Captain James Whittles joined 15th Field Regiment RCA as our Padre in 1949. He landed on Juno Beach on 6 June 1944 with the 14th Field Regiment, RCA. 76 years ago today!
More photos have been added to Dolan Magrath's page. Can you put a date to the Ft Lewis adventure? Were the photos from the Armoury taken during the prep for that exercise? Check out all the photos here!
It appears that a bit of gamesmanship has begun after dinner. Lieutenant Tony Jewells, supported by others, has decided to tack up Ian Newby's pistol holster to a ceiling beam. As the PMC of the dinner Ian had used the pistol, with blanks, in lieu of a gavel.
The rules of the tunnel game have never, to my knowledge, been written down. It involves crawling through a maze of overturned chairs and couches with a race between the two teams to navigate the labyrinth. The final picture is that of the Commanding Officer being held back as members of his relay try to pull him through the tunnel. See more on the 1980 page COVID 19 Respone training photos are now online in the 2020 yearbook. Captain Rob Wishnicki and Sergeant Yuriy Bolgak are part of the 34 member contingent provided by the regiment.
More photos from the Dolan Magrath collection have now been posted online. I've created a special page until we can determine what year they were taken. Dave Urquhart appears to be a Gunner so that would be from 19 Jan 1989 until 1 Sep 1991; Bombardier Scott Waldman was promoted Master Bombardier in 20 Apr 1991. Were you there? Check out the other photos here.
More photos from Peter Moogk in 1980. This time in the Officers' Mess with a Junior Officers Dinner at the Bessborough Armoury Officers' Mess with Lieutenant-Colonel Stu McDonald and an inflatable substitute for Ted Hoskinson (our mess associate and painter) at the head table. Lieutenants CIY Young, Siobhan Connolly, Leo Kung, Ed Bryce and Captain John Carter with Corporal Jennifer Ritchie serving soup. Check out the other happenings in 1980 here.
The CWGC's gardeners in Normandy have offered to place a tribute next to the headstone of each grave or at the foot of the Bayeux Memorial in response to individual requests from those wishing to pay homage. We have a list of Gunners that previously served with the 15th (Vancouver) Coast Brigade RCA and would like to ensure that we take a moment to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice that they gave to Canada. The following names were submitted. Lest we forget! K25139, Sergeant Claude Everly Rogers, while serving with the 3rd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Bretteville-sur-Laize Canadian Military Cemetery – France K17066, Bombardier Robert Dixon Spring, while serving with the 6th Field Regiment, Bretteville-sur-Laize Canadian Military Cemetery - France K15182, Bombardier Gordon George Sheldon, while serving with the 3rd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Bretteville-sur-Laize Canadian Military Cemetery – France Lieutenant Edward Frank Mantle, while serving with the 5th Anti-Tank Regiment, Beny-sur-Mer Canadian Military Cemetery - France A couple more photos from the 1 July display in Gastown have recently been emailed from Maj (ret'd) Peter Moogk. I can identify Lieutenant Leo Kung, Sergeant Clif John and Corporal Beth Reid. Can you put a name to some of the other faces? Check out the other photos here!
September 2024