Added new names to the nominal roll. There are no 2,500 names of members, past and present. The new names are: Dean, Byron Edward; Decoste, Raymond Glen; Dickerson, Michael R; Dixon, Richard Edward Dorval, Marcel; Dougall, Graeme Bruce; Duncan, Ricky Douglas; Dutka, Richard John; Eastham, Gregory Warren; Eckersley, Steve; Ennig, Erwin; Eden, Mark Robert Charles; Evans, Edward Morgan; Evans, Richard Alan; Evans, Vaughan Maxwell; Everett, Clinton Guy; Everett, Michael Andrew; Farquharson, J; Feldstein, Morry David; Ferris, Wesley William; Fischer, William Ernest; Fish, Robert William; Fisher, George Leonard; Fitzsimmons, Roy William; Fleming, Thomas Charles; Fletcher, Kenneth Stanley; Ford, Ian George; Ford, Russell Grant; Foster, Joseph Donald; Fairlie, John Frederick; Falletta, Antonio; Gallagher, Stephen Neil; Gaspar, Jose Manuel Dias; Gelmich, Howard George; Gerard, Robert Wayne; Geub, Robert; Gibney, Denis Alexander; Giffen, Martin Frederick McAlpine; Goertz, Steven Burton; Gray, Brian James; Gregg, Tim Bryce; Grover, Roger William ; Hanna, Vincent George; Harrison, Phillip Clair; Hebert, Daniel Edward; Hebert, Ronald Brett; Heidrich, George Ambrose; Hoffman, Dale Patrick; Holloway, Pamela Carol; Holme, Donald R; Horan, John Steven Gregory; Hunt, Randal Dean; Hutchinson, Brent James; Hyatt, Martin Delorre; Ip, Kim Lung; Ius, Timothy Ryan Leo; Jackman, Brian Jones; Jang, Angus; Jansen, Peter Lucas; Joe, Marie; Johal, Sukhvinder Singh; Jolin, John Richard; Jones, David Arthur Jones, Gareth David; Kalashnikoff, Ulia; Kazmark, Gilen Edmund Alfred; Kelly, Terrence Lee; Kempe, Norman Lester; Kenny, Ryan Lee; Kennedy, Noell Lewis; Kern, Michael Arthur Conrad; Kinar, Linda Gaye; King, Lynda Margaret; Kinney, Catherine Joyce; Klingbeil, Maryanne; Knoesel, Larry Robert; Korn, Leslie Anthony; Kozlowski, Mark Andrew; Kraemer, Sonya; Kwok, Michael Tai-Kee; Laliberte, Frank Jules; Lau, Kerry; Lehtonen, Allan Eric; Lewis, Kathryn Ann; Li, Nelson Pui; Lim, Yoohni; Lindgaard, Craig Alan Harold; Littler, Christopher Harry; Lo, Jason; Logan, William James; Louie, Charlie Youn; Luc, Alan Alfred; Ly, Lan Doc; Madl, Peter Josef; MacDonell, James George; MacEachern, John Wayne; Macfarlane, Bruce Roy; Macrae, Elizabeth Maureen; Magnuson, Kevin Joel; Maharaj, Nandeo Is your name in there? Did I get your information correct? I've also added the following photos to the nominal roll section as well as updating some of the information on other former members. Am I missing your photo? Send me one! Have I inadvertently placed personal information of yours on line that you don't approve of? Please accept my apologies and contact me at [email protected] and I’ll have it removed
February 2025