During the Second World War Battery Sergeant Major Sidney James Boyte, MM of the 58th Battery, 15th (Vancouver) Coast Regiment, RCA NPAM wore the Military Medal and bar. These were awarded for his service with thee 72nd Battalion in the First World War. His citation reads:
For conspicuous gallantry during the Operations against the enemy’s trench SOUTH EAST of SOUCHEZ from April 9th, to 13th 1917. This man was a member of a bombing squad and took command after his N.C.O. had become a casualty. He led his squad, under terrific fire, and at a critical point, when subjected to cross machine gun fire, he dashed ahead, crying out to his men to come along, and by his courageous example rallied those in his vicinity and reached his objective, where he was badly wounded. This man was previously recommended for immediate reward for splendid work in an operation the enemy S.E. of Souchez, in which this Battalion took part on March 1st last. All the Officers, and all but 14 other ranks of this man’s company were casualties. It is considered that he is fully deserving of an immediate award. Check out the Military Medal page here. |
January 2025