquino, Arbuckle, Atkinson, Babinger, Bachmeier, Baldry, Battye, Bell, Benes, Bianchin, Bibby, Bigelow, Birdsell, Blakely, Booth, Brama, Boyd, Brown, Bullock, Buskop, Cafferky, Cameron, Cameron, Carle, Carlson, Carr, Carre, Carrea, Carter, Carter, Cech, Charney, Cheung, Chibi, Chilton, Chilton, Chin, Chong, Chow, Chu, Chu, Clark, Clark, Cloutier, Coghlan, Coleman, Collum, Cook, Coopper, Cope, Coulter, Cowie, Croucher Are you in the Nominal Roll? Do we have your information correct? Do we have a photo of you in uniform? The year 1991 was certainly distinct in that we have quite a film collection. The latest uploads include the Regimental Band at Seaworld and Part 3 to the Point Grey plaque unveiling. Enjoy!
1730 - Registration
1800 - View displays, Armoury tours, Museum open 1800 - Messes Open 1900 - Dinner in Officers' Mess 1900 - Band combo begins 2100 - Door Prize draws The Point Grey Battery Plaque unveiling part 2! Speeches by Major (ret) Vic Stevenson and Brigadier-General Stuart McDonald. The synopsis is included in the 1991 yearbook. The first video from the 1991 unveiling of the plaque at Point Grey Battery has just been uploaded. Check out the video and synopsis posted in the 1991 yearbook. The following Band picture has been posted. Labelled c1948 - 1950 we are unable to absolutely identify which unit it depicts. Read the rest of the story in the 1950 yearbook.
February 2025