I had the great honour of being asked to provide a presentation last night on the two World Wars and the participation of the 15th Field Artillery Regiment RCA in those conflicts. The powerpoint slides from the two presentations have now been uploaded on our references page. There are no notes attached to the presentations but you may find them of interest regarding the weapons used by our perpetuated batteries during World War I and the locations of 15th (Vancouver) Coast Brigade RCA during World War II. I find the "Lest we forget" page in the presentations the most memorable at this time of the year. I am still in the process of discovering more former members that fell in the line of duty and they will be added to the nominal roll as they are found. If you happen to find yourself on a visit to Europe, please take a copy of those pages and pay a visit to their grave sites. They deserve no less. I have also included the list of members that I have found that were awarded the Military Cross or the Military Medal for their brave deeds during the war. This list is growing fast! This morning I discovered Bombardier Oswald Reid of the 31st Battery. He was awarded the Military Medal and two bars to that medal!
September 2024