Our former Honorary Colonel Judge William Rodgers has stepped up and sponsored two of our former Regimental Sergeants Major portraits, Warrant Officer Class I Charles Minter and Warrant Officer Class I Sverre Sorenson MC.
If we were to do this in order, our next RSM would be Warrant Officer Class I Herbert Hankins MM, our only Regimental Sergeant Major to have been recognized for bravery in the field. Would you like to spomsor WO1 Hankins? Or any other as yet unsponsored RSMs? Send an interac e-transfer for $40.00 to [email protected] A new, former member has been added to the nominal roll - Captain Edward John Hughes. Captain Hughes started out with the militia artillery in Vancouver prior to the outbreak of the Second World War but I do not have any concrete information on when that actually ocurred. We do know that he signed up for the Canadian Active Service Force on 1 September 1939 and was sent off for training before taking up his post as a Gunner with the 15th (Vancouver) Coast Brigade RCA at Stanley Park. He was only there for about a year before he was accepted as a war artist for the duration of the war. After the war he continued his art and was awarded both the Order of Canada and the Order of British Columbia. You can check out his bio in the Notable Characters section of our website.
Just uploaded the seating plan for the 1999 St Barbara's Day Dinner. Wow! I count a total of 194. That was a lot of guests. Should we try to repeat it on the eve of our centennial? Were you there? Check out your photo from 20 years ago here.
Two more RSMs have been sponsored. That only leaves 22 more to go. Check out the photos here! Send your interac e-transfer to [email protected]
A new page has been added to the website outlining the RSM's photo project. Would you like to sponsor your RSM? $40.00 puts a new photo, frame and matte on the wall with your name cleverly placed on the backside. We take interac e-transfers to [email protected] Three RSMs are already spoken for. Only 25 remain. Check them out here.
National War Memorial
I always try and make a point of paying my respects at the National War Memorial in Ottawa when I'm there. The term "Lest We Forget" seems somewhat more relevant when you stand in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Change of RSM Parade
Chief Warrant Officer Eric Tyldesley-Gore receives the Regimental Sergeant Major's sword from the Commanding Officer. Outgoing Regimental Sergeant Major Brian Cormier reflects. Check out the other photos here. More photos from Vic Stevenson's time in COTC. Check them out here.
February 2025