Vancouver Sun article
The 39th (Reserve) Artillery Regiment RCA deploys for a training exercise on Lulu Island. Equipped with 4.5" howitzer, the unit had recently converted from a reserve to the 15th (Vancouver) Coast Regiment RCA Active Force to a separate field artillery task. The Regimental Museum is actively seeking out a 4.5" howitzer for our collection of equipment that the unit had served with. Please contact me at if you happen to come across one! (any condition!) Were you a member of the 39th (Reserve) Artillery Regiment RCA? We know who the CO was. we need the name of the RSM in 1943. The search for the missing Regimental Sergeants Majors continues! Two more were found this morning - Acting Regimental Sergeant Major KR Crowther and Regimental Sergeant Major FR McVicar. Check out their info on the COs and RSMs page. More to follow.
I finally managed to complete the major changes to Key Appointments on all of the website pages! Let me know if you see a page that looks different than the othersin case I missed it! In addition, Sergeant Calogero provided updated PDFs of all the RSM photos. Hopefully I've managed to replace all the ones that I originally took with my camera. Let me know if you find any with my shadow across them and I'll replace it ASAP.
Of course the Key Appointments section is far from complete. I still do not have the names of all the RSMs throughout our history and I'm missing the names of some COs during the war years, specifically in the reserve units. I would like to also include the picture of 2ICs, Adjutants and BCs. As you can see it's a work in progress. Care to help? Were you an Adjutant and your picture isn't there? Send a photo to me with the dates of your appointment and I'll place it in the correct yearbook. Don't like the photo that I've uploaded? Send me a better one! Specific photos needed - two better pictures of Honorary Colonel Webster - one as a HLCol and one as a HCol. I could also use a picture of HCol Graham in a uniform. Maybe you can find one somewhere in the yearbooks that I can use. Let me know where you find it! Photos are now on line from the Band of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment RCA performing at the BC Military Gala on 12 May 2018 with Master Warrant Officer Cheryl McHugh as the conductor and Master Bombardier Eric Wong as the Drum Major. Check out all the photos in the 2018 Yearbook.
If you're in Victoria and looking for something to do, check out Macaulay Point. T he Regiment participated in training exercises at Macaulay Point in the 1930s and 40s. You could download some of the photos from those exercises and see if you can find th eposition where the guns were fired from! One of our members, John Eckersley, was on Vancouver Island recently and reports: " I attended the annual public guided tour of the Fort on Saturday (Artillery Day - ed.). If you haven't visited it since last November and have the chance to do so, I highly recommend it. It was a few years ago since I had been there and was very impressed with the amount of clearing and cleanup that had been done. Also in November they had installed a very good illustrated signage system giving a history and explanation at the key points, as explained in the article linked below.."
Esquimalt installs new interpretive signage for Fort Macaulay Fort Macaulay brochure The Vancouver Artillery Association deployed the 25 Pounder and Field Artillery Tractor to Wallace Field in Jericho Beach Park for Artillery Day. It was a great day showing off the equipment to local Vancouverites. We've been promised photos of the wedding shoot that used the FAT as a prop! That's Bob Mugford, Darren Kostinuk, Leon Jensen and Doug Loney
The Index page has been amended with the addition of a page featuring the Change of Command Parades. There's quite a few missing. Take a look and let me know if you have any photographs at home featuring the missing parades.
The Province of British Columbia installed a Point of Interest sign on the Sayward wharf to highlight Yorke Island. The Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure officially unveiled the sign on 24 May 2018. Check out the photos in the 2018 yearbook.
Pictures are starting to arrive from last night's Change of RSM parade. Check them out on this page. I'll be placing more of the on line as I download them from the various emails I'm receiving. Have you got some to add to the collection? send them to [email protected]
September 2024