One hundred years ago on 14 October 1917
31st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, Canadian Expeditionary Force was a sub-unit of the 9th Canadian Field Artillery Brigade in the 3rd Canadian Division. The 9th Brigade war diary records: The brigade pulled out on time and as the weather had cleared up the march was made under better conditions and the men became more cheerful. A stop was made about noon at ST. VENANT to water the horses and feed the men after which we very little shelter for the men, tents had to be put up. Operation Order #110-3 was issued here in referring to the continuation of the march on the next day. 3rd Canadian Divisional Artillery war diary records: March was continued in accordance with O.O. 137-2 and March Table. 5th Canadian Siege Battery, Canadian Artillery, Canadian Expeditionary Force was a sub-unit of 1st Canadian Heavy Artillery Group. Their war diary records: Fired 9 Rounds on S.O.S Lines Lens Sector at R(?) 21 a 25.51. and 15 Rounds S.O.S. Lines M(?)ericourt Sector at ?.4 b 9.8. 1st Canadian Heavy Artillery Group war diary records: This period was very quiet. ? programs of harassing fire and night ? were carried out. General Officer Commanding, Royal Artillery, Canadian Corps war diary records: LILLERS - Resting at LILLERS. 15th Field Artillery Regiment RCA perpetuates the following sub units: 31st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, Canadian Expeditionary Force, 5th Canadian Siege Battery, Canadian Artillery, Canadian Expeditionary Force, 68th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, North Russia Expeditionary Force, was not authorized to be formed until 3 August 1918, and 85th Battery, Canadian Siberian Expeditionary Force was not authorized to be formed until 12 July 1918. |
January 2025