Congratulations to Honour House on the receipt of their new Land Rover Defender 130! I'm sure it will be put to good use on the Ranch! Some of those soldiers look familiar.
The Commander of 3rd Canadian Division, Brigadier General Steve Graham and Division Sergeant Major Chief Warrant Officer Bantock visited Bessborough Armoury in April.
Have you got any plans for Saturday, 25th May 2024? Plan to visit Victoria, BC? Check out the happenings at Fort Macauley.
Saturday 25 May is Fort Macaulay Day. The Ninth Annual Fort Macaulay Historic Interpretation Event will take place at Macaulay Point Park, Esquimalt BC. The buildings and gun emplacements at the historic site will all be numbered and indexed to a handout with brief historical references to each. The interpretive tour will take place at 10:30am led by local historian, Jack Bates. The original gunners of the Fort will be represented by the 5th (BC) Artillery Regt RCA Museum who will have a displays of era specific cannons and rifles. The event will also feature members of the Victoria-Esquimalt Military Re-enactors Association with their encampment, the Esquimalt Archives, and others. The Esquimalt Lions will provide a cash only BBQ, serving up their famous hamburgers and hot dogs with proceeds going back into the community! LGen (ret'd) Andrew Leslie, retired Army Commander, retired Gunner had some harsh words for the current government. National Post From Governor General of Canada Allan Frank De Genova, M.S.M. Vancouver, British Columbia Al De Genova is dedicated to giving back to those who serve and protect Canada. In 2010, he founded the Honour House Society to support injured and ill military members and veterans, first responders and their families during treatment and rehabilitation. At the Honour Ranch, the charity provides specialized care for individuals affected by operational stress injuries. To date, the organization has saved families thousands of dollars in accommodation costs. Congatulations Al - Well deseved!! The gun and ammunition in this video should be familiar to many of the older gunners! Mountain of Artillery! The 85Vics conducted their annual Yorke Island spring cleanup. Their volunteer work is really appreciated and does wonders in keeping Yorke Island going. The flag has a bit of a story this time around. Seems the President Vancouver Gunners forgot to lower the flag the last time he was on the island in August 2023. It's stood up to the winter weather quite nicely. Check out the rest of the photos here.
September 2024