Driver James Grant, MM was a member of the 15th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, CEF from 22 Jan 1917 until 18 Mar 1917. After the disollution of 15th Brigade he was transferred to the 83rd Battery, 5th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, CEF where he was awarded the Military Medal. His citation reads:
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on November 4th near Zonniebeke. The only road was under extremely heavy shell fire all morning and men sent up to pack ammunition were all made casualties or sent back by the traffic controller except this man, who knowing the battery was short of ammunition pushed through despite the intense shelling, he came back, and although the shelling still exceptionally heavy made a second trip to the battery. This week's entry provides a glimpse into some racial prejudice from the early 1900s. Glad to see that we have evolved since that time. Check out the entry here.
![]() There's some impressive claims out there regarding the success of the Turkish Bayraktar TB2 Armed Drones. Oryxspioenkop appears to be two military analysts that are keeping a running tab on the damage caused. Check out the site here. Battery of 122mm D30 Russian Field Artillery. Would you deploy your artillery in this manner if you knew that the Ukrainians had reportedly captured a control unit of your low Earth orbit satellite destroyer Krasukha 4 electronic warfare system? Then again, would you vere deploy your artillery in a straight line, in an open field?
![]() Watched a few episodes of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's 2015 comedy TV series, “Servant of the People,” on Netflix last night. It stars Zelensky, who was a comedian before he entered politics, as a Ukrainian high school teacher who unexpectedly becomes president after a video of him complaining about corruption goes viral. It's in Ukrainian with English sub-titles. Interesting to see the President in a different role than the one that has been recently been forced on him. The outdoor footage also shows a clean, modern landscape that contrasts sharply on today's reality. Check out an episode or two. Wednesday, 23rd March at 2pm. Access will be through the Vancouver Gunners Zoom and/or dial up portals. Zoom address is
The agenda for the follow-up ordinary meeting will include the following items. 1. Covid re-opening 2. Museum involvement in the 150th Anniversary Dinner 3. 25-pdr and blank firing 4. Museum operations manual 5. Yorke Island 6. Renovation of the office area 7. Moving the Bofors onto the parade square 8. Insurance of Society artefacts and archives 9. Point Grey Battery 10. CFAMS replacement 11. Display projects ![]() Interesting list of downed aircraft as of Sunday, 20 March 2022 ![]() Int guys are having a field day! New discoveries almost daily! ![]() Captured Russian Air Defence system. What's that saying? "The amateurs discuss tactics: the professionals discuss logistics.” |
February 2025