We've now reached 2,000 names in the nominal roll! Here's the latest additions: Aley, George Frederick; Allwood, Patrick Vine; Aubin, JR; Bakewell, Milton Berle; Ballam, Thomas Clive; Barker, CW; Beaver, Clarence Frank; Bell, William Henry; Bellefontaine, Auguste James; Bennett, Robert Walter; Berard, C; Billington, Peter Wade; Bishop, CP; Black, Edward Daniel; Blake, Graham Carl; Bodnarchuk, Henry Robert; Bond, Roderick Munro; Brown, Franklin Keith; Bunnett, Robert Edward; Burr, Raymond Victor; Bushell, Norman Frank; Butterfield, Norman Albert; Caloren, Richard Kenneth; Campbell, John Morrow; Chatwin, Alfred William; Christensen, ML; Christensen, W; Cooper, Malcolm Robert; Crawford, John Kenneth; Cross, Harold Ernest; Davies, Arthur Ronald; Dick, Francis Raymond; Dickson, Robert Walter; Downs, Charles William; Dunwell, WR; Fawcett, J; Fielding, Howard Anthony; Fisher, Austin Ernest; Flack, Peter Reid; Ford, James Frederick; Frame, Douglas Frederick; Gibbs, John Drury; Gibbs, Wilbert Darl; Giesbrecht, Edward Arthur; Gillanders, Ian McRae; Gosselin, Raymond Alexander; Grant, Douglas Peter; Gray, Walter Blair; Gunn, Frank James; Hallman, Ian Leonard; Hamilton, Thomas Howard; Harris, Charles Raymond; Hatton, Gerard Frederick; Histed, RG; Hood, Robert Burt; Ingram, James William; Johnson, Norman Frank; Knight, Arthur Anatole; Larter, Raymond Alexander; Lawton, David Arthur; Lee, Jack; Leighton, John Ward; Linden, Harold David; Lindsay, SA; Lochrie, DL; Lochriff, Donald Llewellyn; Loewen, Charles Barnard; MacDonald, Glenn Sutherland; MacDonald, Robert William; Mackie, James William; Mapleton, DH; Marlor, Lloyd; Marshall, RH; Mason, Geoffrey Pliny; McCann, Phyllis Irene; McElheron, James; McManus, Robert Charles; Mihaiachuk, Harold; Miller, Floyd Charles; Moore, Edward; Morgan, Victor Oliver; Nagle, Edmund James Barry; Neufeld, Henry; Niven, Gordon Duncan; Nurcombe, Anthony Louis; O'Brien, John Adrian; Parker, EB; Petersen, Kenneth Louis; Petrie, Phillip Conrad; Price, George Henry; Reed, William Hill; Romeo, Joseph Albert Gerhardt; Salmon, Ginger Edward; Scribner, R; Singh, Sadu Serdara; St John, Anthony Philip; Stacey, Alexander; Stewart, Harold James Wesly; Tanner, GE; Theriau, Lemuel Edgar; Trimble, Gary John; Turnbull, Michael Wade; Vogel, William Martin; Walker, Pauline Margaret; Walsh, Charles William; Watt, John Archibald; Westgate, Hugh Donald; Whelan, John Hugh; Wiles, Norman Gordon; Wiles, William Garnett; Wilson, Margaret Duthie; Wortley, John Robert Are you related to any of these former soldiers? Have you got any additional information that we could include in the nominal roll? Do you have any photographs that we could scan for our yearbook? Wanted! Medal spotters!
I have been delinquent in posting individual's awards as shown in their various portraits that are posted with their bios. It would be much appreciated if you could take note of any discrepancy you see and drop me a line so I can amend the records. |
September 2024