5th Canadian Siege Battery Apl 11th - At Noon we fired 40 Rounds on Vimy Station in T19d 92.80. and then switched to La Chaudiere firing 20 Rounds into this place. A very good shoot on Hostile Battery S26 at S12d 49.15 was carried out during the afternoon by aeroplane observation. 199 Rounds were fired, the airman reporting that three gun-pits were totally destroyed and two other badly damaged. 100 Rounds were fired into BLIGHTY TRENCH and 78 on roads in S18a. During the night we fired 96 Rounds in an intense bombardment on houses and North West portion of T19a. S4d 0.9 to S4b 0.1 tp S11a 9.3 ½. 31st Battery, 9th Brigade April 11th - The enemy Artillery has at last apparently recovered from his hasty retirement and is in action again. For the first time since our capture of the RIDGE, he has shown aggressiveness. For two hours this afternoon our front line in S.29.b., S.23.c., and S.23.1., was heavily shelled with 77mm., 4.1., and 5.9s. For this shelling we vigorously retaliated on BLOATER and FLOWER TRENCHES. A number of hostile batteries were located by our F.O.O.s to-day and promptly reported to the Counter Battery Group and took them on and in the instances obtained direct hits, Addenda The 32nd & 33rd Btys moved to advanced positions in A.2.c to-night. 58th Battery, 14th Brigade
April 11th - A small skeleton scheme in conjunction with Inf. was worked out today. |
September 2024