One hundred years ago on 24 July 1917
31st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, Canadian Expeditionary Force was a sub-unit of the 9th Canadian Field Artillery Brigade in the 3rd Canadian Division. The 9th Brigade war diary records: After 9.00 p.m. the Batteries were withdrawn to the wagon lines. A March Table was issued for the move to the new sector. Wagon Lines are to be at LE BREBIS and the gun positions, which have been under preparation, are in the vicinity of LOS CRASSIER. 3rd Canadian Divisional Artillery war diary records: CHATEAU DE LA HAIE – In accordance with O.O.120, D/18 and D/5 batteries were transferred from 3rd C.D.A. control to Counter Battery Group, and on the withdrawal of CARSCALLEN’S Group their zone was taken over by RALSTON’S Group and the 3rd Brigade C.F.A. Visibility poor all day. Both sides were quiet during day, but more activity than usual was reported during night, principally on the part of enemy artillery which shelled our approaches nearly all night. Ammunition Expended. A:642. AX 277. BX 502. BCBR.124 Guns in Action. 83 - 18.pdrs. 37- 4.5”How. 5th Canadian Siege Battery, Canadian Artillery, Canadian Expeditionary Force was a sub-unit of 1st Canadian Artillery Group. Their war diary records: FIELD - From 12noon to 5pm fired 250 rounds on Hostile Battery NX34 at N11a20.35 with aeroplane observation. Obtained satisfactory results. 8.15pm to 9.40pm fired 90 rounds on Hostile Battery NZ99 at N22a9.0. Orders from Counter battery Group. At midnight fired 18 rounds rapid on MOYELLES. 1st Canadian Heavy Artillery Group war diary records: Cabaret Rouge – Congratulatory letter received from Brigadier Lippset, G.O.C. 3rd. Canadian Division expressing appreciation of our co-operation on previous nights raid. General Officer Commanding, Royal Artillery, Canadian Corps war diary records: In the Field - WEATHER:- Warm – hazy. The 15th Field Artillery Regiment RCA perpetuates the following sub units: 31st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, Canadian Expeditionary Force, 5th Canadian Siege Battery, Canadian Artillery, Canadian Expeditionary Force, 68th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, North Russia Expeditionary Force, was not authorized to be formed until 3 August 1918, and 85th Battery, Canadian Siberian Expeditionary Force was not authorized to be formed until 12 July 1918. |
January 2025