Started up a new page focused on the infrastructure on Yorke Island. I'll be adding more pictures as they become identified as a specific building. This should assist in the weekend Yorke Island ventures coming up in August.
It has come to my attention that Captain William (Bill) Amos C.D. has recently passed away. Many of you know Bill from his time in the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA from before 1969 until his retirement as a Captain in 1990. During this time he rose through the ranks and was appointed Regimental Sergeant Major from 1983 to 1986.
Bill was well-known for his skill at mounting medals and many of us have worn his work for years. There will be a funeral service for Bill at 1:30 on July 21st at South Burnaby United Church, at the corner of Rumble Street and Gray Avenue in Burnaby, BC. I've put together some of the many photos that I have of Bill during his time in the Regiment and would certainly welcome the addition of any that you might have. A quick upload of another 18 photos from Yorke Island, unfortunately without descriptions of any kind.
The Ken Foote album has moved to 1940 with more photographs of Yorke island living. The second photograph below shows a group on the first day of their new battle dress issue. It appears that they reverted back to a mix of uniforms shortly thereafter.
More photos from Yorke Island in 1939. Some great individual shots of the Gunners that served there during the war. This includes Bombardier Bud Garrett who later went on to command the Regiment!
Would you like to spend a weekend on Yorke Island? We're putting some plans together for 19-21 August but space is limited! Accommodations are .....spartan. Rough plan is to boat over Friday afternoon, sleep in one of the still standing buildings (the O'Pip or #1 emplacement?) and explore the island before returning to Vancouver Island on Sunday. Drop me a line if you're interested! [email protected] More great photos from Jack Foote's album from Yorke Island are now on-line! Another forty names for the nominal roll now puts us up to 1,519! Gunner Anderson, Gunner Bill Barker, Gunner Murray Barker, Gunner Jimmy Blackburn, Gunner Bert Cameron, Gunner Chelowsky, Sergeant Jack Clark, Gunner Ed Confrey, Gunner Ralph Conner, Gunner Mel (The Rabbi) Cooper, Sergeant Doug Cox, Bombardier Neville Cox, Bombardier George (Link) Darby, Gunner (Cowboy) Emerson, Bombardier Doug Engelen, Gunner Percy Fox, Gunner (Slim) Gilson, Lance Bombardier George Hammell, Gunner Harold Hammell, Gunner Art Harman, Gunner Pete Harris, Gunner Bob Kitching, Gunner Charlie Kitching, Gunner Johnny Knight, Gunner John Larsen, Gunner Ken Lataboudieau, Battery Sergeant Major Ed Lockhart, Bombardier Denny Mackie, Gunner (Spot) Mayman, Gunner Jim McGerigle, Gunner Jack Mills, Second Lieutenant Mulherne, Gunner Pat Power, Gunner Richardson (Stick), Lance Bombardier Charlie (The Egg) Snow, Bombardier Norm (Stinky) Thurwell, Battery Quarter Master Sergeant Vince Upton, Gunner Harry Willoughby, Gunner Pete Wright, Gunner Ken Foote, Bombardier Farley Cooper
New photos have gone up from Yorke Island 1939, including the first arrival of Gunners on 29 August, 1939! These photos have also yielded another 10 names for the nominal roll which now sits at 1,479!
Names include Gnr Adzick, Gnr Atkins, Gnr Coburn, Bdr Cuddeford, Gnr Jenkins, Gnr Layton, Gnr Luney, Gnr O'Mally, LBdr Parker, Gnr Parrott. I also came across Capt Ed Bryce and MBdr Rick Reimer in the 80's and a young version of Captain John Carter. Yorke Island August 2016 The 15th Field Artillery Regiment RCA occupied Yorke Island during the Second World War. At that time the Regiment had been converted to a coastal artillery unit (15th (Vancouver) Coast Artillery Brigade, RCA) and it spent the war years at Yorke Island guarding the narrow Johnstone Strait with two 6” guns. An interesting guide is provided on our Vancouver Artillery Association website, The Commanding Officer intends to visit Yorke Island twice this year. Ross Keller, Honorary Battery Commander 85 Battery, is organizing an event on 19-20 August which will also feature a wreath laying in honour of Gunner Wallace Brunt who drowned in a tragic accident on 20 August 1941. The majority of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA will be on exercise during that weekend so only the Commanding Officer, Regimental Sergeant Major and Captain Hui will be able to attend. The remainder of the unit is available the following weekend and the CO intends to return with a contingent of 12 soldiers to explore the remnants of the coastal artillery installation. The Vancouver Artillery Association has been invited to attend one or both of these weekends. My preference is for the 19-20 August weekend. Concept My concept is that we could rent a 6 passenger van (Dodge Caravan) on Friday afternoon and drive over Friday evening. Return would leave Sunday afternoon and return the van on Monday morning. The ride over to Yorke Island would be covered by the Regiment. Van Rental 693.00 Mileage Included Fuel 300.00 Ferry Vehicle charge to Nanaimo 56.45 Ferry Passenger charge x 6 103.20 Ferry Vehicle return charge 56.45 Ferry Passenger charge x 6 103.20 Sub-Total $ 1,312.30 Divided by 6 218.72 The Sayward Valley Resort – Fisherboy Park is owned by a former member of 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA and is naturally the hotel of choice. Rates are around $100.00 per room with $5.00 charged for each additional person or $23.00 per tent. Throw in about $50.00 per day for your own meals for 2 ½ days. Total per person would be about $370.00 based on this concept. An option would be a self-directed effort. I have a camper van and would bring my wife along. It can only accommodate the two of us but we have room for cheaper groceries rather than restaurant meals. We may lose out on group discounts by taking one vehicle but this will be offset by cheaper meals and no van rental charge. If others have a similar vehicle, or simply wish to take their car and tent, we can probably arrange a common campsite at the Sayward Valley Resort. Sometimes less organization is better than more organization!
Please advise me if you would like to attend and we can adjust the plan as necessary. [email protected] |
September 2024